
What Makes A Prisoner's Life At Alcatraz

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A prisoner's life at Alcatraz was different and more strict than other prisons. The inmates were allowed out of their cells from 7:20 am until 5:30 pm also, the inmates may be searched at any time during the day. They also followed very strict rules. Here are some of the rules, no trading, gambling, selling, giving, or loading your personal property or government property to other inmates. Any loafing, loitering, visiting, or unauthorized absence from work will result in disciplinary action, and may result in loss of your job, and withholding of, or forfeiture of, good time. You are not allowed to have any kind of currency/money while you are inside the institution. Anything found on your person, or in your cell, or at your workplace, which was not officially issued to you, or officially approved and purchased by you, and …show more content…

He, along with 3 of his fellow inmates, were the ones that made the great escape. The four gentlemen who made the escape, had to make makeshift tools to aid in their escape. Some of the tools they made, aided in our explosion of aquatic research and breakthroughs with items such as, blow up rafts, paddles, and life vests. The perpetrators tricked the officers by putting paper mache heads made with real hair and flesh colored paint in their beds. When the guards came by for night check, they thought that there were actual people in their beds. They escaped through the vent in one escapee’s cell and stored all the equipment above the cell block. They made the escape, but it is still unclear if they succeeded or not, because they found life vests and an inflatable raft on shore of the bay. They also found a dead body floating up in the waters of the bay. It is still unclear if that was him because a man jumped off the Golden Gate bridge in an attempt to kill himself that same day. The world will never find out if they survived the

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