The Civil war, one of the biggest wars fought on American soil. The battle was between the North and the South. There were many causes which led to this war. Due to these causes it led to a lot of tension and separation between the nation. The nation split into two groups the Union and the Confederacy. The North was all Union which had no slavery except for the border states which were Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, and Kentucky. The ideas which led to the Civil war was sectionalism, slavery, and expansion.
Sectionalism was a big cause which led to the Civil War. In the Fugitive Slave Act any slave which escaped from their masters and were captured must be sent back to their masters. This was one of the laws created with the compromise of 1850.
The first main cause of the Civil War was conflict between the North and the South about their slavery ideals. The North and the South had exceedingly different ideals about slavery. The South was a very hardworking section of the country, and they
Slavery makes people that are confident and people that think they can do anything, make them feel like they can't do anything and make them not confident.
In the 1860s there was a war between the North and South otherwise known these two groups were known as the Union and the Confederates. This war was called the civil war, reasons of its occurrence may seem simple but there was complex reasoning that led to the occurence of the civil war. These events could include slavery, economic differences, and cultural differences. Many believe that the only cause for the civil war was slavery but there was much that went into the beginning of the civil war. It started as differences between their economies which include industrialization in the North and agricultural in the South. Then these differences evolved into different opinions on culture and politics. The final tipping point into the civil war
The Civil war was a battle between the South and North because of their differences between the free and slave states and the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that aren’t states. This war was sparked when Abraham Lincoln was elected president of
The Civil War was caused by the economics of slavery and the political control of that system, specifically being states’ rights on the federal powers of the government, the territorial expansion of the united states that led to the division of the two sides, and the election of President Abraham Lincoln which was the final event that sent the nation to war.
There were many events that led to the civil war. Slavery was a big issue in the 1800s which led to small civil wars within our own country. The battle of Fort Sumter was the last battle leading to the civil war. Also the election angered many states created the Union and confederacy sides also causing the civil war.
The American Civil War, the most terrifying and horrific war fought in America. In the 1860 presidential election Republicans were led by Abraham Lincoln who did not support slavery at all. even though he had slaves, he did not like it and he opposed the expansion of slavery in the US territories. The problem was that the seven slave states with cotton-based economics needed their slaves to keep their economy up and running, so they formed the Confederacy. These first 7 states to secede had a 48.8% population of slaves. President James Buchanan and the Republicans rejected secession as illegal. The remaining 8 slave states rejected the call for secession. A peace conference was arranged but failed to find a compromise and both sides prepared for war. The South was very angry with the north because they felt as if they were taking away their state rights, The Southern Position that citizens of every states did have the right to take their property anywhere in the U.S. and not have it taken away. Specifically their slaves. But Northerners rejected this right because it would violate the right of a free state. This did not make the South happy, and for the North taking away their rights and trying to end slavery, the Confederate was formed and this is what started the deadly war.
The Civil War, the bloodiest war in American History, had many causes that turned brother against brother. The issue of slavery was the largest conflict between the north and the south. The south was upset with many things such as Slavery, government, and legislative issues. All these conflicts eventually led to secession, and the horrific war began.
The 1850 's were a turbulent time in American history. The North and South were seeing total different views on the issue of slavery. The North saw slavery as immoral and that it was unconstitutional. The south on the other hand saw slavery as their right. The South viewed African Americans as lower human beings which justified slavery. "The 1850 's was a time of attempted compromise when compromise was no longer possible." This quote best describes this time period, because Americans were trying to compromise their views to prevent a large conflict, but there were many events which made a compromise impossible.
Sectional conflict between the North and South was the very platform of the birth of the Civil War. Slavery was a prominent dispute that played a large role in the differences throughout the U.S. at this time, but there were other causes as well including economic and social differences and the election of Abraham Lincoln. In the midst of various events in the 1850s, it was the southern secession that began the true separation of the Union and the Confederacy, which showed the reality and quickness of the arrival of the Civil War in the United States.
The civil war was mainly sparked by tensions between the north and the south. Both sides rarely agreed on topics and could never make a compromise. Slavery was a big reason for the start of the civil war, but the causes don’t end there. Although some may say that political or economic reasons started the civil war between the north and the south, political reasons were the real cause. This is because of important decisions made by the government, and the south seceding.
In 1860, the world 's greatest nation was locked in Civil War. The war divided the country between the North and South. There were many factors that caused this war, but the main ones were the different interpretations of the Constitution by the North and South, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the arrival of
In 1861, a Civil War broke out in the United States when the South declared their independence from the Union. There is a great amount of reasons that people can argue how the Civil War was started. However, what most people don’t understand, is that most of the events leading up to the Civil War were related to slavery. Slavery was the core of the North and South’s conflict, which led to a very vicious feud.
Generally, it is thought to be the South’s fault for causing the Civil War. Contrary to popular belief, the Civil War was mainly provoked by the North; through using the federal government to overtake the South, removing slavery which would destroy Southern economy, and creating the moral issue of slavery. The North was the primary reason for the start of a war that ripped our country apart.
The causes of the Civil War were complex and have been controversial since the country began. Some causes include; states’ rights, economics, and slavery. The most recognizable and popular cause is slavery. The freeing of the slaves was an important moral issue at the time and one of the greatest causes of the civil war. "It was only by carefully avoiding the moral issue involved in slavery that Northerners and Southerners could meet on any common ground." (Goldston, 79). The time came in which our great country would finally address the moral issue of slavery. Although there are many different causes to the American Civil War, the main cause was slavery because other causes are rooted in the issue of slavery.