
When Smart Is Dumb Chapter 14

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Chapter 3:
When Smart Is Dumb
This chapter focused more so on the abilities self-awareness recognizing, which is a feeling as it happens. There are many studies that has proven, people who have high IQ levels have failed in their practical lives, whereas the average person has become extraordinarily successful. At best, the IQ level contributes about 20 percent to the factors that determines a person’s life success which would leave the other 80 percent to concentrate on other things such as emotional intelligence. The shortage of capability to be mindful of your emotional state leaves you to be at the humanity of others. The capability to construction self-awareness is dealing with your emotional state and having the ability to handle your …show more content…

There is a slight difference between men and women. High IQ males are typified, a wide range of intellectual interest and abilities. Men who demonstrates a high emotional intelligence tend to have socially poised, outgoing and cheerful not prone to fearfulness or worry rumination. Whereas women with high IQ levels have the expectation of intellectual confidence and are fluent in expressing their thoughts, as well as their values when it comes to intellectual …show more content…

Howard Gardner’s model for intrapsychic intelligence is Sigmund Freud, the great mappers of the psyche’s secret dynamic. Freud made it clear much if emotional life is unconscious; feelings that stir within us do not always cross the threshold into awareness. Emotions that simmer beneath the threshold of awareness can have a powerful impact on how people perceive and react, even though individuals have no idea they are at work. Once that reaction is brought into awareness he can evaluate things, and decide to shrug off the feelings that left earlier in the day, and change his outlook and mood. In this way emotional self-awareness is the building block of the next fundamental of emotional intelligence: being able to shake off a bad mood. In this chapter, Goleman describes a class of people, known in the psychiatric literature as alexithymics, who cannot verbalize their feelings, which Goleman equates with not being aware of them. Listening to human beings attempting to communicate about their emotional experience suggests that we are all alexithymic to a significant degree. One reason for this is that the study of interior phenomena is not encouraged by most parents, nor is it included in the standard school curriculum. This undoubtedly is also a factor in the frequent appearance of intelligent, educated, and sensitive people

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