Reacted with amazement how the two participants in the experiment with the same background such as education, career choice as leadership counsel, attended the same college, came from middle-class family, played on the same softball team were treated differently in the society based on their race. Surprised how race plays a major role every day in our lives. Somehow I believe it was because of our class status but never took in consideration race.
It clearly shocked me to see in the video how white race has privilege in society, unlike other race. The experiment on the video proved if one is white, then they have white privilege and are not likely to face discrimination. Race determines if we are discriminated or oppress in society. On the
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How nothing has really changed during the time the video was released in 1991 from today. But most importantly finding out that the dominant race benefits from discrimination, oppression, or prejudice of minority race. That is how white privilege become to be in my opinion. How they don't need to work hard to receive the best benefits or services. For example, on the video, it showed on one hand how John gets a better car deal but on the other hand how Glen is not. It totally stirs up anger in me to see injustice happening. Since john and Glen had the same background. Furthermore, sad to see how just by one's race, they are treated unfairly. It didn't change how I feel or think of the issue the issue since it proves true to the claim that racial bias still exists in U.S.A. The experiment on the video proved if one is white, then they have white privilege and are not likely to face discrimination. Race determines if we are discriminated or oppress in society. Furthermore, aware that there has been no progress of the injustice. Finally, that discrimination or oppression are hard to identify because of freedom of speech, which, therefore, allows people to express their opinion. Learned how society justified's dominant race group negative behavior or attitude toward minority race group with freedom of
Conversely, in one instance, there was not a positive change after the crash that occurred. This was when the white police officer killed the black man he had picked up on the side of the road. This scene was extremely emotional for me, as this officer had tried to do the right thing in other instances. I think this scene was included to show that even though we aim to do the right thing, sometimes our opinions of certain races can be skewed by those around
After reading chapter one of the text the White Privilege Concept mentioned caught my attention most pertaining to the example of the a white women being able to use a credit card without suspicion, whereas the black women draws skepticism . Only because I’ve seen such behavior where I currently work, and I had encountered a similar situation recently that exemplified the concept.
One illustration I thought was really striking was the comparison they used between the skin tones of people from different geographical regions, revealing significant variations within racial categories. For example, the film showcases how individuals with darker skin tones can be found across various racial groups. challenging the simplistic notion that skin color corresponds to a singular racial identity. Moreover, the documentary highlights the role of environmental factors such as sunlight exposure in shaping skin color, further debunking the idea that it is solely determined by genetics. By unpacking the complexities of skin color, "Race: The Power of an Illusion" effectively dismantles the myth of race as a biological reality, emphasizing the socially constructed nature of racial categories.
“The belief that European American norms and more are universal and supreme to other cultural prescriptions and interpretation” (Day, Phyllis. J. A New History of Social Welfare). White privilege or "white skin benefit" is known for societal benefits that advantage individuals recognized as white in Western nations, past what is normally experienced by non-white individuals under the same social, political or monetary circumstances. White privilege is a quality so pervasive thus slippery in our way of life that we are still blind about oblivious in regards to its presence. Alongside patriarchy's abuse of classism, sexism, and prejudice it is a key component in the advancement and backing of numerous different qualities.
When discussing the issue between African-American and Caucasian the claim of is white skin privilege a myth can be debatable. Paul Kivel claims yes, from White Benefits, Middle-Class Privilege. Tim Wise claim No, from “The Absurdity (and Consistency) of White Denial: What Kind of Card Is Race?” Paul Kivel and Tim Wise both agree that African American and Caucasian have received different treatment. However, Paul Kivel states, “Privileges are the economic extras that those of us who are middle-class and wealthy gain at the expense of poor and working class people of all race.” Tim Wise believes that Caucasian is in denial that discrimination is a real problem. After reviewing both claims I believe Tim Wise made a more valid point. Wise states,
I guess I have not so much learned, but become more aware of racism in America, in the video, we have seem that both gentleman approach life in a similar manner, they went to job interview dressed appropriately, they went to the mall and clothing stores and act similarly, and yet, the African American gentleman was mistreated solely on the fact that his skin color was dark. I have become aware of the struggle that African American children face from a early age, when you have been mistreated on this level your whole life, you will lack the motivation to even try to get a good education, because you will not be treated fairly anyways.
Privilege affects everyone, regardless of if they are affected positively or negatively. Being the majority of majorities in America, white males bear an automatic stamp of privilege on their foreheads, although they would care very strongly not to admit it. On the surface, privilege does not seem like such a bad thing, but when you pay attention to the differentiation of struggles between white men and everyone else in America, you can see it is a very large issue. Whether it is in the classroom, in the workforce, in real estate, or even in your own home, white privilege is affecting you. White male privilege in America is counterproductive to the growth of equality in society today because it affects the quality of living and level of opportunity for the rest of the country’s inhabitants. Within all facets of life, you can find extreme examples of white privilege.
Something that I also found really interesting is how white people get offended by fact that color of people accused them of the inequality that we have in this country, for example some of the things they bring up is that “they didn’t ask to be white”, yet they still contribute to the idea of color blindness by refusing to see the reality that they will always have more power over a person of color regardless their education level or income. Whites will never understand the harsh reality of race in the U.S., Lopez makes a great point about this “ But beliefs in innate racial inequality could not be perceived as morally evil until they were first seen as factually wrong. This was impossible to imagine for persons steeped in the belief that
My reflection on Jane Elliott experiment was a great experiment and I agree with Jane statement that teachers should be trained on how to conduct this experiment or an experiment like it. I believe Jane dividing the class let the kids feel hands on discrimination. Some of the response from 8yr olds kids was unbelievable. Because of socialization the kids was thought black people are trouble, they are dumb and they are called niggers. That is learned behavior for their household. Kids are born innocent and are thought to treat people of a different color different. However the kid was not thought that we are all different in many ways. I felt Jane had the best experiment to allow the kids to feel discrimination and feel when they can’t socialize
One might think that being a part of the human race would work to unify all people. However, this has sadly not the case, as our commonality took a back seat to our supposed differences. Ergo, the construction of race effectively stratified society on the basis of one’s skin color. The creation of dominate and subordinate status along racial lines has resulted in one race benefiting at the expense of all other races. In the United States, this superior entitlement has been granted to those that are a part of the white race. Accordingly, white individuals have been able to reap the rewards of their skin tone, experiencing privilege that they may not even be aware of and that other races can only hope to attain.
The DNA workshop enlightened the students in the first video the same way this film has enlightened me on the topic of race and social impact on groups of
Before I modify or add to Mcintosh’s daily effects of white privilege, I think it important to explain the view point that I was brought up in. This is not intended to be racial, as some could turn it into but I think that my perspective as a 55 year old white male raised in southeastern Ohio needs to be considered. I lived through the 1960’2, and went to school with only 1 back family in my high school. I never saw or heard of any of that black family having any type of problems in anyway. I was never around any people of color until I was in the work force, where I found myself around all people of color. I wanted to get to know them and made many friends with all I came into contact with. I have never seen with my own eyes any type of discrimination ever. Although I have family who have worked for companies that use affirmative action. They have watched as people got hired because of color, and then took advantage of it. They would sleep on the job, and not do their assigned work, just because they knew that the company would not fire them in order for the company to maintain a certain level of minorities’, both people of color, and women. And if you were both a women and a person of color you had what would amount to diplomatic immunity. I personally feel that we should do as the Ohio State marching Band does. The band puts the best on the field every game. You can go to any football game and watch the band, and see about 20 band members standing at attention, while the
Racial minorities are aware of the privileges that are not given to them, whereas whites are easy to be dumbfounded of the fact. White privilege is seen as the other side of racism, where things that others work hard to earn are just given to the white people. White privilege continues to exist because of color blindness; many try to play on the phrase “color does not exist” are normally the one’s that feed into the chaos. Also, whitewashing plays a huge role of white privilege. Whitewashing is the process of promoting the white culture and denying other races, tactic is often used in the
more quickly than minorities. Also, she says that since white people have powerful jobs it makes
Many people believe that racism and discrimination are non-existent in today's society; however, that is simply wrong. A large percentage of the population does not accept other people simply because their appearance is different from themselves. The video clips played in class emphasize the generalizations and negative experiences that so many people, including myself suffer from on a daily basis. Most of the videos depict students treating or talking about others in negative and demeaning ways. In today's world, even at Bentley University, society unfairly judges people based on race, gender and sexual preference.