Writing is a written form of communication that has been used for hundreds of years to pass along information to other seeking it. Writing can make you feel emotions that everyday life may fail to provide you with. Writing can take you to places that only your childhood self would recall, when your imagination ran wild. On the other hand, writing can document the knowledge of others who thought that their ideas were worth the future generation’s time. Imagine how life would be if nothing was written down. If everything needed to be based off memory and others knowledge about a topic, it would be chaotic. Writing is also a process, it comes easy to some and is miserable for others. It comes with learning all the tricks to grammar, proper sentence
Everyone knows what writing is to one extent or another, but we all have different definitions of how it should be done and varying degrees of seriousness about the art. We all have a process of writing, but each is unique to ourselves and our own experiences. Annie Dillard and Stephen King are two well known authors who have published many pieces, two of which describe how they view the writing process and let their readers get a peek of what goes on through their minds when they write. These two pieces are Dillard’s The Writing Life and King’s “What Writing Is.”
What is the Meaning of Writing? Writing is enjoyable, calm, dreadful, and ghastly. These are some example of what people say about writing. It’s how people express themselves. How we tell others our stories, adventures, and our heroes. It is how we communicate without talking. Authors write to show their feelings, experiences, or stories they want to share. Take others to their own world. In fact writing means different things to everyone.
Writing, it seems, is an essential part of life in our culture. It is prevalent throughout every stage of our lives. First appearing when we learn the skill in primary school, the responsibilities attached to some form of writing will not cease to continue through our high school years, our college years, and inevitably into our lives as working full functioning adults. Writing essays, research papers, emails, reports and reviews, writing even persists for most past retirement, only to ever end at the grave, and the final signing of ones will. While writing is nearly guaranteed to be an essential part in all of our lives, this does not mean that all writing performed by everyone is the same. Ones choice of profession has a major impact on the content of their future writing, both in the field and while earning the necessary degrees for entry into those fields.
Writing: Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing; records information completely and accurately; composes and creates documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, proposals, graphs, flow-charts; uses language, style, organization, and format appropriate to the subject matter, purpose, and audience; includes supporting documentation and attends to level of detail; and checks, edits, and revises for correct information, appropriate emphasis, form,
Writing is spontaneous. Writing can be ideas jotted down on to a paper without a rhyme or reason, or possibly with more reason than the paper itself. Writing is a beautiful art that one will overlook time and time again, because it requires a likewise thought process of something greater than reality. Not just anybody could revolve oneself around writing, although occupationally, being a writer would require education, patience and creativity.
According to Rupperd Morris writing is defined as ‘’the skill to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings to other people in written symbols to make other people or readers understand the ideas conveyed.’’
Writing means many different things to different people. Writing is a way to inform, persuade and entertain. I think writing is the best way to express your ideas feelings and thoughts. It also allows you to showcase what’s going on in your heart, mind and life. Writing is something I enjoy very much, but just as easily loath. Typically, I would write more if I write about a topic that interests me. Overall, I'd say writing is a way of life because of the sense of accomplishment one feel when finish writing. Writing for me is definitely therapeutic. To me writing can me viewed as a way of entertainment. Writing is putting all thoughts that I can’t say aloud on paper. One may write through motivation. Writing allows people to unleash my creativity.
In today’s society one would not be able to communicate effectively with the world if writing was not involved. People all around the world send emails, texts, and letter to numerous amounts of individuals each second. Talking on the phone is slowly becoming a thing of the past while the writing side of technology is taking over. The meaning of writing is changing in society. Writing used to be specifically for academics or the occasional letter to a loved one. As time has passed writing has taken more forms and more meanings. In the world we live in now writing is classified as texting, emailing, instant messaging, and even comments or tweets on social media. Although writing has these multiple new forms, it still holds its academic side strongly. Everything with meaning in turn affects a person’s day to day life. Writing has the effect of making one more intellectual. Writing has become a bridge between communication and the cultures and people of today’s society. It gives way for different options in stating sentences or phrases. (Olson). Each affect should change with age. As a person grows older, their writing styles should mature and take on a more professional aspect.
My personal definition of writing: Everything, I experienced in my life, which triggers off my thoughts and feelings. It lets me desire to express the wonderful meaning through the words.
Writing is the greatest method of forming connections between people. There are many ways to give your own thoughts and experiences to others, such as speech, music, and video, but writing in it’s many forms always falls on top of all of these. Writing can invoke the same emotion that music does, but also carry as much meaning, if not more, that verbal communication. Video may be able to provide an actual image, but this often does not compare to a well written work that incorporates not only sight, but all the senses.
Writing is like facing your fears. It scares you more than anything, but once you finally get passed the irrationality of fear everything seems effortless. Writing is just a fear; it’s something that seems so difficult to grasp. The closer it is to you personally, the harder it seems to overcome. Once you finally find that one thought, your whole story is driven and it seems almost impossible to stop.
Writing is like swimming through a plethora of words. Diving in may immerse you, but being able to navigate to your desired location while creating a current that allows others to follow, offers meaning to function. What is writing? For many, writing is simply letters placed on paper, no more, no less. We have each heard someone say, it is not what they wrote but how we interrupted the words. Words may only mean what we want them to mean. Words have no power.
To me writing is as crucial as breathing; it is a necessity for living. It goes deeper than conveying thoughts and ideas on a page. It is a means to experience several realities in a single lifetime.
Writing has always played a huge role in my life. I’ve been reading writing for as long as I can remember as I have an immense love of reading. This love would grow into a love for writing as well; I still stumble upon journals and writings from my five-year-old self about the happenings in my kindergarten class. As time would go on I would discover academic writing, and how to convey my thoughts on what was the topic of student that particular year or semester in my schooling. Later, writing would become a constant for me, and a comfort; I was known to my friends as always having a journal, and a pen on my person. I learned to write down my feelings and my thoughts, song lyrics that were in my head, reflections for the day. I learned how
Writing is a medium of communication that is used to deliver the message to the readers. Writing can be of different style. It can be in the form of technical or literary writing. Technical writers are different from literary writers in terms of the use of language, structure, purpose, format, subject matter and their intended audience.