
White Privilege And Black Privilege

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White Privilege in America
Privilege affects everyone, regardless of if they are affected positively or negatively. Being the majority of majorities in America, white males bear an automatic stamp of privilege on their foreheads, although they would care very strongly not to admit it. On the surface, privilege does not seem like such a bad thing, but when you pay attention to the differentiation of struggles between white men and everyone else in America, you can see it is a very large issue. Whether it is in the classroom, in the workforce, in real estate, or even in your own home, white privilege is affecting you. White male privilege in America is counterproductive to the growth of equality in society today because it affects the …show more content…

If the color of your skin is any darker than a certain light shade, the answer is probably never. For centuries, the white man has ruled America, and chances are that it will not stop anytime soon. The beautiful 63 percent of ivory that resides in the United States of America seems to be growing larger and larger, if not in size, then in power. Although white privilege, even privilege in mass, affects everyone in this country, white people choose to leave the topic unacknowledged and rely on their white innocence, or ignorance rather, to exhaustively ignore that there is issue. Privilege is defined in the Advanced English Dictionary as a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all. Maleness by itself is an indicator of privilege and power. When you have both whiteness and maleness in your genes, you are set for life in here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. When you hear the name Christopher Columbus, what do you think? The world credits this man with discovering the new world, as if there weren’t already an indigenous people inhabiting the land he “discovered”. In fact, he never set foot in North America, but was believed to only have explored various Caribbean islands. Not only did he completely brutalize a group of Native people, he took credit for one of the biggest “discoveries” in history (Strauss). This is one of the earliest and most primary

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