
What Role Does Morality Play In Antigone

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The theory of right and wrong characteristics or good and bad behaviors is concerned with morality; its role can shape an individual’s personality which can affect his or her call of action. It is only natural that we should have some sort of sense of duty and physical forces from our experiences that make us have moral laws. It’s an aspect of humanity which helps them generate rational decisions and it also serves as guidance for mere goodness. Our existence defines who we are as an individual because of our values that aid us see past our wrongdoing and improve our future. Sophocles’ story of “Antigone,” Antigone’s character portrays a strong individual who is loyal and values her family more than the society. This tragic story demonstrates …show more content…

Zeus is the supreme ruler of the sky, the law, and the fate, who is the God in this story. Antigone feels obligated to bury her brother Polynices, who is dear to her heart, regardless of what he has done or was exiled from palace. Unlike Antigone’s other brother Eteocles, who is the patriot person in the eyes of King Creon, his death chamber was lavish with golds and offerings. “It wasn’t Zeus, not in the least, who made this proclamation-not to me. Nor did that justice, dwelling with the gods beneath the earth, ordain such laws for men.” (pg. 868) This confirms that Creon’s decree defies the god’s law for such a meaningful tradition of their religion. Antigone, being a woman may also be the reasons behind her opposition of the king. According to an online article, “Death, Burial, and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece,” by Geographical Region and Time Period, Greek women are the ones who perform the rituals which consists of three parts: cleaning the body, laying the body, and funeral process such as cremating or carrying the deceased person to rest at the grave site. Namely, if the dead isn’t given a burial ritual, the Greeks and the Gods believed that there will be a form of punishment and, that the deceased individual will not rest in peace in the …show more content…

First, his decision to leave Polynices out in the open field for the birds and dogs to eat his flesh body was an omission of human dignity. It’s the reason why Antigone argues for her dear brother, who still deserves a funeral service. Second, his decision to let Antigone settle for death demonstrates his faulty actions of carrying out his order regardless of any status she obtains: doomed she is, royal or not. “I’m not the man, not now: she is the man if this victory goes to her and she goes free. Never! Sister's Child or closer in blood than all my family clustered at my altar worshiping Guardian Zeus-she’ll never escape.” (pg. 869) Creon statement is clear that people in general or even families closest to him will suffer death if they do not obey his law. He is now the new king and he must do what is best for his country: to show people that he can rule and that he is bold in his words of

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