JFK Assassination I believe that Oswald was a part of a larger conspiracy. I believe this for the reasons listed below. First of all, Oswald was killed by someone who he had been talking to earlier that week. They could have been potentially planning something. Second, Oswald was not found to have any physiological disabilities. This means he wasn’t crazy, and was maybe offered a lot of money to kill JFK. Third, a mobster by the name of Christian David knew exactly the kind of bullets used. He could have supplied them. Fourth, at least one of the shots must have come from the front. Oswald couldn’t have shot this shot, as he was behind Kennedy at the time. Fifth, a woman saw the outline of a person on the grassy knoll, and took a picture.
However Castro found out about the plot, apparently through one of the Mafia bosses who was a Cuban sympathizer, Carlos Trafficante, and redirected it back at Kennedy. Another one of the mafia bosses also wanted to get back at Kennedy. Kennedy had won the presidential election with the mafia's help, and still his brother Robert, Attorney General at the time, was publicly prosecuting these same bosses as an effort to put down organized crime. It is believed that Trafficante redirected the Cuban exiles to accompany Oswald in Dallas. The third is the amount of government cover-ups that arose from the assassination. One year earlier Kennedy had made a secret pack with Russia that he would not interfere with the Cuban government. But Kennedy broke this pack by plotting to assassinate Castro. It was believed that if Castro was assassinated then Russia would have retaliated with nuclear weapons. Therefore Kennedy had to be eliminated so that this would not have happened. His death virtually eliminated the threat of Soviet retaliation against the U.S. for his plot to remove Castro using Mafia resources. The murder of Oswald by Jack Ruby plays into this theory that the government was somehow involved. Why would Jack Ruby kill Oswald? I believe that Ruby killed Oswald so that he would not leak to the public that the assassination was a conspiracy. How would the American people take it? Our president was killed by our own
I think that Oswald was part of a bigger conspiracy because no one believes that it was only Oswald that killed JFK because how can you fire a sniper four times in a row. The gun will move each time the gun is fired. But I don’t think it was Oswald because after you just killed someone how can you just be eating lunch as calmly wouldn’t he feel guilty for killing a man like JFK. I think that Oswald didn’t kill him because if he killed someone wouldn’t he try to get away. Honestly it had to more than him or it had to be another large conspiracy and he was apart of it. When he was arrested and was taken to the court I think that the guy that killed was part of the conspiracy with Oswald but he killed so that Oswald wouldn’t tell anyone about
I think he was framed. Here's what we know two week before the assassination Oswald went to Rudy Judy,s Club. Also people say they felt bullet pass there heads. They saw two men with smoke around them. One had a muzzle coming out of his jacket and the other one was disassembling a gun and putting in a toolbox. People said one was wearing a suit and a railroad worker outfit. Also the shots came from a different direction. Oswald gun was fould on the sixth floor and he was on the third.
Now so why did jack ruby kill oswald it could be he was upset or he was in on it. I think he was in on it. Because he met up with oswald 2 weeks before the assassination. So I think they were discussing the assassination. So that made me start thinking was Jack e of the mobsters who shot kennedy. And maybe he was worried that oswald would spill ot the truth, so he shot him.
Many theories surround the mystery of JFK's assassination. Many believe that there was a magic bullet or that Oswald acted alone for the Soviet Union. Through gathered evidence, other conflicting theories involving the CIA, FBI, and or Johnson have developed. Questions have been raised like: How many bullets? How many shooters? What was the motive? Why did the route change? Why was the car cleaned out? And was there a connection between Oswald and Jack Ruby? The next presented evidence combines many aspects of the event in a way they could have went down.
trigger. Oswald was just an easy mark to pin the crime on, he was set up, most likely by the CIA
Contrary to the Warren Commission’s findings, Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, did not kill President John F. Kennedy. There are several crucial areas of evidence, which prove Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill the president. Numerous eyewitness accounts show that the shots came from the direction of the grassy knoll (Jack Hill), and not from the Texas School Book Depositary. The number and timing of the bullets fired again prove that Oswald, acting alone, did not kill President Kennedy. Oswald also could not possibly have had the opportunity to shoot President Kennedy, and the rifle in question
Oswald had taken up a new job position at the Texas school book depository which opened in 1908 and consists of seven floors. The day of John F Kennedy's assassination will forever be written in our history books as November 22 of 1963 where coincidentally Oswald was working on that very same day and in fact was one of the few people at the book depository . Oswald had all the materials he needed to kill JFK including the perfect spot on the sixth floor of the Texas school book depository. Oswald carried out his actions at around 12:30 in the afternoon where he also caught the attention of many witnesses who said they saw a man in the window with a gun in his hand and when you put the pieces of the puzzle together wouldn't it make sense that oswald had done this why would several people say they saw him there , it must have been because
I believe that Oswald is part of a larger conspiracy. Evidence that supports this theory is when witnesses told CIA agents what they saw, the CIA denies all this saying “No you didn’t see shots coming from the grassy knoll.” This introduces a new idea: Oswald is part of a larger conspiracy. If the government is covering up evidence that Oswald assassinated president Kennedy, then that just means there’s more to it than just this.
Oswald killed an officer while he was trying to arrest him, this was shown in the statement “Oswald killed Officer J.D. Tippit”. This shows that Oswald is capable of killing anyone who does not satisfy him regardless of who they are or what position they are holding. The Warren Commission Report highly supports the view that JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey, a lone gunman and neither Ruby, CIA and Cuba
Oswald's purchase history showed he had purchased a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, yet again; there is no proof that he had used the rifle to kill the president. Oswald makes a likely suspect for an assassin of Kennedy because he defected to the Soviet Union in 1957, and came back to America in 1959 with a Russian wife and communist sympathies. Some believe Oswald was framed; people would call themselves Oswald and give him a bad name. Someone showed up at a car dealership claiming to be Oswald and started driving at 27 MPH on sharp turns. Oswald did not know how to drive. (Kallen, 61) Unfortunately, Oswald was never given Trial as he was shot beforehand by Jack Ruby.
At 10:30am: Kennedy remarks to Jackie "you know, last night would have been a hell of a night to assassinate a president…" that is a reference to their late night motorcade through For Worth in Texas. At 11:50am: Multiple co-workers see Oswald on the first floor of the book depository eating lunch. With the motorcade leaving Love Field to begin the motorcade through Dallas.12:05pm: President Kennedy makes his first of many stops at groups of people waiting to meet him and shake his hand, delaying the motorcade by five minutes. The president 's last minutes are crunching to the impact of the gun shot from Lee. At 12:29pm: The president 's limo turns onto Elm St. The first shot is fired missing the president. A fragment from the bullet or debris from the street hit James Tauge who is watching the motorcade in Dealey Plaza. A man is standing near the Stemmons Freeway sign with an opened umbrella. With the umbrella man it is also a conspiracy theory that deals with JFK. At 12:30pm: The second shot is fired, causing Kennedy to go into Thornburn 's position, He was shot in the throat. This is a common neurological response to spinal damage. The third shot is fired, hitting the president on the back, right side of his head, causing a portion of his head behind his right ear to blow out. Right after the third shot is fired. Oswald quickly gets a Coke from the soda machine in the
There are many different views and ideas supporting the multiple shooter theory. Some say that the shots had to come from the front because Kennedy’s head goes back and to the left. Also, they say that
The killing of Oswald was well planned because it made the investigation harder to solve with the prime suspect
It was believed in the “Oswald lone shooting” theory that he shot one bullet. From educated background knowledge about rifles, the rifle believed to be used in the assassination might have been accurate enough to get the job done, but at the angle and height it would have been almost impossible to make the shot. That bullet was believed to have traveled from the sixth floor of the book depository on a downward slant. It had to be timed perfectly considering the target was moving at fourteen miles an hour. While this seems like a hard shot to make already, the bullet entered Kennedy's back and then moved upward on an apparent ricochet, out his throat and into John Connelly’s chest, where it created seven wounds all together (“JFK Assassination”). “There is no way that one bullet was shot. In the video Kennedy moves more than once” (Bradford). Many people have doubted the one bullet