
What Type Of Hero Is Bilbo In The Hobbit

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The Hobbit Hero In the book The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, a normal hobbit, becomes a hero of the story, but how is he a hero? What is a hero? At the start of the book, Bilbo was just like every hobbit that doesn’t like adventure. But Gandalf, one of the most extraordinary wizards in the world, pushes Bilbo to become a hero. So the three scenes which I think show that Bilbo is a hero is when he tries to pickpocket the trolls, when he finds the Ring of Invisibility, and when he finds a way to free him and his friends from Esgaroth. So overall, I believe Bilbo is a hero. The first example of Bilbo being a hero is when he tried to pickpocket a troll but failed miserably. When it was raining, Oin and Gloin tried to make a fire except they couldn’t

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