
Wheelchair Stereotypes

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Myth 1: Wheelchairs Summary: According to the article 6 Stereotypes of Disability from Disabled We Stand, one of the misconceptions was, “if you’re in a wheelchair, that can mean either that you’re deaf, dumb and stupid, or that you’re a goddess on wheels. People approach you when they usually wouldn’t approach anyone else.” Furthermore, others are drawn to people in wheelchairs because they automatically feel pity and interest in the difference in lifestyles. Rather than letting a wheelchair define someone’s character, personality, or life, perhaps getting to know the individual would be a more accurate representation of who they are as a person. Example(s) Dispelling or Perpetuating: In the film Darius …show more content…

The fact that she was able to create easily accessible clothing for individuals with disabilities was astounding and I was, frankly, blown away by her accomplishments. She was able to travel to New York City to participate in fashion shows and had a little bit of difficulty when operating the ramps, but as she said, she figured it out. She relied on an interpreter to explain to us what she was saying, but as the interpreter said, she learned how to understand Delaina by repetition, as Delaina would make certain shapes with her mouth when she would talk and the interpreter figured out how to understand her over time. Delaina is the perfect example of an individual with a disability who does not need help. She comes up with her own sketches, operates her own wheelchair, and can type into her computer to let us know what she is thinking. Her brilliance was apparent when she talked about how dedicated she was to her sketches and how she was honored to attend the University of Florida. Instead of seeing Delaina as an individual who needs help opening the door, or crossing the street, I saw her as a peer with much more amazing capabilities than myself. She put into perspective fact that people who have disabilities are perfectly capable of managing their own lives and doing it

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