
What Role Does Penelope Play In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

Penelope serves a significant role in The Odyssey by serving as a source of motivation for Odysseus and portraying the ideal woman in Greek society. Penelope throughout the story is displayed as a woman who is not swayed by the suitors, and Odysseus repeatedly draws from her person to motivate himself. Penelope first displays a great sense of loyalty to Odysseus by attempting to delay the suitors through tricks. Penelope employs tricks such as weaving a shroud for Laertes, Odysseus’s father, but “...every night by torchlight she unwove it;/ and so for three years she deceived the Achaeans” (92). This act showcases Penelope’s loyalty to Odysseus, and shows her role displaying the ideal woman in Greek society by providing a practical and understandable example of loyalty to the audience. In addition to depicting …show more content…

This juxtaposition shows the effects of faithfulness to a husband, and displays how fidelity to the husband can bring great benefits and unity to the family, while infidelity will bring many negative consequences. The juxtaposition between Penelope and Helen is used to teach Greek woman reasons on why to be loyal to the husband. Penelope lastly serves a role in inspiring Odysseus as well, in addition to her role of portraying the ideal Greek woman. Odysseus uses Penelope as a reason to continue repeatedly throughout the journey and in times of hardship, such as when leaving Calypso, when he mentions “My quiet Penelope-how well I know-/would seem a shade before your majesty,/ death and old age being unknown to you,/while she must die” (739). Odysseus implicitly states that he must return to Penelope due to her being mortal, which shows him using her as a reason to

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