
What The Confucian Ideas And Practices Are Essay

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In this essay, to make it easier to understand when I begin to address the main problem presented by the question I will first give a brief outline of what the Confucian ideas and practices are. I will then do as the question asks and evaluate the critique, I will do this by going on to decide how valid I believe the critique to be and proposing some responses to it to see how the critique really holds up, before going on to discuss some alternative critiques and whether I see them to be more valid. So to begin some context, Confucius was born in 551 B.C.E. as far as the books say, to a class of society that despite being noble had fell upon hard times. (Yu-lan, 1952, P.43) All thinkers during this time-the warring states- were looking back to an imagined golden age, when China was a unified empire, the people were at peace, and people knew and followed the Way or Dao. Most thinkers of this time looked to achieve this once again. (Yu-lan, 1952, p.43) Confucius’s main ideas and practices then. To Confucius the Dao or way, is considered to be nothing more or less than the way a person choices to live their life. (Cua, Ames, 2003, p.61) The root of Confucius ideas is the idea that there is no individual or self but that one is one’s roles and relationships. For Confucius then the goal of life to achieve happiness for oneself and the people we believe to make up ourselves via roles and relationships. (Cua, Ames, 2003, p.61) That is we should focus on bringing

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