
Where I Come To America

Decent Essays

I arrived in United States of America four years ago from Ethiopia. I lived all my life in small city named Hawassa. Being born and raised in a small African country, Ethiopia, I didn't get the chance to grow up with American culture and tradition. Everything is different back home starting with having fifty students in one class. Everyone almost compete with each other trying to be number one. Having no experience in America, my first week in senior high school was different to me from the class schedules to lunch times. In Ethiopia, we didn't go to class to class every time we have different classes. We always stayed in same class throughout the year and only our teacher come in to teach. Everyone in the school had same lunch time. Education …show more content…

The past two years in the community college have been great. I have learned a lot from my well respected instructors and my peers. So now, I want to transfer to a four year college and continue to grow, broaden my understandings and improve my communication skills. Now I'm about to complete my associate in science program at Trident Technical College, in Charleston, South Carolina, where I have been successful academically and socially. During this time I was a peer tutor which furthered my knowledge of the United States and its culture all while working part time jobs. These experiences have contributed to my education as a whole. My goal is to transfer to a university and attain my bachelor’s degree in Nursing. Becoming a nurse is a goal that I have had for quite some time having seen the lack of healthcare in a developing country and the vast needs of the people. I believe it is a great profession that would allow me to be a catalyst for change while allowing me to show compassion to people and help them. Saving other people’s lives is a great incentive for me, because I came from coming from a country where people die from contaminated water, lack of food, clothing and less than sanitary conditions in some areas. Once I finish my BSN, I want to pass the knowledge I've learned to others and help those who are in need. I want to be able to help the people of the United States and Africa, especially my country home, Ethiopia. It is sad to see people not getting treatments and dying of disease. I believe completing my degree in nursing will provide me with essential tools to help bring that dream to accomplishment. Apart from my career goals, I want to enjoy life and be a positive influence in my

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