
What is Hydraulic Fracking?

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Introduction Hydraulic Fracking is a big epidemic in South Africa, Karoo. The Karoo is at risk of contamination of ground water and in possible danger of losing its indigenous ecosystem. The effects of fracking are not only detrimental to the environment but also to the communities around the Karoo. Due to Fracking the air, water and agricultural land are polluted and contaminated and all these factors have a direct impact on the people around the Karoo area and other South African provinces. What is Hydraulic Fracking? Hydraulic Fracking “Hydro-fracking” is a controversial technique on extracting oil and shale gas from the Earth’s surface. This technique was developed in the late 1940’s to access fossil energy by drilling down the Earth. The process of Hydrofracking is explicit due to the controversial manner in which it is done. Vertical well bores are drilled thousands of metres into the earth, through sediment layers, the water table, and shale rock formations in order to reach the oil and gas. The drilling is then angled horizontally, where a cement casing is installed and will serve as a pipe for the large volumes of water, fracking fluid, chemicals and sand needed to fracture the rock and shale. In some cases, prior to the injection of fluids, small explosions are used to open up the rock layers. The fractures allow the gas and oil to be removed from the formerly impermeable rock. The breaking of the resistant rock may result in minor Earthquakes. Due to the

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