Majoring in business can be quite amusing because your able to work in almost any business whether it’s in the stock market industry, fashion industry, Design industry, or even technology industry. So why study business? Well there are many different business degrees to choose from, offering different benefits and specializations to people with different career goals and people who are also developing at different stages. I believe that business people always strive for being transparent because no business person likes to be duped or surprised. When a person in the business industry plan goes wrong; they must admit and try again. In other words, say what you do and do what you say. It’s important that you learn from your mistakes. That …show more content…
Apple’s navigation on their products (IPhone, IPad, Apple Watch, and MacBook Pro) is just so simple and it’s not confusing at all because it looks all the same on every product. When it’s your first time owning an Apple product, yes it can be confusing at first however, you become addicted to it. I really enjoy how everything is connected through ITunes. All of my messages, pictures, and notes are in every device making it less stressful for me because I can easily pull anything up. Also Apple released Apple Music about a year or two ago. It’s way better thank Spotify and any other music stream. Its $9.99 monthly but if you’re a student you get a discount which drops down to $4.99 monthly. Apple has ventured in software’s and of producing the famous multimedia software’s and iLife. Apple’s products are defiantly more expensive than Microsoft. A MacBook goes for about $999.00 Starting without taxes. If any of your apple products get damaged, you can’t just have anyone fix it. Most likely have to go to the Apple store to get it fixed and if you don’t have warranty or insurance you’ll have to pay out of pocket. Trust me it’s not cheap. “Our vision is to create innovative technology that is accessible to everyone and that adapts to each person 's needs. Accessible technology eliminates barriers for people with disabilities and it enables individuals to take full advantage of their capabilities." released by Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft Corporation.
Early in their career, many people find it difficult to nail down a specific area of focus. They may be interested in a lot of things, including owning a business or managing a business. As a result, a general business degree makes sense. Instead of wasting valuable time enrolling in school as undecided, they can spend their
Each day we find ourselves more and more reliant on technology. Our dependence on computers and smart phones has naturally produced some major advancement in technology. Though both exciting and liberating, major advancements in technology have also produced some unforeseen consequences. People with disabilities, for example, have increasingly faced barriers to access and enjoy the same technology we often take for granted every day. In 1998, the US Congress sought to alleviate this problem by amending the Rehabilitation Act. Specifically, Congress enacted Section 508, requiring Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities.
I am interested in the business major because I plan on using what I will have learned in this major putting it toward what I want to do in my future, whether it be continuing on my dad’s business or starting something of my own. I have been around it all of my life with my dad owning two concrete businesses, I know what it is like to have a career in business. From growing up around it and eventually working for my dad I have learned the effort, time and dedication it takes. Those are reasons why I want to go into a major in business, because those are all traits that I have and that would really help for me to succeed.
What is the corporation’s social responsibility? Many might say the main idea is that a corporation must go further than carrying out their basic function of purely making profits. A corporation must create wealth in ways that avoid under minding society, and instead enrich the society it operates in. The term “corporate social responsibility” has been defined in numerous ways; from the constricted economic perception of increasing stockholder wealth (Friedman, 1962), to economic, legal, ethical and flexible strands of accountability (Carroll, 1979) to good corporate social responsibility to citizens (Hemphill, 2004). These disparities differ from fundamental assumptions of what corporate social responsibility involves. However, one has to keep in mind that the CEO of any corporation is legally the agent of the stockholder, and must focus on what the shareholder wants. More often than not, the shareholder would prefer profits for individual gain rather than spending their money on social projects. Stakeholder groups have increased their influence to enact their agendas. Using profits to fund schools and partake in fixing the environment are all great and wonderful things, but this social tax of using profits for social ends projects goes entirely against democracy. Or does it? Who should truly be held responsible for stakeholders around the corporation? Is it the responsibility of the government, philanthropists, employees, its
Introduction to Management Science, 10e (Taylor) Chapter 16 Inventory Management 1) Independent demand items are used internally to produce a final product. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 744 Main Heading: Elements of Inventory Management Key words: dependent demand items 2) Dependent demand items are final products demanded by an external customer.
Hey Brianna! I think you have made some great points about Apple, and i have learned a few things from your post. I am also a huge apple fan I have a Macbook and an Iphone, but my liking for Apple has changed after some recent events. Apple has recently been sued for false storage space which is a bit concerning seen as you play around 200-400 dollars for an Iphone, it has been proven that a 16GB Iphone 6, actually has only about 13GB of space because 3 of those GB have been taken by the operating system and pre-installed apps. The lawsuit has also charged Apple with a Machiavellian strategy, that would cause people to buy iCloud for extra storage. This is false advertising which is against the law, and has made me think a little less highly
6) Pricing- Setting prices is a critical decision in implementing a retail strategy because prices are a critical component in customers’ perceived value. In setting prices, retailers consider the price sensitivity of customers in their target market, the cost of the merchandise and services offered competitive prices and legal restrictions.
What comes to people’s mind when they hear the word “Apple”? First thing they will think of is iPhone, that’s how popular Apple company is. Even though Apple products are trendy and famous nowadays, they still need to let people know how good their product is. To be able to achieve that, they advertise their product through television, social media, and many more. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. iPhone 7, Apple watch series 2, and Mac Book Pro are the three new and improved products of Apple. iPhone 7 significantly enhances the most important parts of the iPhone experience. It introduces progressed new camera systems. The best battery life ever in an iPhone. Immersive stereo
Once again Apple has been the first to the market when it comes to new features such as the touch screen, which has helped to keep its competition at arms length. Like all other Apple products, the smartphone is seen by many consumers in the industry as fashionable and a must have. Also Apple’s online music store support has also been a huge lift to its smartphones, as consumers can download music and thousands of applications.
Apple Incorporated, formerly known as Apple Computers Incorporated, and more commonly known just as Apple, has lead the way in technology and innovation for consumer electronics with their slender storage capacities, vibrant displays, and incredible touch screen products. When they first started, their focus was more on personal computers for customers, but as the company has aged, so has their focus expanded towards this idea of consumer electronics as a whole. Seeing as they now offer popular devices including, but not limited to, computers (Mac Book), home theater (Apple TV), phones (iPhone), tablets (iPad), and media (iPod), it can clearly be
Putting your foot into the business world gives you access to many opportunities and helps you gain access into Corporate America. Being a business major not only gives you an advantage but it also opens many doors for different careers. Business has many different branches ranging from management, finance, marketing, etc/and the list goes on. Taking on a certain career you should be aware of not only the salary, but their everday objective to see if it best fits you.
Providing tools to help employees with disabilities- Putting in physical, technological and attitudinal accessibility will help business increase productivity among workers with disabilities, and Improve and expand its customer base to people with disabilities by eliminating barriers that may prevent or deter them from accessing the services and products
In a world full of different jobs and opportunities, there are many questions that are raised when trying to figure out a major and what to earn a degree in in college. Which will be the most helpful? Will this major and degree be worth it in the long run? Which do employers look for? Is there one degree that will help in many different fields? However, there may be an answer to all of these questions. Get a business degree. But oftentimes, the biggest question is, "Will a business degree really be worth it after graduation?" Most people are afraid that because a business degree does not necessarily apply to one specific job field, that they will not be able to find a job unless they have special skills that make them stand out. And what if
I have chosen to do my research in small business. I want to know what it takes to build a successful business. What are the skills needed to start a new business? What are some of the steps to building a business model and plan? I am working on getting my degree in business. I am a general manager and will be soon help the company expand in opening two new stores in the next few months. This is something that is exciting to be able to expand the brand. This experience will help me when I am ready to own my own business. I know a small business is a big responsibility. As an owner, one has to dedicate lots of time and money to grow the brand and create customer loyalty. I know that simply being in love with an idea or product produced is not enough to survive in the business world. What are the key elements of a successful business? I want to learn more about creating a successful business plan and the logistics it takes to start a small business. I want to learn as much as possible about becoming an entrepreneur.