Which Kind of Beverage Produces the Most Gas? Problem or Research Question and Hypothesis It is most likely almost everyone has a favorite beverage. Well beverages produce different amounts of gas. People or families who have a long history of stomach problems look into which kind of drinks produce the most gas. The question is, “How much gas does your beverage produce?” Another question is, “How does the gas produced from a beverage affect your stomach?”(Weathers 1)The hypothesis for this experiment is, “If different types of beverages release different amounts of gas then soda would release the most.” Logically it feels like soda would release the most gas since it is a carbonated beverage. In this experiment you use a variety of beverages.
This was determined by observing significant reactions that occurred when the powders that Unknown Mixture #2 consisted of were individually tested with the liquid reagents. Alka-seltzer proved to be a highly reactive reagent as bubbling occurred whenever any of the liquid reagents were mixed with it. It appears that alka-seltzer created a neutralization reaction with each of the liquids. Since alka-seltzer and baking soda contain similar chemical properties, it can also be inferred that the bubbles that were apparent for each of these neutralization reactions was the gaseous carbon dioxide that was created during the reaction. While alka-seltzer seemed to be highly reactive, table salt wasn’t very reactive at all. Despite the fact that salt wasn’t very reactive, it can still be deduced that salt was in Unknown Mixture #2 without noticing any of its reactions. This is because it is already evident that baking soda and cornstarch are in Unknown Mixture #1. Since two of the four possible substances are already in Unknown Mixture #1 and none of their special properties were observed in Unknown Mixture #2, the presence of salt in Unknown Mixture #2 can be confirmed by using the process of elimination. By understanding how each of the powders reacts with each of the liquid regents, the substances of the unknown mixtures can be
The purpose of the experiment was to help us better understand how water, Coke and Gatorade effected the renal system. The goal was to test and see if my hypothesis were correct regarding the urine specific gravity, urine flow rate, and presents of reagents using the Labstix. My hypothesis for this experiment was that the Gatorade drinkers will have the highest urine flow rate and that non-drinkers would have the highest urine specific gravity. Water is hypo-osmotic and coke contains a high amount of sugar making it hyperosmotic relative to plasma. Gatorade consists of large amounts of electrolytes making it iso-osmatic relative to the plasma. Based on these characteristics of the consumed substances, we are able to study the hormonal effects on the average UFR and USG.
Author repeated the same experiment with another person, but the juice was poured by the author in SW and TS is of same volume. It is noticed that people have the tendency to choose SW more likely than TS.
The song Beer or Gasoline by Chris Young, expresses the economic concept, opportunity costs throughout its lyrics. Opportunity cost is the loss of a potential gain from picking an alternative option. Throughout the song, Chris Young has a decision to make between either a six-pack of beer or a gallon of gasoline for his truck.
This experiment was performed to determine the glucose concentration in selected drinks, Coke and Gatorade. Absorbance readings were measured providing us with values to then calculate the glucose concentration, these values were then compared with theoretical values. Results that were obtained from the experiment fell short of the theoretical values which resulted from human error.
To be able to know how to conduct their experiment, the scientists researched how to use certain materials they will be using. One of the main materials they will be using will be a refractometer to measure the TDS of the black coffee and gun powder green tea. It works by putting a few drops of the beverage onto the sample well of the refractometer, where a small light beam shines through. The refractometer then calculates the amount of total dissolved solids and provides the percentage of TDS. (Fresh Cup Magazine,
Do the test smell and food, then no smell and food, then only food. Continue with these steps until experiment is finished. The results for cinnamon scent and food 11/12 correct, for cinnamon with no scent and food 12/12 correct, for cinnamon with food 12/12 correct. The results for mint scent and food 8/12 correct, for mint no scent and food 12/12 correct, for mint with food 12/12 correct. The results for vanilla scent and food 12/12 correct, for vanilla no scent and food 12/12 correct, for vanilla with food 12/12 correct. The predicted results were that with scent and food that the volunteers wouldn’t be able to still taste. What could be done differently if this project was performed again is having one volunteer at a time doing the test. Another thing is give the volunteer a glass of water to clean the mouth from any taste when tasting something new. Experimental error were not taking the volunteers smell away completely. The hypothesis, if the smell was cinnamon then the taste of ketchup will decrease. The hypothesis was not supported. When comparing the foods with smell against the foods without smell the cinnamon had a 9% difference, mint had a 40%
Both S. A Novel About the Balkans by Slavenka Drakulic and This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen by Tadeusz Borowski are novels that tell the tale of those who were victims of some of the worst crimes ever committed in human history. The main characters of each novel are subjected to terrible conditions but nevertheless both defeat the odds and survive. Survivors of such events often struggle to deal with their past. The authors of each novel deal with this struggle in different ways through the characters.
The lab we did required multiple similar steps, with small variations between them. To begin, we weighed out separate amounts of baking soda (NaHCO3) for separate test tubes. We had 6 test tubes labeled 1 through 6. Each test tube held 0.180g, 0.350g, 0.520g, 0.700g, 1.000g, and 1.700 g of baking soda respectfully. We also used six balloons to each hold a certain amount of vinegar (CH3COOH). Each balloon held 10 ml of vinegar. We used the balloons as a way to get the vinegar into the test tubes by fixing the balloon over the mouth of the test tube, being careful not to let the two materials inside mix. This was the beginning of our lab.Our hypothesis was that balloon number 5 would be the largest balloon due to the nearly even ratio of baking soda to vinegar, we were proven wrong through the experiment. Balloons 1 through 3 had an excess of vinegar, which means that all baking soda was dissolved. Balloons 4,5 and 6 had excess baking soda, which means that the vinegar was unable to dissolve all the baking soda. Balloon 6 was the largest balloon.
Each trial consisted of two hours of steady state cycling at 70% VO2 peak immediately followed by an all out time trial. Study A compared placebo (no caffeine), caffeine before the trial (precaf), during trial (durcaf), and cola as a replacement for a 6% CHO (carbohydrate/sugar) sports drink just before the final time trial. Study B was similar to study A, but moved up the cola drink intake to allow the athletes to consume the cola at a rate that simulated race conditions. Study B also compared decaffeinated 6% CHO cola (control), caffeinated 6% CHO cola (Caf), decaffeinated 11% CHO cola (extraCHO), and caffeinated 11% CHO (Coke). This allowed determination of whether effects were from caffeine, increased sugar content, or some combination.
In a study done at Harvard scientists gave 100 people regular soda to drink for a week. Then gave another 100 people other drinks such as milk, water, and orange juice to drink for a week. In the end the people who drank the regular soda gained as much as 8lbs. Dr. Louis Aronne of Weill-Cornell Medical College says “It’s because soda pop of any kind is a waste of calories. It gives you more sugar then your body needs which means more calories, and in the end doesn’t fill you up at all”.
When conducting the experiment the results for each alcohol were where they were anticipated to be supporting the
The impact sugary sodas have on our bodies is known by everybody. But this didn’t stop people consume large quantities of sugary beverages. This is what the change observed in the consumption of such drinks appears to be curious. In accordance with the report, the average American has cut down on soda consumption by 25 percent in the last 25 years.
There were three hypotheses of the experiment. The first was, “we expect that demographic factors will predict the importance of taste, nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control to individual persons”. This means that they (the scientist involved) believed that the personal characteristics (age, gender, income, and race) will affect the flavor of food, benefits
In this article, you are informed about a disease that is occurring more often in our society. It is commonly referred to as “heartburn” but is more appropriately named acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Most people suffer from this disease, but think nothing of it. Perhaps they have felt it after a big meal, lying down after eating, during pregnancy, or even when bending over. Most people feel that GERD occurs after eating spicy foods, when in fact the major cause of GERD is fatty foods and the quantity of foods eaten.