. Will you assign seats or allow students to sit were they wish to sit? I will assign seats for my students because it maximizes learning and classroom management. I will have be able to place students with exceptionalities closer to the front of the room and situate students that will work best in pairs closer together. Additionally, separating students that may cause behavioral problems if seated together will prevent events requiring discipline. 2. What should students do as they enter your classroom? I will have a procedure established where all of my students should look at the front of the class and read the instructions posted on the Smart board when they enter my classroom. They will go immediately to their seat and start the assignment. I will always have a "warm-up" ready for my class to work on individually so that they always have structure and something to do as soon as they enter my classroom. By having an opening assignment posted as soon as the students enter the classroom, it provides structure and consistency for them. It allows students to start learning and makes use of every minute of classroom time. 3. Where will you write your agenda and what will your agenda consist of? I will write my agenda and display it on the Smart board at the front of the room so that all of my students can …show more content…
I will instruct the students to remain in their seats until I dismiss them because I do not want them out of their seats until I am ready to end class. The procedures will include picking up any trash that they see prior to leaving the classroom, and ensuring all areas are neat and tidy. Additionally, I will have a procedure for them to remember their books or materials they will need to complete their homework assignment, if any. The students will know that I dismiss the class, not the
Seats are spaced close together as another safety precaution to ensure containment of children after a potential crash. If seats are spaced too far apart, the student could be thrown too far before being cushioned and/or could be thrown outside the compartment altogether.
I believe that personally we should not have assigned seats due to the debate my team had that at the beginning of class kids are out of their seats talking to their friends but, that will happen no other, if teachers just have are own seating chart. When students walk into class, they don’t want to automatically get up and go to the same seat they sat in the day before.
The desks are in centers, that the teacher has carefully crafted to promote the most qualitative experience for her students. Mrs. Paul says that she must study and understand her students' behaviors so that she knows where to sit each student. Having the room sectioned up in centers gives the teacher the opportunity to see how all of her students work. Mrs. Paul walked around the classroom and organized her monitoring by center, which allowed her to get to every student. In my future classroom I would like to keep the desks in centers not only to facilitate my assessment and communication with students, but because by being close to each other the students could rely on each other and form trusting
In a diverse classroom each student will be attended based on their individual need and teachers will meet each child at their level. Student will be treated equally regardless of their cultural background or socioeconomic status. By providing a good classroom management system, we will have a respectful and inclusive class culture. Establishing good classroom routines is essential to creating a positive environment for students to focus on learning. The follow sections cover those routine in our class
Once they arrive in class, they will place the homework face down in the paper tray for the correct class period. These trays will be located at the back of the classroom and be clearly marked to ensure students are well aware of what basket is for their class. Students will be responsible for making sure that their name and the correct date is on the homework; if students do not write their name on the paper, they will not get credit for the assignment. Students who do not have their homework for whatever reason will be responsible for filling out a “missing homework” document on which they must list the class period, date and assignment missed, as well as the reason they do not have their work. Blank copies of this form will be located next to the homework tray. Once students have filled out the document, they will turn it into the tray like any other assignment. This will allow me to keep clear documentation regarding student work for future questions or concerns from parents or administrators. All of this needs to be completed before the bell rings to signal the beginning of class, as I will collect it during the first 5 minutes while students are working on bell work posted on the
Students check-in to 8th hour and pick up snacks. Students at the voice level 0 table sit
Attached are the agenda for each class. Show this to the students using the document camera or have a student access my website under the homework link.
Students are groups based on their academic level, and have their desks are set in 4 groups of 6 with one group being in a set of 5. Two groups are in the front of the class while the other two groups are in the back of the class. 2 students are placed facing the window and 2 other students are facing the closets (making the students facing each other), and the last 2 students are facing the front of the classroom. I find that this positioning of the students is great for allowing students to turn and talk, and work as a group for certain assignments. The down side, however, is that students tend to talk excessively to one another, and get distracted more
Lighting and seating- make sure the student is closer to the front and bright enough for the student.
and remind the students of what they are required to do in your classroom. This can be
One must look at classroom management as a plan for what procedures students will follow throughout the day. Teachers must understand their role in making sure students have a successful experience each day. Wong H. & Wong R., state “Effective teachers teach how to responsibly follow procedures” (2009, p. 165). To have a smooth-running classroom with minimal behaviors, students must be taught classroom procedures from the very first day. In my classroom we have procedures for many things we do each day. Some of these are arrival of children, snack time, lining up and walking down the hallway, and cleaning up centers. I have been teaching these procedures for many years with much success.
I will establish an authoritarian classroom to make sure the students behave. I will not be a strict teacher, but I will have to stand up enough to be in control of them. I will keep the classroom organized the particular way I described earlier unless the need to rearrange the room occurs. To help keep up students’ motivation I will try a variety of teaching methods and supplements to keep things interesting. I will try my best to keep a constant good attitude and not take out my personal frustrations on my pupils.
For daycares that wait on our campus (YMCA, O2B, Girl Place, etc.), students need to remain seated with their group leaders and are not allowed to reenter the building without adult supervision.
The teacher will repeat the routine/procedure in a louder voice until all students comply and will not begin the lesson until all students are in compliance. If a student is consistently off task, they are removed to sit in the hallway outside of the classroom.
* Try to create a sense of community where the students feel more comfortable in front of each other. One suggestion made was to have the students sit in a circle.