What would the world be like if Abraham Lincoln lived? The western cities such as Denver and phoenix would be home to free slaves and maybe even perhaps a blacker middle class. Lincoln would have better managed the aftermath of the civil war.
Abraham Lincoln would have pushed for full rights to vote for freed blacks. Lincoln would have encouraged blacks to move out to the south. Lincoln convictions about justice and equality for 4 million slaves freed after the civil war. He never laid out a specific plan for reconstruction but if he would have lived the evidence points us toward the four paths to reconstruction which he would have likely adopted.
Abraham Lincoln wrote in 1864, that he could not avoid exacting in return universal suffrage
Ishmael Beah was born in the African Country Sierra Leone in 1980, because of the country he was born in, he was subject to lots of corruption. Unfortunately, during his lifetime there a civil war had broken out and the government of Sierra Leone was in shambles. When he was just 13 years old he was taken in by the army of Sierra Leone to fight the rebel group known as the RUF (Revolutionary United Front). During the time Beah was with the army he had seen and committed numerous atrocities all because of a groups belief of war.
On the chilling night of April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth had assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. How do you think America would’ve turned out if John Wilkes Booth would’ve missed his target. Would society be different today if lincoln had lived. What do you think, yes or cv. I think yes America would be stronger and much more of a better place if Lincoln had lived, it would’ve been a much better society.
Would have President Lincoln have been successful second-term president? Would the reconstruction of the South have been done better with a powerful and a strong president such as Lincoln in charge? Would the Western cities like Phoenix and Denver have become home to free slaves and perhaps a new, more powerful black middle class? Or would have President Abraham
Both Douglass and Lincoln had accomplished the goals and desires they had wanted. Lincoln’s main goal was not to abolish slavery but to combine the North and South together. Douglass had sought that slavery was a crime against God and men, so he thought all people are created equally and we should have equal rights and the whites do. Abraham Lincoln had been described as a moralist and political operator or even a an inveterate racist. His main goal was to establish that we all deserve peace and equality as a Union.
Lincoln would have wanted full voting rights for African Americans. Lincoln would have wanted newly freed slaves to travel West and start a new life as farmers or railroad workers. The South may have gotten rid of the racism much sooner if African Americans would have received more rights and freedoms. The Civil rights movement may have happened one hundred years earlier. Lincoln would not have been as harsh on the South and would have done more to help the growth of the economy in the South. The South wouldn't have become as angry and anti-negro
Lincoln comes out with a strategy which will heal the many wounds that the nation is facing. The president looked forward to the fast growing, forgiving restoration of the broken union. Land and labor is an issue which is at hand and the Lincoln government is trying its best to ensure that the black Americans get settled in their own land unlike the social set up that is there where black Americans are provided with food, housing and medical care and they
As I think about Lincoln and all that he did I wonder if we would be at a different place today if he had not been killed. He might of died too soon but some good did come out of Reconstruction that Lincoln would of been proud of such as the 14th and 15th amendment. Those amendment might not have been held up when they were first placed into effect but there they were still there and a few years later they were extremely help for blacks to have the same rights as an other American that is born in this
Early on in Lincoln’s political career he “expressed his devotion to the cause of protectionist tariffs, taxpayer subsidies for railroads and other corporations, and the nationalization of the money supply” (2). According to Lincoln, “the constitution stood in the way of his political ambitions” (3). If you cannot already tell, Lincoln seemed maybe he did not really care for the constitution or people like he said he did. He did not care to have equality between the races and wanted to put all the blacks in one place besides the United States. We should all be treated equally but Lincoln did not feel this way. Lincoln’s primary agenda for a Civil War was not to end slavery but to save the Union (8).
He still did not think blacks should have the right to vote, hold political offices, or marry white people. He also still believed physical differences between the two races would prevent them from living together socially and politically (186). Lincoln was against whites benefitting from slave labor and did feel that blacks should be able to benefit from the fruits of their own labor. According to Dinesh D’Souza in her article “Abraham Lincoln: Tyrant, Hypocrite, or Consummate Statesman”, he was not, however, an abolitionist. Abolitionists wanted an immediate end to slavery and believed the rights of slaves should not be compromised and that they “had a duty to defend freedom, unreservedly, and careless of the consequences” (3).
This November, “Mary Jane” may become legalized in California. “California Proposition 64, the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative, will be on the November 8, 2016, ballot in California as an initiated state statute...A "yes" vote supports legalizing recreational marijuana for persons aged 21 years or older under state law and establishing certain sales and cultivation taxes (“California Proposition 64”). Experts are worried about how the passing of this proposition may negatively affect California students. They’re concerned because they’ve heard about “Mary Jane’s” bad reputation. After she was legalized in Colorado in 2013, the number of students using marijuana increased and academic performance declined (Colwell and “The Legalization
I believe that Abraham Lincoln was the stronger president because of his many strengths. He was a strong leader and he had commitment to values during his time as president. Abraham Lincoln was the president to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, to end slavery once and for all. Lincoln had to handle the civil war which couldv'e very easily made our country rip apart. Using his great leadership skills and his strong morals, as president he made the nation survive an unforgetable war.
Coming back to our “if Lincoln was alive supposition”, when Lincoln ran for president he had no side on slavery and during the civil war he was not concerned on human equality but as the war went on Lincoln changed his mind about human equality as he realized that he could use former slaves like soldiers for the union, but after the emancipation proclamation and the new free African Americans started to call for civil rights and as the radical Republicans push the same purpose in congress, I can say that President Lincoln would have used his policy of listening to other people’s opinions in order to please the demands of his people. Also the process for civil rights would have been a lot easier, because Lincoln was
The act also gave the federal government the power to step in if any states attempted to intrude on the African Americans’ rights.
Abraham Lincoln influenced america and other historical figures. Martin Luther King Jr. and Lincoln were one of the most prominent leaders when it came to slavery. He showed courage to stand up for what’s right and fight against for what’s wrong. Without Abe Lincoln we would not be in the position and success we have in the modern world (smithsonian). Abe Lincoln was a “Progressive man”, he made strides to free the slaves and to abolish slavery(smithsonian1). He was one of the most known and recognized leaders in american history.
From presidency, to a traumatic death, Abraham Lincoln lived a fascinating life. The sixteenth American president helped in the preservation of American freedoms, bringing an end to slavery. From The Emancipation Proclamation to the development of the secret service, Abraham Lincoln set an example for the future leadership of America.