
When Parrots Breast Feed Summary

Decent Essays

In my analysis of this novel, The Adventure of Don Chipote or, When Parrots Breast-Feed by Daniel Venegas, I kept in mind that Nicolás Kanellos put great effort into getting this novel circulated in Spanish and in English. Kanellos argues that Spanish-language immigrant novels more accurately present the “evils” of American society such as oppression of the immigrant workers and deconstructs the myth of the American Dream, which permeates in English-language ethnic autobiographies. I believe Kanellos felt so passionately about circulating this particular novel was due to the fact that in Venegas’ novel we see clear representations of the three U.S. Hispanic cultures that Kanellos presents which are the native, the immigrant, and the exile cultures. …show more content…

and endure the harsh conditions and the loss of their cultural identity which is done through the representation of their bodies. The grotesque representation of the Chicano laboring body forces the reader to recognize the issue of the body as an instrument used or consumed by the capitalist system in America that turns the body into one more piece in the economic machine that is the bracero program. This is evident in the manner in which the bodily functions of the characters are with great detail described. For example, in chapter eight they described how they ate: “They jawed for a long time.” (page 67). As well as in chapter ten: “And with the whites of their teeth showing, they pounced upon the dishes” (page 89) and “After one lapped up the coffee and the other licked the plate clean,” (page 90). Although, I agree that it is wise to educate our brethren that it is not easy to make something for yourself in America yet I do not agree that we should discourage anyone in trying their look to succeed. There was also a fear of the loss of cultural identity yet Venegas was a part of a small middle-class community which in itself contradicts authentic Hispanic

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