
What Role Did Women Play In The Cuban Revolution

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Overall it could be said that by and large the role of women in the Cuban Revolution did not directly lead to their new roles of equality after 1959. Although it is vastly agreed upon that insurgent women played an invaluable role in the Cuban Revolution this does not necessarily mean that this led to their later emancipation. All throughout the revolution women performed daunting and courageous task that should have validated their place as first class citizens. The main reason is that no real, significant, or life changing transformation took place after the revolutionaries came into power in 1959. It is important to note that the FMC and Castro’s government did enact changes in women’s right. The issue is that upon examination we see that these changes were really just the repackaging of old ideas in a way that fit their revolutionary agenda. Analyzing all of the evidence and sources it can be concluded that little to none of …show more content…

When talking about “revolution” here we are referring to the entire thing. We are looking at the conflict aspect of it, the ideals it invoked, and the movement itself. It is after understanding the significance that the “revolution” had on all of Cuba that we can get to what went wrong. After everything we have seen and heard from Castro and his revolutionary government it is clear that their one and only goal was the extend the influence and ideas of revolution, communism, and socialism first in Cuba and then abroad. This movement was not about a power grab or other simple human constructions. This was about the revolutionary ideas that these individuals believed and died for. It is for this reason that all of Castro’s policies, speeches, and initiatives were essentially empty gestures. The revolutionaries only attempted these things because they saw it as a way to retain the power of revolution in all of its

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