
When The Bough Break Summary

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In the video When the Bough Break, Ms. Kim Anderson, a successful African American lawyer, did everything right during pregnancy and yet still had a poor birth outcome. Neonatologist James Collins and Richard Davis explained their theory for the poor birth outcome of minority women in the video. As healthcare providers, what are the implications of their theory? As future health care providers, it is imperative that we all understand and acknowledge the role that psychosocial health plays in the promotion of health and the prevention of disease. Throughout this video the causes of low birth weights, amongst minorities, was examined. Despite prior popular beliefs, that low African American birth weights were caused by the socio-economic status of their mothers, a theory known as the life-course perspective identifies the presence of chronic stress as the cause of …show more content…

Health promotion, and stress reduction must be promoted for all patients, especially for individuals of a minority. As care providers, it is our job to provide the resources necessary for our patients; strive for equality; and promote health throughout the lifespan. After watching the video Bad Sugar, social and economic conditions were associated with the high rate of diabetes among the Pima Indians of Southern Arizona. What kind of policies might help alleviate these conditions? After watching “Bad Sugar”, it is increasingly clear that conditions that lead to poor health and diseases, such as diabetes, must be acknowledged and corrected. Examining the cause of the prevalent disease is the first step in decreasing the occurrence across generations. Policies implemented must focus on education, if outcomes are expected to change. Knowledge is power, and in order to promote compliance, all must be educated about health promotions and disease

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