Odysseus is a epic hero because he shows the traits of a hero according to the greeks.
What makes Odysseus an epic hero is that he is helped and harmed by the gods,has god like strength,he comes out victorious at the end,very smart,courageous and creative. Odysseus show all these qualities of a epic hero. Through the odyssey in the beginning of the odyssey after he wins the battle in Troy. He shows that he is very courageous by telling the gods that he won the battle of Troy without them which ended up making the gods mad and Poseidon decided to take matters into his own hands and sets Odysseus and his crew off course and bad weather comes and some of his men die. When Odysseus gets to land he meets a lot of people like lotus eaters who has
Is Odysseus, the main character of Homer’s The Odyssey, really an epic hero? An epic hero embodies several heroic traits such as; having superior or super-human strength; being intellectual and courageous; and being a strong and responsible leader. An epic hero struggles and is overwhelmed with difficulties. An epic hero is on a quest of self discovery, war or some sort of goal. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is on a quest to return home to Ithaca after ten years of war in Troy. Odysseus, during his quest, is forced to venture through a merciless Cyclops, angered Gods, deeply obstinate Goddesses, the underworld, and determined suitors that are after his wife Penelope. Odysseus surmounts
Lastly, Odysseus is an epic hero is that Odysseus was born from royalty and had supernatural help on his quest. Odysseus, like any other, has many fantastic qualities and a handful of flaws. He had self- control and turned away from nectar that would make him forget everything about his dear home. He was brave and often got himself and his friends out of trouble. Odysseus, in all his bravery and courage, had flaws.
They typical epic hero possesses superhuman strength, craftiness, and confidence, is helped or harmed by gods or fate, embodies qualities valued by the culture, or overcomes perilous situations. Odysseus is the main character, and hero of the epic The Odyssey written by Homer in ancient greek times. He is challenged by giant cyclops, hundreds of men trying to marry his wife, envious sirens, and the constant struggle of trying to return home to his family in Ithaka. The epic hero Odysseus is characterized by his cunningness and determination through struggle, though flawed by his ego.
An epic hero is one who exhibits courage, strength, bravery, intelligence, and a desire to achieve. Odysseus, from "The Odyssey," is a person who perfectly fits the definition of an epic hero. Odysseus has been one of the most frequently portrayed figures in literature. He performs many courageous acts throughout his journeys: He uses his intelligence to overcome obstacles and learns from his mistakes along the way. In this essay I am going to point out how Odysseus personifies an epic hero.
This is a trait of an epic hero because gods wouldn't care about Odysseus if he wasn't an important character in the story. The title of an epic hero holds profound significance, as shown by Odysseus. His enduring resilience and unwavering determination in the face of numerous enemies emphasize the true meaning of what it means to be an epic hero. Despite the relentless efforts to ruin his journey home, Odysseus's committed resolve and cunning intellect ultimately prevailed, keeping his place as a legendary figure in all of literature, Heroes play a crucial role in both our culture and literature, serving as sources of inspiration, hope, and moral
The story of the Odyssey focuses on the acts of the main character known as Odysseus. During his travels across the sea, he is faced with many impediments that try to steer him away from his home of Ithaca. However, he is able to overcome each of these obstacles and finally reaches his home. Throughout his odyssey, Odysseus shows many traits of an epic hero. Some of the traits he shows that makes him an epic hero are his noble birth, the vast he travels through, and the help he gets from supernatural forces.
What makes a hero is determination, perseverance, and bravery to accomplish a goal. Odysseus embodied all of these traits in the epic The Odyssey written by Homer. Odysseus was the king of Ithaca and he left for the 10 year long Trojan war, leaving his whole kingdom behind to defeat the Trojans. After about 20 years he makes it home and takes back his kingdom.Throughout his journey he faced many perilous encounters. Odysseus is considered a hero worldwide.
Odysseus is classified as an epic hero in the “ Odyssey.” In the story Odysseus wanders around the ocean and islands in search for his solution to get back home safely. Although he wanders for twenty years without his family, just crew members, he possess characteristics of being a brave warrior, a loyal husband, and a creative mind tricking person.
“An epic hero is someone who has a long journey, supernatural powers, possesses Greek virtues, and is a strong warrior. ”(“The Hero: Some Definitions”). Odysseus possesses those features; he is strong cunning, strong, and confident. However, in today’s society we would not consider Odysseus a hero.
To begin, an epic hero, like Odysseus, is a hero that is brave and does great things. Homer writes, “Put heart in me to eat and drink—you may, by freeing my companions. I must see them...their bristles fell away, the coarse pelt grown upon them by her drug melted away, and they were men again, younger, more handsome, taller
he epic hero that ventured forth from the regular world into a region of supernatural fascination where he comes across fantastic forces and fights mysterious enemies. This describes Odysseus, the epic hero that faced malicious creatures and life-threatening events, yet exhibited heroic and convenient traits to reach triumph successfully. In the epic of The Odyssey, Homer depicts that Odysseus is an epic hero by confronting his enemies and accomplishing his goal in returning home to his family using the traits of intelligence, and perseverance. In addition, his leadership trait is significantly dignifying him in the case of proving that Odysseus is an epic hero.
In the The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus exhibited many traits that affected his journey. Some of these traits match the typical traits of an epic hero. An epic is a long narrative often relating the adventures of epic heroes, which describes the Odyssey, with Odysseus acting as the epic hero. An epic hero is a physically impressive hero who is on a great quest for something, battling fate, and all forces to get that. Odysseus is fighting against all odds to reach his home of Ithaca, where he was a strong leader and fighter.
According to dictionary.com, an epic hero is “a brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events” The stages of the heroic journey are used as guidance which molds Odysseus into a true hero even when coming upon challenges. Odysseus is a king in the land of Ithaca with a lovely wife and a great son. The heroic journey commences with The Ordinary
Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, and Achilles are all known as epic or homeristic heroes. They have all had their legendary battles and journeys that have classified them as an epic hero. Epic heroes all have good and bad qualities, for example Hercules is known as the strongest man in the world, but he is not that smart. Odysseus is a great example of an epic hero. He is smart, strong, and protected by gods and goddesses, but he does have faults in his actions considering he is only just a mortal. In Homer’s book, The Odyssey, Homer shows how Odysseus is truly an epic hero, by showing his journey back home to Ithaca.
A Homeric epic hero is considered to be above a normal human being. The traits of a typical epic hero are strength, loyalty, courage, and intelligence. In fact, the Macmillan Dictionary for Students defines a hero as "one who is admired and looked up to for valor, achievements, and noble qualities" (483). Odysseus fulfills all of the requirements for an epic hero and more. He demonstrates his ability to be an articulate speaker, and his poise aids him on his journey. His endless curiosity has gotten him into dilemmas, while his superb displays of strength and cunningness have helped both him and his crew escape danger. His arrogance sets him back, but his loyalty is what drives him forward on his long and treacherous expedition. In the