If choices were easy to make, well let's just say it would make everything easier. If choices were easy to make than the world would fly by and you wouldn't think twice about it. It would be like a small wind drifting through your hair or a slow and steady stream with no bumpy surprises. But we all know the world ends up to be a big volcano waiting to erupt under your feet in suspicion and awaiting the element of surprise, shaking your body with good and bad choices. It's all about the choices we make and i happen to be in the midst of a hard one. The thing is though i don't like making hard choices just like everyone else because i could possibly make the wrong one. Now choosing sports is hard cause you could be good at many. But what i like to think is that the sport will choice you but that hasn't been in my favor so far. The one thing that keeps me going is the excitement of sports and how they make me feel. I have made many friends i my years of doing sports and i hope to make more. and sometimes i don't know which one likes me or if i like it. I think that cheer has been my favorite sport so far but i love participating in gymnastics and soccer. Cheer has really helped me become who i am i was an amazing cheerleader and an amazing gymnast but i had to choose. I wasn't really good at choosing between two things i …show more content…
I say I know then she suggested I take a couple days to think about it so I did and I came to a conclusion and I said I want to do cheer and so that's what I did and I went back to Blue Grass and I cheered there for eight years and we all were family. My sister decided to stick with gymnastics for a while, then came back to cheer and we both decided to stick with it forever until One day my dad comes home from work saying that we're moving and at that very moment my stomach dropped and my heart pounded through my chest and I could sense the tear about to fall from my face I said why I don't want to
Spending months upon months, week after week, days, hours and seconds, all for one little sport. The sport that fills my heart and love so deeply, cheerleading. Not the school sideline girls that yell and kick, but competitive cheer. In a competitive cheer routine, a team must be able to continuously flip across the floor, jump as fast as rabbits, launch people into the air while still managing to keep them safe, and be sassier than a seven-year-old pageant girl dancing - all of it jam packed into 2 minutes and 30 seconds. It looks like a piece of cake reading it right now and watching it too, but it isn’t. Numerous people have argued about whether cheer is or isn't a sport to me, but that doesn't matter to me. All that matters is having that opportunity to cheer. In my life, competitive cheerleading is the biggest impact on my identity - now and forever.
As a kid I never really found the right sport for me. I tried out different kid of sports , but nothing had been the right fit until I found the world of competitive cheer. I had been very hesitant to join because I thought it was something silly, I had been wrong. Cheerleading will always be one of the best opportunity that I have made.
The government affects my life in countless aspects because it is ridiculously inconsistent in deciding what teenagers can and cannot do. In particular, the government is hugely inconsistent when determining when I can be an adult. The government decides that I can't buy alcohol until I'm 21, but at the same time I can put my life on the line in the military when I'm 18. If I can give my life for the government, I should be able to enter a bar. You ARE an adult when you're 18. There should not be any concessions when convenient to the government's interests. When I become an adult, I should attain all of the rights entitled to being an adult. The government decides what I learn and when I go to school with common core. This is unacceptable
I'll start by saying that my favorite sport was always track in high school. In my opinion track is something that comes naturally to me because I have the understanding that I am here to beat myself and to become a better pole vaulter, not to be better than everyone else. I have learned so many of the valuable pieces of information from track to be a better person in life. In pole vaulting I have been taught to overcome the height that stands in my way, and reach another level. To raise the bar and further my efforts. To become stronger, and faster to reach the next bar. In life there is no limitations that can be placed on me
Although it isit's very typical one might say that they belong in a sport, especially cheerleading, it's what makes me different because of all the experiences I’ve gone through and learned from while in the sport. Like most young adults, I never really had much self-esteem and confidence in myself so I thought that cheerleading could boost that up. I dedicated most of my high school career in this sport in the hopes of me transitioning into a confident woman. However, I didn't only learn how to be confident, I also learned how to take the initiative and speak up for what I believe in. Cheerleading distinguishes me from my peers because of the woman I then became, I was more loud and proud kind of a girl. In my school, cheerleading is the most
There are many reasons to read. You could read for pleasure, to help you in the future or just because it’s good for you! So what are the benefits of reading? That’s where I come in today I’m going to tell you about my top three reasons to read and what makes them so beneficial.
Sports have always been a huge part of my life since I was a little kid. My favorite sport is competition cheer, but I also do school cheer. I started doing school cheer in pewee, but took a break and started back up this year. I tried out for football and basketball cheer and ended up making both teams and school competition. School cheer isn't as fun as competitive, but it was a great way for me to socialize with more people and support our sports teams. I haven't decided if I want to try out for high school cheer, but I think I'll give it a shot. I love competitive cheer more because I love being able to be sassy and not get in trouble. I quit my old cheer team Champion Force and joined a new team this year called Extreme Cheer. I was on
Everyone has different traits and attitudes which makes everyone uniquely them. Not everyone acts the same way or likes all the same things as everyone else. Every person is different in every which way. Here are some of the things that make me unique from everyone else. Things that I am considering for the future are: the first thing I want to accomplish later in the future is to go to college. I am planning to go to college once I have finish all my four years of High School. I have always dreamed of going to college once I graduated from High School. The college that I am planning to attend is either UTSA or Texas A&M. The career path that I am planning on taking later in the future is to become a teacher. Since I was seven years old I
Who is educated and who is not? In today’s world education rules, unlike a few decades ago people could have a career without having a high school diploma, college degree, or some type of certification. Today’s society and jobs are ruled by the high and middle class, which are mostly likely highly well educated people. While the lower class are at the bottom of the barrel. Most likely due to the lack of education. But when it comes down to the topic of who is educated and who is not it can go both ways. Cause no one person is really more educated than the next.
My dog. He is always so loving and comforting when I am sad. He seems to always know when I need to be cheered up. He makes me happy just by doing nothing. I can just look at him and he will perk up and be so happy to see me. Every morning when I get up he always jumps around me and it just brightens my day.
While I was younger, me and my family always did sports. I played soccer, little league baseball, basketball, softball, volleyball, and track starting this year. All of these sports made me happy and joyful. The sports I play, reveal so much about me and the character people can learn from me. I am hardworking, I won't give up on anything through any circumstance. Through a hard practice or game, I will work hard till the end. I am athletic, I
Even though I was really missing being on a team with my sister, and missing gymnastics so I honestly thought that I was going to do gymnastics so I and my sis could be on the same team. So I did and for that year it was great but then I turned four and I really missed cheer so I went back and my mom said stop with the back and forth. My mom made me pick for real and so that's just what I did sadly inside I knew cheer was the one even though my sister didn’t want to do it at the time so I went back to cheer and I did it for eight years in Kentucky then we moved to Kansas and I started cheer back up then I heard about this cool and interesting sport and I was a good tumbler so I would try it, it was fun for awhile but my coaches were mean and I wasn't learning anything so I went to the new cheer gym called MidWest Elite Academy and stuck with
Then came high school and all of a sudden it was clear I had two options. I could somehow try to become one of the cool girls and try my hand at cheerleading, or I could continue to pursue my love of sports. I elected the latter. This choice has left an everlasting mark. Participating in sports as an athlete has enabled me to cultivate knowledge, respect,
Bounded down by chains in our head, lies the truth behind every face. This can be a reality for those who are willing to find themselves, but only if they possess the will for it. In the words of the great Mahatma Gandhi, he wrote "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." The beauty of finding yourself is kept within the natural good feeling of helping others. One can really find him or herself if you are surrounded by those who appreciate what you do. That is how to recognize the inner being of oneself. One cannot find him or herself if remained in isolation from others. It is just like having a team. Without a team, you are but one person, and an accomplishment can be made faster with a
At the age of three my parents decided to put me in gymnastics, I excelled immediately and after a couple months I entered into the pre-competitive program. My love for gymnastics continued and I became a provincially ranked, high level gymnast until the age of fourteen when I shattered my ACL and meniscus in my knee which required surgery. However, my years of gymnastics taught me a great deal of skills that I carry with me to this day. Primarily, I learned exceptional self-discipline, time management, and balance (metaphorically and physically). Gymnastics is exhausting on the body and the mind as you need total cohesion of both to excel. During my peak, I was training five hours per practice, upwards of five days a week and during the summer I would train six hours a day, six days a week. Gymnastics taught me that if you want something badly enough you will work as hard and as long as it takes to reach your goals. After shattering my ACL I pushed to continue training and I competed in my final competition and was the provincial champion on the bars event for my age category. I refused to let this surgery end my career. Six months after the surgery, I joined a competitive cheerleading team who I competed with for three years. Cheerleading was very different for me because it required all of the skills I had learned from gymnastics and on top of that I had to learn how to work with a team. I believe gymnastics is a huge part of who I am and has helped me to become the