
What We Should Learn About World War II

Satisfactory Essays

Five paragraph essay WW2 I think it is smart to learn about the world war because we have much to learn of what we did wrong, and what we can do better (if that happens). And I think we should learn about because it is a big part of our history, and it is something that changed our world lot. And I think we should learn about how they lived under the war, and what is the difference from now. And also how one man can change our history, and the world so much. The WW2 is a big part of our history We should learn about the ww2 because it is a big part of our history. And we should learn about what happened and what that did after, and also we should learn why it happened, and what we did with it. Who did we fight against, and did we win or lose? Many big things happened under and after the war, during the war us humans developed new and better medicines, our warfare evolved to a more modern warfare. At the same time, we also discovered new things, such as plants. To see how we lived under the WW2 …show more content…

While soldiers were fighting abroad, what exactly did those on the home front? We get to know how our grandfathers or our ancestors lived. The people under the world war had a tough life, and had to cope with the fact that their family were taken or killed. Most of them were hiding, and had a small place to live. Their daily life during the war is also different from how we live today. Those who lived during the war had to live with the war on a regular basis. And we should be really happy about how we live today, someone is still living like this everyday in other

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