A mythical character is Perseus, he was very important in the Greek mythology culture. He was important in the Greek culture because he showed valuable traits that were consider heroic characteristics in there culture.
Perseus showed that he was brave, and that he was courteous, because he promised to bring Medusa's head back as a gift. He fought Medusa's, and he ended up winning the fight and he did keep his promise. He had her head in his hands, and everyone was amazed because Medusa was powerful. After that he ended up falling in love with Andromeda. All of these characteristics were important to Ancient Greek cultures.
Perseus was culturally significant because he affected lots of people during that time of his living, his story was unique.
Ancient Greek myths contain a great deal of remarkable heroic battles. Two famous stories that contain combat between mortal and immortal enemies are the stories of Perseus in Metamorphoses and Odysseus in the Odyssey. In the Metamorphoses, Ovid tell the story of Perseus’s journey to attain a wife. Similarly, Homer portrays Odysseus’s fight against his wife’s suitors to secure his power and marriage. Even though the two stories contain similarities, Ovid’s account of Perseus’s battle gives a parody of traditional virtues that were depicted in the battle of Odysseus.
Perseus an important character in Greek mythology because he shows many traits valued by Greek culture.What is exactly a hero in ancient Greek mythology and culture, and what role does fate play in myths? A hero is one extraordinary individual who represents the values greatly admired and sought after in ancient Greek society. Perseus showed the epic traits of ;family,perseverance,and couragesness. These were all very valued in ancient Greek culture. I will be; summarizing Perseus' story, how he demonstrates the values of ancient Greek society, and explaining his cultural significance and how fate plays a big role.
Heroes all contain many different personal traits and backgrounds. A character named Odysseus from the Odyssey was a hero in many ways. Odysseus, King of Ithaca, along with his 3 ships of men were sent to fight in the Trojan War in Troy. Their objective was to save Helen after she was kidnapped. The war was a great success, but when they tried to get home the found themselves stuck at sea.
Many fictional stories have a character that is described as the hero. These heroes have specific traits that stand among the rest. In the epic The Odyssey there is a character named Odysseus that is portrayed as the hero.
Pericles was born in 495 B.C. into the wealthy family of the Alcmaeonids. His father Xanthippus was a military commander for Athens at the battle of Mycale in 479 B.C. Pericles started his political career in law courts in 461 B.C. and Pericles had many great accomplishments.
Themistocles and Pericles both greatly ruled Greece. Through victorious wars and influential art, Greek history is what is today due to such powerful leaders. However, Pericles influenced today's society, and Greek culture increasingly more than Themistocles. For example, Pericles incorporated his wife into politics (helping dominate gender roles), all the while bridging social classes.
A Hero And His Journey To Victory Heroes are born by following a journey that leads them to greatness. They are people that can persevere through their struggles and make it out even stronger. Perseus from the story Perseus and Medusa followed his own path into becoming a hero. This young boy makes a plan to capture Medusa’s head to show his strength and give a gift to the king Polydectes. Through his journey, Perseus mirrors Joseph Campbell’s monomyth by following his own hero quest.
Odysseus in Ancient Greece is considered a hero because he does many heroic things. He goes to fight in the Trojan war, and he even comes up with the Trojan horse, the thing that actually wins the war for the Greeks. Odysseus also in a sense stays
Having the respect of the gods and receiving help from them does not come easy. Not every hero receives help from them. Odysseus falls into that category. He has to work to earn the gods respect, but Perseus already has their respect and receives help from them throughout his entire journey. Odysseus had to take on his journey without the gods help, but he still tried to earn their respect. “But Zeus disdained my offering; destruction for my ships he had in store and death for those who sailed them…” (512). This offering that he made was given to the gods after Odysseus and his men escaped from Polyphemus. Odysseus was trying to make up for insulting Poseidon, but it did not work. The gods, specifically Zeus, refused his offering and refused to help him. Odysseus knew that they were offended and planned for his destruction, but he continued on his journey. He conquered his fear of the gods and replaced it with determination and bravery. Odysseus could not count on the gods for help so he had to make up for it himself. The reader sees this trait shown when Odysseus faces an obstacle, more than when Perseus faces an obstacle. Perseus does not have to be as brave and fearless as Odysseus. He has the immediate help of two gods. “But Perseus was saved from his folly. Two great gods were watching over him” (871). The quote says ‘saved from his folly’, which leads us to think
Heroes have existed in society for centuries and have been presented in many forms. Whether they were personal idols, literary figures, or real people, heroes represent hope and victory against the evils of the world. People look for heroes in their everyday lives, or often, as characters in tales of extraordinary circumstances. Some of the most renowned literary heroes of all time come from Greek myths. Within these stories about heroic idols, it is common for many main plot points to overlap. Across different genres, locations, languages, and eras the progression of the hero’s journey remains relatively uniform. Generally, it contains three broad components: departure, initiation, and return. The tale of Perseus is a popular tale of an ostracized son of Zeus. Perseus and his mother Danae were nearly killed by Acrisius, Danae’s father, when he sent them out to sea in a chest. They were rescued by a kind fisherman, Dictys, and lived peacefully with him until his brother, Polydectes, decided he wanted Danae for a wife. He tricked Perseus into setting out on a venture to kill the deadly monster Medusa. These events essentially align with the progression of the hero’s journey. Therefore, throughout the myth of Perseus, the character’s quest follows the conventional pattern of the hero’s journey.
Pericles was born in Athens around the year 495 BCE. At that time the Greco-Persian Wars were just beginning. He would have heard about the victory at Marathon in 490, the Battle of Thermopylae and Salamis in 480, and witnessed the sacking of Athens in 480, and experienced many other martial events. All of these events would most certainly have had a large influence on Pericles’ actions as a general and statesman of Athens. Another influence would be from his own family. The closet familial relation that had military experience was his father Xanthippus. Xanthippus was the strategos that commanded the PanHellenic army that defeated the Persians at the battle of Mycale. As a member of the aristocracy military service would be par for the course
Usually in a story there is a heroic figure which are possesses of a supernatural abilities or whose who take courageous actions with a kind heart. It is similar when speaking about mythological traditions of different cultures, because mainly these mythological stories refers to a heroes or Gods which are used to show strength and collective identity. I will call them “mythological,” because even though they often promote positive behaviors and encouraging lessons. You cannot take word by word, it is a figurative language which uses magical elements. A story that I can think is the often commercialized story of the “The Little Mermaid.” Which uses many mythical creatures such as Zeus the king of the Seas, a mermaid half women half fish creatures
Let’s say that you are in a big city full of thousands and thousands of people. They all have things to do, places to be, and you are just casually walking down the street one day. You take a nice deep breath and feel good about the world. Suddenly, you notice someone sitting by themselves in searing pain. You look around to see if anyone is offering any help. After no one helping them, you go up and help them. After that, more and more people come over and provide assistance. A few days later, you hear that they are fine and doing well. This what Perseus would have done if he was living in our society today. The Greeks had a whole different society built up. They had different problems that occurred and different ways to solve them. Perseus
Ancient Greek Contributions to Western Civilization Michio Sun Life and civilization changes throughout time. Our current life is vastly different from life 1000 years ago. Why is it this way? It is because of historic events. Few of the most important contributions are from ancient Greece in 750 - 300 BC.
In Greek mythology, it is believed that the Greek gods and goddesses had interactions with the mortals, thus creating demigods. Demigods are offsprings of both a god and a mortal that is given partial or lesser divine status. Perseus was one of them, the son of Zeus, king of the gods, and Danaë, daughter of King Acrisius. From the beginning of his birth, Perseus came across and conquered many obstacles, such as slaying the Gorgon Medusa and rescuing Princess Andromeda from a sea monster. Nonetheless, Perseus died with a favorable ending. Because of his dauntless and noble actions, he was considered a great hero among the Greeks.