
What Makes A Baby Boomer?

Decent Essays

Today, there are many Baby Boomers that live in the world. Most of these people have impacted a lot of people currently. This is because of many things they have introduced to us and or gave us. There are many people that can be shown to be very important to our culture and or history, but first of all, what is a baby boomer?

During the end of World War Two, there was a so called “baby boom”, and this had influenced many different countries. But, it mostly it affected western countries during the time. So, a Baby Boomer was someone born during this baby boom. This ranged from the time of 1946 to 1964, which 18 years is quite a long time.

Since we know what baby boomers are, they are a very huge impact on todays society. To give example, they make impacts economically, Socially, and also Psychologically. There are many different reasons for this, and they are easy to understand exactly the impact they make on our daily lives.

One of the biggest Baby Boomers out there is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs has impacted us in many ways, but one of the things that he has impacted is economics and society. He was one of the biggest people to make us more social and nonsocial. It depends usually on the consumer, but he has made us social with the invention of his Iphones, which has made us more connected with the outside world. But, it had made us less social with people around us.

He has impacted economy, for the fact that Steve Jobs had started one of the biggest

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