Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander III of Macedon, was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in 356 BC and was handed down his reign when his father, Phillip II was murdered in 336 BC by his bodyguard. His father was out most of the time trying to extend his kingdom therefore Alexander was left with his mother, Olympias, who was very emotionally close to her son and had a tendency to spoil him. Alexander was handed down a trained, strong and powerful army with excellent generals at the age of 20. Alexander fought and led his army through over 20 campaigns and battles, to never be defeated. He reigned Macedonia from 336-323 BC and died in Babylon in 323 BC, from a fever. His leadership and inquisitiveness led to him building a reputation to spark his greatness. It was to a significant extent that Alexander earned his title 'great' for a wide range of reasons including; how he ruled as a King and how he acted as an individual, how he led his army and how he performed academically.
It was to a significant extent that Alexander earned his title ‘great’ because of how he ruled as a King and how he acted as an individual. Alexander inherited many traits from his father including his ability to make quick decisions, his logical perception, and his courage and leadership skills. Alexander was thought to be generous, have a deep affection for intimate friends and consideration for women. Though, sometimes, his violence went beyond what was necessary and
Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia, in 356B.C.E. His father was King Philip, when his father was assassinated he took over the throne at 20 years old. There has been a debate on whether Alexander was still great or not. Alexander was not great for these reasons, his ruthlessness and his hunger for power.
Over the years, Alexander had suffered severe wounds that weakened his health. Alexander was born on 356 BCE in Macedonia and his father was King Philip II. He was 20 years old when he first launched his invasion of the Persian Empire. He wanted to conquer India, but his army refused to go any farther. Jesus was born 300 years after Alexander died. How great was Alexander the Great? Alexander the Great not only spread Greek culture, but was also an inspiring leader.
Alexander III of Macedon also known as, Alexander the Great, made a name for himself many years ago but today his “greatness” is being questioned because of research conducted due to modern technology. In order for someone to be viewed as great, they would need lots of evidence supporting that they were a well-rounded person. I believe that alexander had rightfully earned this title because through my research I have only found evidence that Alexander was indeed a man of greatness. Although Alexander displayed many characteristics of greatness there are three that have stood out me, his strategy, selflessness, and influence. These reasons show clear support that Alexander was Great and never anything less.
All of what historians know about Alexander the Great is a mixture of fact and legend. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. as heir to the throne of Macedonia. He was only 20 years old when he set out to conquer Pirsa. After 8 long years of fighting for persia, Alexander was diagnosed with malaria and he died 10 days after. How great was alexander the great? Alexander was great because he was a military genius, he spread greek culture, and he was an inspiring leader.
Alexander the Great, Macedonian King (365-323 B.C.), was the son King Philip II and Queen Olympias, who was one of the best kings at that time. He was known conquering the Mediterranean and Persian Empire. Alexander was called the “Great” because of his military mindset and dexterous skills in conquering lands (Mark1). As a young boy, he was put through school and was tutored by a Greek Philosopher, Aristotle (History1). He was also taught to fight and ride by Leonidas of Epirus (Mark1). Then at the age of eighteen, as a prince, he took charge of the Companion Cavalry and helped his father in defeating the Athenian and Theban armies at Chaeronea (History1). Alexander the Great, conqueror of the Persian Empire, was noted for his leadership,
Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C and died in 323 B.C. Historians believe he died of a sickness or that he was poisoned. In his time of being the king of Greece, he was also the general. Alexander the Great was the greatest general of the Ancient World because of his father, Philip Ⅱ of Macedon, the Greek phalanx, and the Greek military.
Alexander the Great was the King of Macedonia. He is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He inspired later conquerors such as Hannibal the Carthaginian, the Romans Pompey, Caesar, and Napoleon. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. He was the son of Phillip II, King of Macedonia, and Olympia’s, the princess of neighboring Epirus. Olympias told Alexander that
Alexander the Great was a military mastermind he changed and defined how wars were fought and won. He was a great war general and the King of Macedonia, who conquered an empire that stretched from Balkans to modern day Pakistan. One of his most amazing achievements was that in his 13 years of conquest Alexander the Great never lost a battle. In the moment of his father's death, Alexander, then 19, was determined to seize the throne by any means necessary. The cause of Alexander’s death still remains one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world. Alexander the Great was one of the most influential people of his time.
Alexander the Great was a king and conqueror. He is commonly referred to as “the most powerful leader of all time.” What is it that makes him such a powerful leader? What has he accomplished that has made him so significant? Were his accomplishments positive or negative? These are all questions that when combined as one create a debate that has been going on for decades. There are those who admire Alexander’s military achievements and ability to carve out the largest empire the world has seen. Then there are those who perceive him as a selfish, cruel madman with drinking problems. This paper will outline the different sides taken on Alexander and the question as to what his significance/influence was and whether it
Alexander the Great was born to King Philip II, around 356 B.C. in Macedonia. Alexander witnessed his father rule Macedonia as the king and having had one of the greatest philosophers at the time, Aristotle as his teacher it’s no surprise that Alexander from a very early age showed characteristics of a leader. When Alexander managed to tame the horse, Bucephalus his father pointed out even as a child his ambition is far too great, “My son, seek thee out a kingdom equal to thyself; Macedonia has not room for thee” (Plutarch 317). Alexander didn’t experience struggles or opposition when he rose to power, in fact he had inherited his position when his father was assassinated. However, there is no concrete evidence whether Alexander the great had anything to do with the death of his father.
Alexander the Great has many historical accomplishments during his reign from 336BCE – 323 BCE. During his lifetime, Alexander has completed many long conquests and gained victory in vital wars which impacted the growth of his kingdom. His accomplishments also set a guide for the Hellenistic empire that followed in the region after his death. Alexander the Great, is the son of the Macedonian King Philip II. After King Philip II was assassinated in 336 BCE, Alexander quickly took the throne when he was only 20-year-old.
Alexander the Great was born from King Philip II of Macedonia and Olympias, princess of Epirus in 365 BCE. At a young age Alexander was taught by Aristotle. He taught Alexander politics, sports, warfare, as well as academic subjects. When King Philip was assassinated in 336 BCE, Alexander inherited his father’s army and empire. Using his outstanding knowledge, and his father’s great army, Alexander was able to conquer a great amount of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Alexander was substantially great considering he protected his empire, motivated his troops, and impacted cultural spread(ww).
Alexander the Great is considered to be one of the greatest leaders of all time. Born on July 356 BC, in Pella, Greece. Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedon and Olympias. Alexander never really spent time with his dad, since his dad was always away, so Olympias was a big influence in his life. From the age of 13 to 16 he was taught by Aristotle, he also had other teachers that influenced his beliefs, but Aristotle is considered to be the most important one. Aristotle taught him some of the things that allowed him to become a great king such as philosophy, Politics, government, etc. After his dad died in 336 BC, he became king of Macedonia. It is believed that Alexander the Great never lost a battle. While Alexander was king, he conquered Egypt, Eastern Iran, the Persian Empire,
Alexander III of Macedon or commonly known as Alexander the Great was the conqueror and king of the Persian Empire which is the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He was born on the 20/21st July 356 BC in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. While in reign from 336 to 323 B.C, he united the Greek city-states and led the Corinthian League. He also became the king of Persia, Babylon and Asia as well as created Macedonian colonies in the region and was a member of the argead dynasty. Unfortunately he died around the 10/11th June 323 BC in Babylon at 32 years of age which was classified as middle aged back then.
William Shakespeare once wrote that some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them. Some historians believe that Alexander III of Macedon fall into some of these categories, while others do not. This highly regarded ruler is often referred as ‘Alexander the Great’, however, the acknowledgement given by historians to Alexander’s father, Philip II of Macedon, does not sufficiently recognise Philip’s achievements as being a major qualifying factor of Alexander’s accomplishments. Conflict wise, Alexander is quite notable for many military achievements within his short rulership of twelve years, 335 to 323 BC. It is many of these achievements that derived from and were a major influence from Philip himself.