Of all the gospel writers, Luke gives women the most prominent role in his narrative. He describes them as disciples who have contribute to Jesus’ mission. By inspiration from Jesus Luke Portray Women as equal to men in God’s eye. In this essay we would talk about how Luke Portray women as equal in God’s eye and also active participants of Jesus’s purpose.
From the Beginning of Luke’s Gospel is evident the important role that women play in the stories that are found in this gospel and for salvation.
Women have a more prominent role in Luke’s gospel than in any other. For example, in Matthew’s gospel it is Joseph Jesus father who gets the news that Jesus will be born. But instead in Luke it is Mary who gets the news. The story of Mary and
Luke the last Synoptic Gospel reached the common people. He spoke of the poor and the unwanted who got just as much as Jesus as the rich. He had women and the holy spirit in his books and he spoke of how important they were in that time. Women were the first ones at the cross and the last ones there. They were there from the beginning and Luke made sure that we were aware that Jesus reached out to everyone especially the weak.
Proponents argue that the attitude of Jesus toward women in the four canonical Gospels is different from that of his contemporaries, whether Greek or Jewish. The wisdom of the ancients about women is totally absent from the traditions about Jesus. Jesus was perfectly at ease in the company of women since from him equality between sexes was not so much a distant legislative goal as a rather self-evident fact. Jesus had women followers who learned from him, traveled with him at all times, and supported him financially (Luke 8:2-3; and Mark 14:41). He frequently ministered to women: he healed Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:29-31); he exercised a demon from the daughter of a Syrophoenician woman (Mark 7:24-30; Matthew 15:21-30); he raised Jarius’
In order to discuss what we can learn from Luke about Jesus’ attitudes to women we must first understand a little about Luke himself. According to Charpentier E (1981:81) Luke had been seen as the, ‘beloved physician’, which is also cited in Hayes, M A. and Gearon L (1998:145) whom further state that Luke travelled with Paul from Troas to Philippi in Greece, Paul, (Col 4:14) expressly calls him, ‘the beloved physician’. He was in fact Paul’s medical adviser. Luke’s acts were written in c AD 80.
In the Gospel of Mary, circa 120-180 AD, Mary Magdalene displays that women exercised agency by being a vessel of God and finding favor with the Lord. Beginning in the first paragraph of the work, it states, “Andrew and Peter question her veracity and ask why a woman should become a favorite disciple” (The Gospel of Mary 53). This demonstrates that men did not understand why a woman would be seen as a greater or more trustworthy being themselves as Christ’s inoculator. However, Mary remains humble, and she uses her agency to teach the men. Mary shows her willingness to enlighten the men when it is stated, “Mary answered, ‘What’s concealed from you I’ll tell; I saw him in a vision and I told him’” (The Gospel of Mary 57). This demonstrates Mary’s power over the males. In this situation, she holds knowledge that only she can give to them. This allows for her to become the individual in
The religious character, Mary, is the topic of several bible verses, gospels, and various other religious texts. This protean array of readings ensures that Mary will have both similar and differing depictions. One of these readings is The Proto-Gospel of James, and the other is The Book of Luke from the bible. These texts will be the focus of comparison between the two Marys. In each of these texts, Mary is portrayed as a humble and self-deprecating figure that accepts her role as the mother of Jesus. These texts differ, however, in the believability by other characters of Mary. The Proto-Gospel presents Mary as a figure that is scrutinized and doubted by other characters in the gospel. On the other hand, Luke presents Mary as a figure of veneration and admiration amongst others in the text. These similarities and differences lead to the overall argument of the paper; in the Proto-Gospel and Luke, Mary remains a humble figure, but her acceptance from others is what differs among the two religious texts.
In this article Harold Attridge examines Luke’s background, the scriptures Luke wrote, Jesus’s values, the context and purpose of Luke’s gospel and the treatment of Christians at the time of Luke’s writings. The article expresses that Luke’s Gospel was written before the destruction of Jerusalem and at a time when Christians were being persecuted for practicing their faith so consequently the purpose of his Gospel was to show an ethical example and imply that Christians could be good citizens. This source is relevant to the topic as it suggests the purpose of Luke's Gospel and the treatment of Christians before the fall of Jerusalem. A limitation of the website is that it has not been recently published, it’s publish date is April 1998 so it may not be up to date with the latest, accurate information. Nonetheless, this source is very beneficial and appropriate to the task as it provides facts and research on the chosen sacred text. This source will not be the cornerstone of my research but will add a good understanding to the purpose of the sacred text.
This focus on eating, inviting, and teaching is more than a narrative structure; but constitutes instruction about how life is to be lived. This essay will examine the inclusivity of the Lukan ideal community, with focus on the most marginalised of the day, namely women and tax collectors. It will also look at ways in which the model Christian community is called to deal with its foes as well as its friends, both within and without. Inclusion of Women From the very outset of Luke’s gospel it is clear that women play an important role.
The Gospel of Luke focuses on the conception and the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus. It also provides the histories of Elizabeth and Zachariah. It also describes Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Zachariah and the Virgin Mary.
I chose to read The Gospel of Luke for my project. It is said that The Gospel of Luke was written somewhere between 80 CE - 90 CE. The Gospel of Luke was written for Theophilus, who was called “Friend of God”. But The Gospel was also written for a wider audience, including converts and potential converts.
The stories told about women in the bible illustrate the importance of their role and contribution to society. Although the Bible does not explain God’s relationship with women as with Moses and other prophets, it illustrates love and devotion women had for Him. The stories of the bible describe brave, nurturing, and God fearing women whose decisions impacted the existence of the Israelites.
The Gospel of Luke thoroughly illustrates the themes of mercy and compassion in his use of literary devices such as symbols, stories and parables. Luke urges how significant it is to feel and deliver the ready willingness to help anyone in need in our society. The Gospel offers a model to live out these virtues through Jesus’ actions and his parables.
The way in which both Matthew and Luke treat Mary in their birth narratives affects our understanding of the historicity of these accounts. It could be argued that both of the birth narratives present the male ideology of that time. This is clear when in Luke, Mary is first introduced as “a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David” This description reveals the two most important features of a woman of her time: her virginity and, the man who she belonged to. This male ideology is also presented through Matthew’s writing as he also associates the female population with the aspect of birth and nurture. However, despite both of
Luke paints Jesus as the “perfect man.” Reflecting on his boyhood and tracing back to Adam, he goes on to tell us the most about his mother. He then goes on to explain the financial situation Jesus and his family was resting in. From wealth to no money. He describes Jesus as sympathetic to the poor, the despised, children, women and the hated. He highlights Jesus love for people and social outcast basically.
In the Bible, the four Gospels push different ideologies, views, lessons and different stories that center around the central figure of Jesus. The Gospel of Luke main themes center on Universalism, social justice, compassion for outcasts, the role of woman and the Holy Spirit.(Hauer and Young) These parables are able to connect to the context of when Luke was able bring these stories together in 85 CE. The Gospel was most likely written in Greek speaking area located in the Roman empire.(Coogan et al.) This time of stability allowed for the proliferation of Christianity and Gospels such as Luke. The passages that will be discussed will mainly focus on compassion for outcast seen in Luke 16:19–31 and warning against greed in Luke 12:13-34. Luke 13:6-9 focuses on a fig tree talks of the opportunities people and if they use them properly. Finally, the last parable is 7:11-17, which focuses on holy spirit and the possibilities for miracles and the importance of life. These parables in Luke are able to give a social justice commentary that can make a person feel compassionate for the poor and the reckoning they would receive in the afterlife if they didn’t follow Jesus’s teachings. As, well the story is able to push across a message that will everlasting importance to people. This has led to the Gospels of Luke becoming one of the main 4 Gospels and one of the most highly regarded of the Gospels. (Hauer and Young)
The theme of the gospel of Luke talks about the journey of the life of Jesus, Christ. His death, burial, and resurrection. Moreover, his ministry, teachings and parables. As a historian, and physician, Luke was not only eloquent in his writing about Jesus; he also took interest in his early life. The Gospel of Luke also depict Jesus as compassionate, caring, and loving. Likewise, Luke not only put Jesus at the heart of the Jewish world during the first century, but also at the heart of the Roman world, where with the Christian gospel exploded.