
What Qualities Make Sister Helen Prejean Such A Helpful Spiritual Advisor?

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1. What character qualities make Sister Helen Prejean such a helpful spiritual advisor? Sister Helen Prejean possessed many qualities that presented her as a helpful spiritual advisor. Although she was new to the idea of working with a convict, she was able to look past Matthew’s conviction and past and lead him to learn and seek God in the days leading up to his death. This makes Sister Helen forgiving and that is a vital quality to possess as a spiritual advisor. Sister Helen was against capital punishment for the reason being that you can not solve murder by murdering as it will not provide justice. Sister Helen was able to recognize even the deadliest man as a “son of God” and that deserved to be loved equally. She did not turn a blind eye to anyone, even the ones that many claimed did not deserve it. She helped Matthew recognize God …show more content…

The New Testament call us to protect life, practice mercy, and reject vengeance. For this reason, the death penalty is a form of hatred and bitterness because it denies mercy and forgiveness for the prisoners. As Sister Helen stated in the movie, how can you solve murder by murdering? The governments that enforce the death penalty, violate the international human rights laws in a way that is hypocritical. The law states that it is illegal to kill, meanwhile, they do the opposite of what they are enforcing in the country. This clearly shows the cynicism that the death penalty consists of for by standers and victims. A well known quote “an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind” shows how bitter and cynical the death penalty really is. Violence cannot be fought with more violence. Justice is important, but so is mercy and compassion. No person should be denied forgiveness and assistance to turn from his

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