
What Was Marco Polo A Hero?

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Marco Polo is a hero because he was one of the first and most famous europeans to travel to asia during the middle ages. He traveled farther than any of his predecessors during his 24 year journey along the silk road, reaching China and Mongolia, where he became confidant of Kublai Khan. After many years, Polo, his father, and uncle finally went back to Venice. They had had a long adventure and it was time to settle down. When Polo was young his mother died and since his father was out traveling he was never home. So while he was growing up, Polo was mainly raised by extended family and friends of his parents.

He explored places, but wasn't mean or rude at all. Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy. He had a brother, Maffeo, named after his Uncle Maffeo, and also a father named Nicolo. When Polo was 17, he took his first trip to China. He went with his father and Uncle Maffeo. They thought he would be help to them. The reason they went was to tell the king news about the Pope, who had not yet been elected. When they got to China they went to the great Kublai Khanś palace.When they got to the palace, the king seemed to take great interest in Polo and offered him an important job. The job was to go to different places around the king's empire and find out what was going on there. Polo accepted gradly. …show more content…

One day, the king sent Polo to Karazhan. He was gone for a very long time, but when he came back, the king greeted him graciously and asked him how his trip went. Polo told the king that there was golden rivers and gold in mountains. The king was happy that he had such a rich country. As Pologrew older, the Great Khan trusted him more. The king sent him to faraway places like India and

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