
What Makes A Friendship?

Decent Essays

If flattery is disguised and mistaken as virtue, and flattery is not virtuous because it is insincere. Than sincerity must be a determining factor of what is just. Aristotle claims in Nicomachean Ethics, that flattery is a vice. He claims that Friendship however, is a virtuous act. The act of friendship cannot take place without a mutual feeling of goodwill between both parties.
Goodwill is required in each of the three types of friendship. Its application is necessary in order to turn an acquaintance into a friend. Once befriended, goodwill is required to a lesser extent in order to keep the friendship aflame. In relationships of pleasure and utility, goodwill is still required but in a smaller capacity. However, in a relationship of goodness, goodwill is appealing and absolutely necessary in order for its existence.
Aristotle gives a much looser definition of a friend than I do. I contest that a friendship of utility should not be considered as such. Although a friendship of utility consists of mutual respect and a small amount of goodwill, the driving forces are egoistic in nature. The participants in these relationships look only at the benefit to oneself and their intentions are not pure.
A friendship of pleasure is stronger than one of utility and consists of more goodwill. It is for this reason that I consider it valid as opposed to a friendship of utility. Although it is still egoistic in nature, it differs from a relationship of utility because it requires genuine

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