College is Stressful
College is pretty fun, easy, and does not compare to the amount of homework given in high school, so it’s not that stressful. However, that is only for the first couple weeks, before the first midterms. Once the midterms begins, the rest of the term is going to be really stressful, as there is not much of a break in between every midterm, unless you are one of the few who just naturally do really well on every exam by barely studying. Those are people who I “look” up to, I want to be like that one day, pass every exam by barely studying. Anyhow, due to the high amount of stress each of the exams create because of the fact that they are worth the majority of a student's grade, does not make it a fair comparison for many.
What stresses me out about college is the overwhelming school assignment? Using the techniques of breaking down assignment in smaller section and spend 1 to 2 hrs. after class to complete your school assignment it less stressful.
In a study at a Midwestern university whose participants varied in age, sex, their year in school, major etc., it was reported that the top four sources that cause stress in college students are from a change in sleeping habits, change in eating habits, the academic challenge of school work, and new responsibilities. Freshman specifically is more prone to this stress because of the new transition into the college lifestyle. Starting out as a freshman and already having a mindset of having too many responsibilities can set up a student to be unsuccessful right off the bat. They are not used to being away from home and being independent. They have never been held to the high
The first strategy for coping with my stress is exercise. I try my best to exercise regularly and keep myself in the routine for physical relief.
College pressures dominate our lives. They begin to levitate around us and slowly derail our lives. William Zinsser elaborates about the college pressures that modern generations are facing. He reveals multiple commonalities that the typical college student encounters on a daily basis. Zinsser states, “They want a map-right now-that they can follow unswervingly to career security, financial security, social security, and presumably, a prepaid grave” (12). He is spot on, the pressures demand my attention and won’t take no for an answer. So far I’ve gone head to head with these pressures every day since I started my freshman year in college. For the time that I’ve been here, my mind is overwhelmed and distraught with the amount of stress that gets piled on top of me every single day. I drown in these unrealistic expectations written in those faulty suggestion bars about how to be successful in college and college 101 tips. College pressures surround me like a dull gray cloud. It showers me with expectations and unfinished checklists. College itself is similar to carpooling to hell and back, but with no actual guarantee with a ride back.
There is not many who would say college isn’t without its high amount of stress. There are more responsibilities that many do not have a clue as to how to handle. The level of learning is much higher therefore more challenging. There are other factors such as scholarships based on academic performance or athletic performances. Which has lots of inner implications to go along with it. There is the housing issue. The particular college I studied has dorm rooms with adjoining restrooms and less than 300 square feet for around $1000 a month. This coupled with lots of other people invading your space makes for stressful times.
While the years in collage can be both enjoyable and educational they can also be stressful. In fact, there are causes why collage life can be stressful and these are a few I came up with. The first one is students are disorganized, and they don’t organize what their priories are. This is a big problem for me for example, when I choose to go out with my friends instead of doing my school work. Another cause is work load. Many new students don’t realize collage isn’t like high school, where there is less work and teachers aren’t telling you to turn your work in. And finally there is no balance for example when a student spends too much time studying that they end up not having a social life which also causes stress. Overall these are the causes
be very stressful for some. It is noted “that the demands of college are strenuous and include
Academic pressure is something else that can cause a student stress in college. Students from all over gather to go to college, all trying to pass and make it into their program and succeed. They might see someone who is trying to make it into the same program as they are, studying more, and working just a little bit harder. So with that being done, the other person needs to study even more and even harder. According to College Pressures by William Zinsser; “Part of the problem is that they do more than they are expected to do.”
Stress is unavoidable, no matter the situation, location, or time; stress is always present. Stress is found in higher levels during the duration in which students attend college. It is predictably higher among college students, freshmans in particular, because of the extreme expectations set upon them by their parents and, of course, society. The need to please their parents, longing for success in life, and being able to sustain a reasonable income in the future, all of which falls into the hands of college students who are making critical decisions which may decide the outcome for a large portion of their lives. If these students end up hating their future jobs, the stress of having to go back into college to study for a new career
Entering college can be overwhelming considering that most things have changed. Change is difficult as it can be a challenge to adapt to a new way of living. Going to college you most commonly move out of your home with your parents to live on your own. This can be hard owing to learn how to be independent. Meaning you need to most likely get a job as well as managing your classes and even finding time to socialize and make new friends. Such responsibility can make people feel vulnerable and so can lead to stress. The way that people react to stress is very different. Some people react to stress in a negative way by turning to alcohol, developing a habit of self-harm, and compulsive eating/shopping. To avoid going to college with no idea of what is to come I took the College/Life Success class to help me prepare
The most obvious stressor that comes with the life of a college student are their grades. Since students are transitioning from living at home to living on their own, they don’t have anyone to remind them to do their homework or check their grades. This is significant to students for many reasons. As Zinsser said “The transcript has become a sacred document, the passport to security.”(450). Nowadays there are rigorous graduate programs that run a tight ship making sure only the best of the best get in. “A is for Admirable and B is for Borderline...”(Zinsser 450).
I am the first semester student and I know I have many challenges. One challenge that I have is my family responsibility, I am a father of 3 kids and I am the only one who take care of my children taking them to doctor office for appointment, school conference with teachers , buying cloth, groceries, taking kids for recreation, keeping them happy and smile on their face. Meanwhile I am also full time employee the expectation is so high due to current job market is so tough and must maintain high standard of customer service and focus on my job to have food on the table for my family, paying for insurance, car payment, rent, electricity water all these financial issue that I am facing I must maintain my job to live
When attending college majority of all students experience some kind of stressor no matter how old. For the young kids who may have the privilege to go to college straight out of high school think they got it good and don’t have any worries. They have it wrong, especially coming straight out of high school kids have the stress of making sure grades are maintained with excellence which should be in connection with career aspirations. Other stressors for some who having to deal with high cost for tuition, having a job while in school, fitting in with new people and the stress of finding a career job after collage. As for the students who chose to attend college later in live with established responsibilities stressors are a little more demanding.
College years are deemed to be the best years of life. However , they often turn out to be more stressful and overwhelming than enjoyable. Students search high and low for “hacks” to get through college. Some may swear by highly-caffeinated drinks and ninety-nine cent meals, but those who have graduated at the top of the class have revealed a different key to success. These “pro-level” students have mastered time management, study management, and stress management; the skills necessary to make any college year a successful one.
One of the things that make me stress about college is the homework. Whenever I have several assignments do the same day I tend to stressed out. However, I have been working on my time management. Time management has allowed me to complete all my assignments before deadline. I would recommend to myself and other students to finish their homework as soon as possible. One of the benefits of finishing homework early is that stress is completely avoided and you will have more leisure time. Holding on to stress can lead to depression, elevated blood pressure, and problems sleeping. Overall, holding on to stress is bad for your wellbeing and should be