What makes a great company to work for? Well everybody has their own perspective. It can be pay, shorter working hours and so on. Whatever the elements are to making a great company to work for, these are the elements that will benefit both parties. The purpose of this paper is to explain the benefits of these three elements. It will cover the elements such as welfare, communication and fun, that will make a great company to work for and how these elements will affect the employees working for the company which in turn will affect the company’s productivity and moral level.
A company that provides welfare will keep morale high. This is because a company that gives out welfare frequently will play a part in keeping morale level high and motivated. When morale level are high among the employees, employees will be more productive(bailey,2013). Welfare can be in a form of monetary reward, health care subsidies, off or lesser working hours. However, if a company does not provide welfare it will affect the employees causing their morale level to be low. When employees morale level are low it will create pressure between co-workers to form(Melton,2011) and anti-social behaviour will start to form which will affect the company. Low morale also affects the productivity output in a company. Thus having welfare in a company is beneficial.
Another element that makes a good company to work for is fun. When companies promote fun in the workplace environment, it helps to boost
Employees are the most important asset of an organization and organization has the responsibility to keep happy, motivated and satisfied so that their interest does not diminish in work. Moreover, when employees are kept happy and satisfied then their productivity rises as they feel that the company has given them the importance.
Developing work attitudes is by reducing imprudence that was between the hourly workers and their mangers and increasing job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It is clear that workers at this motor company have the lowest job satisfaction in order of various negative influences that impact their life. First, mangers at this company did not treat their employees as a human, they treat them as machines, that should rich the demand by the end of the day, and called them by numbers not their name. Second, workers have intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and ethical values that ford would not respect. Third, Stressful work without any reward and the work environment that was not save, clean, or regulated at the plant. Finally, week bonds between mangers and workers that create week work energy and losing trust between employees as results the work has turned down frequently. In addition, at Ford Motor Company the physical and psychological
Management wants a happy workforce, because this will increase all levels of productivity as well as lessen any kind of work stoppage. Even though nonunion companies may have similar goals their approach may be a little different. Certain programs that apply to all employee as well as their feedbacks heighten their goals and also productivity.
An employee’s morale is tied to their work, the more stressed and dissatisfied the employees are the more their work will suffer. A happy employee means more work will be done, working in a happy and safe and secure work environment will make the workers more willing to work harder.
Morale: With employees, more engaged in their work and more pleased with the corporate culture, their morale will naturally be higher. This leads to less time and productivity lost to illness, tardiness, or extended breaks and lunches.
The employer must first be a "good employer in order to make the workplace one where happiness and productivity thrive," In order to be a good employer
Welfare is made for people who have been hard on there luck. The idea that the government gives assistants in order for recipients to become financially stable in order to improve the economic statis works very well in theory. Welfare can be looked at in two different ways. One of these ways is that welfare should be used as a temporary source in order to supplement an existing paycheck until you can make ends meet. The other way is to completely get a person of out of poverty and to become apart of the working society.
we do,” Frank explains. Fun at work? It sounds like an oxymoron. But in order to attract and keep valuable talent, companies are finding creative ways to generate positive emotions in the workplace.
Welfare gives individuals the opportunity to get back on track and receive financial aid for their families and themselves. Welfare comes in many forms such as: monetary payments, subsidies and vouchers, or housing assistance. By receiving welfare each individual is responsible for meeting certain criteria. The criteria required to meet is made so that it is made “fair” to everyone. For welfare to be fair though the rules must be forced upon to all of the individuals that are requesting the extra help. Many people abuse the welfare system, but someone has to put their foot down and say that enough is enough.
Employees require motivation, reward and encouragement for maximum productivity. Punishment to workers not performing is also mandatory to prevent cases of poor performance. Ethical considerations must be looked at and employees must follow rules and company policies for plans made by management to be successful. Workers and management relate like a family and this has enabled the company perform to its expectation. These plans are aimed at ensuring total customer satisfaction and delight.
Lastly, I think that having a fun place to work creates motivated individuals who will have an increased job satisfaction. A “fun workplace” doesn’t have to be an oxymoron. Anyone can choose to create a fun workplace. Both qualitative and quantitative data exist to support our belief that a fun work environment can have a positive impact on productivity, quality,
Most people on welfare lose their human independence and feeling of dignity. They become subject to the dictates of their welfare supervisor, which tells them if they can live in certain areas or if they can buy a new phone. They are treated like children, not responsible adults. They are trapped in the system, let's say a job comes up that looks better than welfare, they are afraid to take it because if they end up losing that job, they have to wait six to nine months before they can get back on welfare. As a result, it becomes a self perpetuating cycle rather than a temporary state of affairs. The welfare system takes people’s incentives away when it comes to getting a job. These types of programs tend to destroy the very fabric that holds a decent society
The Fortune 500 Company chosen for this paper is the Lockheed Martin Corporation. Lockheed Martin is a global securities and information technology company headquartered in Bethesda, MD. Lockheed Martin employs roughly 126,000 people in several facilities throughout the world. The company's main business is in research, design, development, manufacturing, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. Lockheed consists of four operating units, or business areas, which consist of Aeronautics, Electronic Systems, Information Systems and Global Solutions, and Space Systems (LMC, 2011).
It will also motivate them to do something with their lives instead of relying on the state for their food and money income. Most of the people who are on welfare do actually need it, there is a very few amount of people who will abuse the system just so that they don’t have to work but they will still get food and be able to eat whatever they want. It could also reduce the obesity problems in lower income areas which might change it so that they will become more motivated to be
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” Welfare is defined as a procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need. Welfare was a system created to help those who could not help themselves; today that system is being misused and abused. The government collects money from working individuals in the form of taxes and distributes it to assist those who cannot work on their own, or those who simply choose not to work.