
When A Car Moving North How Fast It's Moving Would Be Its Velocity

Decent Essays

The important thing is to never stop questioning. In science you must question everything and work to find the answer.The definition of the speed of something in a given direction. So when a car is moving north how fast it's moving would be its velocity. When the mass of an object is changed it can change the velocity. Mass is the amount an object weighs.In this experiment I took the mass of carts and changed them to observe their change in velocity.s. The law of conservation of momentum requires that the total momentum in the system must remain the same, or be conserved, even though mass or velocities of moving objects in a system may change. If the total mass of two colliding carts is increased, then the final velocity of the carts decrease? …show more content…

a) Click on the reset button. Adjust the glider masses back to 0.5 kg. Reposition the gliders with G1 on the left end of the track, and G2 on the right end, since both gliders will have an initial velocity moving toward each other for the collision. The exact position of each is not important, as long as they can collide near the middle. b) Record the masses of G1 and G2 in Table D. Calculate and record the combined mass of the gliders as well. c) Set the velocities to 3.0 m/s for G1, and –3.0 m/s for G2. Record the initial velocity and momentum of each glider in Table D as well. d) Press play to run the trial. After the collision, press pause to record velocity and momentum data for the combined gliders in Table D. e) Run a second trial. Click the reset button and change the mass of G2 to 0.8, and keep the other parameters the same. Record masses, velocities, and momentums as you did in Steps 3b–c, this time in Table E. Run the simulation, pausing after the collision to record postcollision velocity and momentum of the gliders in Table E. f) Repeat Step 3e to run a third trial where the mass of G2 is increased to 1.2 kg. Record masses, velocities, and momentum both before and after the collision in Table F. Step 4: Compare values for momentum. a) In each Table, find the momentum for each glider prior to the collision and for the combined mass after the collision. Momentum is calculated by using the …show more content…

Both carts can have the same mass and same velocity, but after the collision will have a slower velocity. Even after the collision the carts will have a velocity but their directions will have changed. When the carts change direction the velocities will change and the cart with the least amount of mass will have the greatest velocity. If one cart is moving faster in the beginning the one with the least amount of velocity will go backwards faster. Clearly, the velocity and mass of the cart affects the

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