Romance, action, and comedy are the first things that come to mind when I think of the artist. Between Peppy buying all of his things, becoming a huge movie star, and taking his driver, it was difficult to see what she was really getting at during this film. Was Peppy Miller trying to be like George Valentin?
In the beginning, we first met Peppy as she fell into George while he was greeting fans, later she went to an audition thus beginning her launch into the film business. As she became larger, George became smaller and smaller until people forgot about him and his movies. To be completely honest, Peppy wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if she hadn’t bumped into him and he took a picture with her, it seemed that she had let it get to her head that just because she took a picture with him she deserved to be on the big screen too.
Later on in the movie, George had fired his driver Clifton since he had not paid him in a year. Peppy hired Clifton soon after to be her driver. Peppy had Clifton drive her places that George just so
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Or is she actually obsessed with him that she feels the need to be near him at all times. While she is away at a film shooting, George wanders around the house and the dog finds a room. George enters the room and starts uncovering the items. What he finds really sets off fireworks of emotions. He sees that Peppy has bought all of his items from the auction, put them in a room and covered them up. George freaks out and runs out of the house, going back to his and has a complete mental breakdown. Peppy finds out and goes to his house and saves him from doing something completely stupid. It may sound like I’m contradicting myself, and I am. The entire movie seems like she is obsessed with him but actually Peppy just really likes him and wants to be with him. She gets them a part in a musical and the movie ends with them being really
But this changes a fair amount by the end of this story. After the death of his wife he seemed to be instantly distraught and deranged, the first time we hear from him after the fact, he just sounds like an absolute lunatic. Going on about dog collars and just random things until he deduces who “killed his wife”. In a later chapter he is talking to his friend, while his friend just tries to calm him down, George was already too far gone and made his mind up to take action against his wife’s killer.
Lennie is a large slow and a bit childish due to his mental disability. George is small, rough, bright but short tempered man that travels and cares for lennie. On page 14 George was talking to Lennie about how guys like them are lonely, they have no family or place to go. Unlike themselves they have a future and theycare for eachother. Then lennie says happily “But not us! Ah’ why? Because.. Because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you and that's why” this shows that George and lennie have each other's back and they're basically each other's family and if they ever got lost or separated, they had a specific spot to go find each other so they wouldn't have to worry where they would be.
The words "It’s a Wonderful Life," tell a wonderful story. That’s what the whole movie was about. We as the audience, go to see just how wonderful George Bailey’s life really was. The movie shows the values of a family, and how much George took them for granted. He took them for granted until he felt what it feels like to live without them. This film showed that there was a lot more to George’s history than just his life. He had saved Harry’s life when they were just kids. Later on Harry stopped an aircraft from running into a lot of soldiers, which saved all their lives. So in the long run George saved all those soldiers too.
This scene is the underlining example of symbolism throughout the story. Back home, in his personal life, this impacts the way he views Lanae and Esther. The two girls haunt his thoughts as he has flashbacks and can’t remove the memory from his head. Georgie does as much as he can to comfort and help Launa and Esther. The experience he had in Iraq represents his dire need to care for them at home. He does so by babysitting
George is small and very sharp, an opposite to Lennie his traveling friend. George's personality shows anger and understanding. Of the two of them, he is the one who thinks things through and figures out how their goals can be reached. Once Candy makes it possible for them to have a ranch, George finds where they will get the ranch, how long they need to work to pay for it, and how they will have to keep it to themselves in order for it to work for the next month.
To begin, Lennie provides George with a sense of family and companionship during their journey. George becomes
George tried his best to help his mom out in any way possible. He helped
She keeps herself busy in order to forget the memory of George. In fact, it seemed as though the entire life Granny built for herself was to prove to George that he took nothing away from her, which acts as a giant
Jake takes Georgette out for drinks and to a club to meet his friends. But he
One very large development in George is in the way he interacted with Lennie. He had once admitted to Slim that he has “beat the hell out of him.” Of course, now that they travel together George and Lennie get along with much more ease. One thing though, he still had a very short fuse when it came to Lennie. He would yell at him for forgetting or acting
George not only controlled Lennie but he also looked out for him and he wanted him to be happy. An example of this is how he constantly reminds Lennie of their dream,
Many conflicts start to pull George and Lennie apart throughout the whole book. George gets tired of dealing with all the bad thing Lennie does, therefore he ends up killing his best friend as much as he did not want to. When Lennie killed Curley’s wife George knew it was over so George decided to put a end to his missery before someone else killed him. George is forced to shoot Lennie in the back of the head because of the incident that occured. The men do not understand why a best friend would kill another best friend so they all leave in confusion. The only person who understands is Slim. Slim knows what George goes through and understands why he did it. Friendship has to end somewhere no matter how deep the friendship is.
“Lennie watched him from over the fire. He said patiently, "I like 'em with ketchup." "Well, we ain't got any," George exploded. "Whatever we ain't got, that's what you want. God a'mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an' work, an' no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want. Why I could stay in a cat house all night. I could eat any place I want, hotel or any place, and order any damn thing I could think of. An' I could do all that every damn month. Get a gallon of whiskey, or set in a pool room and play cards or shoot pool." Lennie knelt and looked over the fire at the angry George. And Lennie's face was drawn with terror. "An' whatta I got," George went on furiously. "I got you! You can't keep a job and you lose me ever' job I get. Jus' keep me shovin' all over the country all the time.”.” This means that Lennie is a pain to handle and that George had enough and he is now letting out his anger. It also is when their friendship starts to break up. When it says “Well, we ain't got any," George exploded.” This shows that George is done and has had enough of Lennie and When it says “George exploded.”It shows that George has been holding his anger in for a long time and he couldn't hold it in any longer. This relates to the big idea in that George doesn't want to be with Lennie
He is used to heavy work and can do a lot more physical labour than the average man. George is a character that looks after Lennie as he is mentally weak. They have built up a love for each other that has made their friendship as tight as a box. Lennie looks at the same dream from a different prospective.
Throughout the movie, the audience gets to perceive George’s dilemma in life. Since he was a little boy, George has been a good child: always willing to help others. He saved his brother’s life by jumping into icy cold water to prevent him from drowning, and thus he lost his left ear’s hearing; he also prevented his boss,