
White Collar Crimes And Street Crimes

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Crimes are one of the many things that all humans have in common. Whether it be a serious crime or not, everyone can commit a crime and go to jail for it. There are two types of crime that can be considered complete opposites of each other. They are white collar crimes and street crimes. White collar crimes are considered nonviolent crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his/her occupation such as fraud, embezzlement, or bribery. On the other hand, street crimes are any criminal offense in a public place which can be robbery or burglary. There are many barriers proving the acceptability of one over the other. Lack of awareness, lack of education, and social class make white-collar crimes more …show more content…

The reducing awareness for these crimes can be seen throughout the whole criminal justice system. Just because one person committed a crime does not mean the whole company is not a scam or that someone else is not doing the same. Most of the time it is the one person, but they will not truly know until they investigate the whole business. The lack of statistics causes a decreasing amount of awareness of this crime by not having the correct resources to see a trend. “The ICCC or Internet Crime Complaint Center is the current source of statistics regarding white collar crimes, which primarily rely on victims to report victimization, that aids researchers who have created estimated figures describing the range of costs associated with these crimes” (Martinez). If a report center relies on people’s opinions, then some of the information could be false or tampered with. If the statistics are relevant and correct, then the agents can look for a pattern in the numbers to see which crime was the highest and when. Having correct statistics is one way to reduce the lack of awareness. Another way to reduce it is with the help of NW3C. It is a nonprofit organization that supports agencies in preventing and investigating economic and high-tech crime. It offers many ways to help better the cooperation and coordination among federal, state, and local agencies responsible for economic crime. NW3C stands for National White Collar Crime Center. Some of their

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