A. Career Choices
1. Describe the qualities, skills, talents, and experiences of a good health care practitioner. How do you exhibit them?
A physician must be well rounded in a variety of fields to provide effective care. First, an interest in learning scientific knowledge must be accompanied by the ability to translate that knowledge into methods of treatment. Because science is constantly changing and improving, a physician should be continuously expanding their scientific learning within and outside of their respective fields. Most of the coursework that I have taken reflects my interest in the intersection between biomedical science and its applications through an anthropological lens. For example, I have performed public
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One of my main responsibilities is to advise residents on personal and academic issues. Often times, residents will meet with me when they are having conflicts and need me to help settle the matter. While it was no doubt a bit awkward at first, I was soon able to navigate these conversations that allowed me to listen first before helping them reach a compromise that is in the best interest of all the residents involved. While I am far from a professional negotiator, I’ve acquired a newfound appreciation for what I previously saw as mundane arguments simply by being open-minded. Thus, providing care requires an ability to empathize with others.
Furthermore, being able to working in a team is also essential for a physician. Coordinating thoughts and actions with colleagues will create opportunities for collective thinking, pooled efforts, and constructive criticism to more efficiently provide care. This can be reflected through my role as president of the Muslim Students Association where I oversee an eleven-member executive board coordinating their actions to put on many events throughout the year.
2. How have you explored your commitment to a career in health care?
I hope to one day alter the lives of people around the world by pursuing an MD/MPH. However, that path was not always clear. My first exposure started in high school where I was a part of the Littleton Health Science Program which would equip me with
Emory School of Medicine provides a unique environment to mold my medical education to work within clinical care in a dynamic global community. My diverse range of experiences from my upbringing, eclectic communities I have grown in, and unique perspectives of medicine and public health I have gained through my professional pursuits will be vital to me contributing to the unique atmosphere of ingenuity at Emory that supports the development of doctors who strive to serve individuals and communities of all types. Through my research experiences, I gained a multidisciplinary understanding healthcare through different contexts, which converges on finding effective ways to communicating with people and gaining a better understanding of what goes
Personally, I strongly believe that I acquire many characteristics needed in the healthcare field. Firstly, I possess the ability to be empathetic and sympathetic. These characteristics are important because a nurse can comfort the patient easier and it creates a bond of trust between the patient and the nurse. Secondly, I obtain the ability to pay close attention to detail. This characteristic is important because a nurse should be able to observe a patient and find anything and everything that could be the cause of the patient’s illness. Thirdly, I can work under stressful situations. Nurses are put under high-risk situations a lot therefore, nurses should be able to think and react quickly. Lastly, I am very studious. I find myself always
Discuss the skills and experience you possess to be an asset to the multidisciplinary SMC Health Center team? Give your best examples and/or strategies.
As a scholar and leader in the area of medicine, it is imperative to understand how to work as a team to provide the best possible care to patients. “Educators are responding to complexities of today’s medical knowledge by developing educational programs based on current learning theories, such as enactivism, where learning takes place within teams that are actively engaged in clinical environments” (Davidson, Morgan, & Simons, 2012, p. 291). This results in more patients that can place their trust in physicians and nurses who know how to work together as a team.
The requirements of the skills and qualities are needed for my chosen health care professional from Task 4. However, the skills for the health care professional (GP) is what the health care professional (GP) has learnt like their behaviour or knowledge, such as good communication with the patients; this is a method to help develop an effectively good/positive relationship with the GP and the client, actions like body language will help make a good/positive relationship with the GP and client, so such as eye contact, attention, happiness (like showing an emotion/smile between the client) and so on will develop an effective relationship between the client and the reader; this will make the client trust the GP that will make them tell more personal information and feelings with the GP; this can help the GP on maintaining information on the client and get to know more about the client. Also, another skill that the GP is required to have is having a master knowledge between situations with the GP and the client, like the GP would know what actions to do and understand. But, the GP will need to go to university to learn knowledge in certain situations with the client, such as certain illnesses with
Strengths are derived from a specific set of applied skills; these skills without application strips each individual of unique opportunities to exhibit their talents and perform to maximum capacity. Specifically, physician’s assistants require a variety of vital characteristics that must be developed through challenging active participation. Health care is an exciting, but demanding field that requires the possession of crucial qualities such as adaptability, restorative-ness, and the simultaneous collaboration of the two to perform the job’s required duties to full efficiency.
3. The professional and personal attributes that I would bring to the Nurse Practitioner role include my
Today I yearn to become a medical doctor primarily to dedicate a life of service to the most vulnerable members of our society.
As the coming years approach, I want my future to hold both the passion to explore new opportunities and the strength to overcome new challenges. With the experiences of my high school career, I aspire to take all the things I learned to transition into a college environment where my ideas can be challenged and shared. Where I can learn from others; where I can seek the opportunity to make a direct impact towards saving lives. I believe I can do great things. Through tenacity I will not only be gratified in becoming a doctor, but also be able to share my compassion for others through
Anthropology’s Influence on Dr. Farmer Paul Farmer is incredibly knowledgeable about medicine. He is excellent at assess patient’s ailments and determining the correct treatment. This ability, however, can be mastered by all healthcare professionals. It just requires studying and knowing the information required to treat a medical problem.
I envision the next ten years to be a time of intense personal growth. I will be building upon my strengths and improving my weaknesses. I hope to be fulfilling my goals and crossing things off of my bucket list. I hope to have the financial security to be able to help my mother retire, and help my younger brother to finish graduate school. I hope to be involved within my community, whether through volunteer work or a community-based organization. As for my career, I see myself working as a primary care physician. I am drawn to the long-term comprehensive care aspect of Internal Medicine and the opportunity to work with a diverse patient population in a variety of settings. This role aligns with my personal values in regards to health maintenance.
During residency, I learned so many things about myself. As I matriculate through school, I have been thinking about my goals. My goal is to ultimately own my own practice. I would also like to have a non-profit organization that caters to teenagers. My short-term goal is to become a Licensed Professional Counselor for the state of Georgia.
Teamwork and collaboration with other healthcare providers is very important. To function effectively there needs to be mutual respect, open communication, and shared decision making in the best interest of the patient. As a member of a team it is vital to know ones own strengths and limitations, this way patients receive the best care.
The healthcare sector offers a variety of professional opportunities that include pediatric, geriatrics, public policy and many other areas in which I hope to make a impact towards. I have always been intrigued by medicine and continue to gain more interest in public health. In the future, I desire to combine both medicine and public health by participating in an MD and MPH program. My experiences and education provide me with constant motivation in achieving my goals.
Someday I want to be a part of that opportunity to change people's lives. Going through Physical Therapy as a senior in high school completely changed my mindset. I had no idea that one day I would want to become a PT. Ever since the day I started my PT training I knew that