
What Would You Do Analysis

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Is there an internal fight between ego and responsibility? In the show "What Would You Do?" Shows that struggle that many people have. From being blinded by physical looks, attention from the public, to not taking on responsibility is all shown in this TV show and shown in these situations. To start off with, much of the population of the United States bases immediate thoughts off of race, gender, attractiveness, ect... That's how everyone forms immediate opinions with the help of society. In the episode of "The Bike Thief" of "What Would You Do?" Showed this way of thinking. There was three actors, a white male, a male of color, and a woman all in need of help stealing a bike. Not many people were alert when the white man was taking, but people were highly alert when the man of color was caught and many would scoff at him while calling the police. This proves that the society we have does form a negative connotation with black people. Along side when the woman was brought of in front of the bike appearing to be taking it, a lot of male attention was put on her because our community as a country associates women with being helpless and helping out a lady in need. By this social experiment, it shows that the physical aspects of a human body does play a role in …show more content…

In the "What Would You Do?", "Homeless Violence" episode, many bystanders didn't neglect the chance to help when they saw the unkempt situation of these teenagers beating a homeless man and a homeless woman who was shown separately. All of the people who stopped to swoop in tried to be the savior to insolent behavior. Many others were more willing to jump in and help the homeless woman because ultimately, she did look helpless. Going back onto the topic of women look like a "damsel in distress". Men and women want that boost of their ego when they do get paraded for being the

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