
What is Sociology? Essays

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What is Sociology? After reviewing the article titles given for this first assignment, I believe they indicate that Sociology, generally speaking, is not only a study of diversity or commonality in traits among people; it is also a science about factors in a person’s life and how these factors culminate responses. Interestingly enough, its topics of concern seem to be directly determined by current and common events of the world. Through the invention and expansion of new ideas, popular trends and fashions through time, Sociology adapts to responsibly to service the very subjects of interest it studies; for, even the slightest change of a person’s daily experience can have an insurmountable impact on attitude, personal growth, family …show more content…

How has Sociology changed? According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2010), Sociology is referred to as “.the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings” (para. 1); however, the transformable qualities of this science are not represented by this definition, as they should be. To best understand these changes, we must first consider changes within people as study objects; for as previously stated, Sociology changes in ways which are commensurate to changes in the world around it.
For example, during the 1970’s, single parent households did exist, but these arrangements were considered to be the exception, not the rule. In contrast, today’s family structures are as diverse as the people within them. Given that it has become routine for some parents to live separately, and couples of same sex marriages are now common place, unique areas of consideration have opened up and are in need of further scrutiny. Through updated theories and advanced equipment, inventive techniques have been applied to study people adjoined to the modernized world they live in. Also, social sciences have fundamentally altered their beliefs of acceptability and acknowledged

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