There were many factors that led to Hitler's more widespread acceptance in Germany, from economic depression to the country's hatred of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I. Hitler managed to expand his appeal using mass media and propaganda was his greatest weapon. He advocated anti jewish propaganda and attacked the current establishment for being so weak and ineffective. By using peoples fear and hate he managed to get many supporters in Germany. Hitler eventually strong-armed his way into dictatorship in 1933 and was named Führer. Through his organization, oratory and public relations, Hitler "the nonentity, the mediocrity, the failure," as Kershaw called him, had become not only the chancellor of Germany, but a celebrity as
After Germany’s humiliating defeat in World War I, Germans had little faith in their government, and in the early 1930s following the stock market crash in New York, Germany was economically struggling . Millions of people were out of work due to the world wide catastrophe making it an opportune time for Hitler and the Nazis to rise into power. Hitler, who was a powerful and spellbinding speaker, attracted Germans desperate for change. He promised to make Germany a better country and promised the disenchanted, a better life. Nazis appealed especially to the youth, unemployed, and members of the lower to middle class. Hitler’s rise to power seemed instantaneous. Before the economic depression, Nazis were virtually unknown, winning less than 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag, which was the German Parliament. However, in the 1924 elections, the Nazis won a whopping 33 percent of the votes which was more than any other party. In January of 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the head of German Government . The Germans were convinced that they had found a savior for the Nation. The timing of his rise made it very easy for Hitler to gain power in a democratic government because people were hopeless and wanted a fast solution to the deficit. He promised things like a stronger economy, prosperity, and anything that they desired . He focused on first getting noticed and then grew from there. He didn’t say anything but what the people wanted to hear. Getting the people of Germany to trust him was how he started to gain so much control. Unfortunately, Hitler’s charm and persuasion was not the sole reason why Hitler gained so much power in a democratic
Hitler is notoriously known for his radical political views based on extreme racism, nationalism, and individual superiority (Helicon). He was appointed as chancellor by President Paul Von Hindenburg in 1933 (A&E Television Network). Hitler’s political party had forced other parties to disband, making the Nazis the only legal political party in Germany. After the death of Hindenburg, a law was put in place to abolish the role of the president and give the powers to the chancellor. This law allowed Adolf Hitler to have complete control over everything, becoming the dictator of Germany.
Hitler rose to power through the Nazi party. He won over the the support of the middle and lower class in Germany. This caused the Nazi party to become larger and more powerful. Due to the Great Depression, unemployment rates skyrocketed and Hitler preyed on their weakness. He gave the people hope by making economic promises, which he went on to fulfill. Conflict between the Communists and Social Democrats led to weakness in their party which made Hitler gain more power. He was appointed Chancellor of Hindenburg. Once he gained more and more power he couldn’t be stopped. Hitler worked to abolish freedom of speech and assembly after convincing the president these were emergency acts that needed to be carried out. Hitler gained even more power by having the communist party outlawed and all of its members arrested. The Reichstag was enacted which gave Hitler four years of dictatorial power. The only legal political party in Germany became the Nazi party; every aspect of life was under Nazi control. Hitler did pull Germany out of the Depression. Businesses grew and and unemployment dropped. Most of the growth came from run businesses. Hitler believed that Germans were the supreme race. All Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Jehovah's
Hitler made government, law, and education appendages of National Socialism. After the death of Hindenburg in 1934, the chancellorship was united to the person of the Fuhrer. Hitler became the form of greeting, and a cult of Fuhrer worship was propagated. In 1938, with a carefully designed scandal, Hitler dismissed top Army Commanders, dividing their power between him and his faithful subordinates. As Hitler got ready for war, he replaced professional diplomats with Nazis. (High Beam Research, 2010). Many former disbelieves were converted by Hitler's diplomatic coups. He also played on the desire for peace and the fear of Communism with the bigger European states to achieve his expansionist goals. To stall retaliation, he claimed to be rectifying the Treaty of Versailles. Italy, in time became Germany's satellite. Hitler had Austrian chancellor Engelberg Dollfuss assassinated. (Answers Corporation, 2010).
Hitler capitalized on Germany's feeling of having been wronged. The loud projection of his voice and emphasis really invoked a feeling of dedication among the audience, so many believed that he was the solution to the economic and political problems Germany faced. He told them they deserved their land back, that they hadn't deserved the unfair treatment they got, and that he would lead them back to greatness. He told Germans what they wanted to hear. He restored the spirits of many Germans were were depressed and angry from WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler promised to improve the economy and make Germany just as powerful, if not more, as it used to be. This appealed to many Germans because they were suffering greatly and wanted out. The Germans hated the Jews and Hitler promised to get rid of them because they were blamed for losing WW1. His public speakings made his followers increase in numbers and the wealthy gave money and supported Hitler to run his propaganda and election campaigns. He promises Germany a better future by overturning the Treaty of
Hitler was in many ways a great leader and his influence on the German people was immense; he used his motivational and powerful speaking abilities to gain support and popularity. Hitler knew how to appeal to people's baser instincts and made use of their fears and insecurities. He could do that,
Hitler rose to power after President Hindenburg's demise yielded him presidency in addition to the Chancellor role he already held. This made him the Fuhrer (Supreme Leader) with complete control of Germany. He took numerous political, social and economical measures to ensure his popularity amongst his people so as to prevent rebellion. He already in fact had some of these measures implemented way before Hindenburg's death in August 1934, when he was just Chancellor. These policies kept him in power until his death in 1945.
Hitler’s rise to power began after a complete and destructive collapse of the German economy, after the horror of the first world war. According to, 1.7 million young German men were killed in the first world war, and another 4.3 million Germans were injured in the war. The Germans were desperate for someone or something that could recover them from economic failure. “He became convinced that his life’s mission was to “save Germany,” as he later put it” ( Hitler began as a soldier, somebody that would have never gained power without the support of thousands. The german society itself lead to the growth and ultimate terror that occurred during the holocaust. They turned to someone with an ego, and ultimately a hidden drive to kill. The total casualty amounted to 7 million germans as prisoners of war,
Germany’s defeat during World War 1 left the country with unstable government and uncertain people. Adolf Hitler was a man with confidence, charisma, and the ability to make friends and influence people. Hitler tried to establish a sense of community in the recovery and targeted young people, the unemployed, and members of the lower middle class. Hitler’s ability to gain followers and rise to power was a positive thing for Germany until he began using that power to convince others to take part in the Holocaust. Although Hitler was influential in the Holocaust, his intentions were to make Germany a better, brighter place. Hitler gained followers by spreading a message of hope in a positive way, substantially helped the German people out of an
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party used nationalism to great effect in Germany that spured the Second World World. After WWI, many Germans blamed the new government for accepting the unfair treaty as conditions became miserable. People who could not find jobs began to drift into the Communist and National Socialist parties established by Hitler. They decided that it was the necessary solution. In 1933, Hitler came to power as dictator of Germany and preached a racist brand of fascism. He promised to end the humiliating conditions caused by the German defeat in WWI. He knew how to win people's obedience and trust, through their fears and insecurities. He almost immediately got Germany back into the factories and began secretly building up army and weapons. His real motives were to expand German territory and dominate Europe and the whole world that became the prelude to another war.
One of the main factors in Hitler’s rise to power was the Economic Depression of 1929. After the Wall Street crash, the U.S. called in its loans to Germany thus increasing both poverty and unemployment levels. The Weimar government did not understand how to reverse the situation so the general public became angry and lost confidence in the relatively new democratic system. During a depression, political trends become extremist and so the Nazis flourished; Hitler offered both a scapegoat and himself as a strong leader to look up to. The depression gave Hitler the edge he needed to gain ninety-five[1] seats in the Reichstag and ultimately progress from the leader of a minority party to the Dictator of the Third Reich.
“Hitler soon emerged as a charismatic public speaker and began attracting new members with speeches blaming Jews and Marxists for Germany’s problems and espousing extreme nationalism and the concept of an Aryan ‘master race’.” ( Staff, 2009). Since Germany was in such a grave state many people backed him and his views up because it was their way out of their tough times. “In July 1921, he assumed leadership of the organization, which by then had been renamed the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party” ( Staff, 2009). His fiery, compelling speeches were key elements for his gain of power.
During the 1930’s Germany was at an all time low as the worldwide economic depression hit Germany hard. The confidence in Germany from the people was lacking due to the fresh memory of their defeat in World War I. This caused great need of a new leader, someone who could give the people change, and Adolf Hitler knew he could do just that. His rapid rise to power began when he started to promise things that intrigued the German people. He promised the hopeless and needy a better life, and promised opportunities that were exactly what the people needed. This caught the attention of so many young unemployed and middle class people. His party, known as the Nazi Party, won 33 percent of the votes in the 1932 elections. And by January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor, which was the head of the German government. Germany started to feel like they might've found the leader they'd been so desperate for.
The way Hitler rose to power because people believed in his belief. His first name was Adolf. Adolf Hitler was one of the most powerful and infamous dictators of the 20th Century. He rose to power in the National Socialist German workers party after World War I. He also took over the German. When he took over he made an attack on Poland in 1933. When he attacked Poland, it caused World War II. Hitler fought in war against his own nephew in World War II. Overall, this is the way he rose to power because people believed his beliefs.
Once in power Hitler quickly established himself as dictator. He started hauling off thousands of anti-Nazis to concentration camps. The economy, the media, and all cultural activities were brought under Nazi authority by making an individual’s livelihood dependent on their political loyalty. His desire was to establish German rule over Europe and other parts of the world. He realized that this would lead to a European conflict and so he started his plan to conquer Europe by invading Poland in 1939 and started World War ll . The war started off good for the Germans but once the United States entered the war they started to lose. As time passed, defeat became more certain, but Hitler refused to give up. Finally with all of Germany overrun by Allied