
White Privilege In Society

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Reacted with amazement how the two participants in the experiment with the same background such as education, career choice as leadership counsel, attended the same college, came from middle-class family, played on the same softball team were treated differently in the society based on their race. Surprised how race plays a major role every day in our lives. Somehow I believe it was because of our class status but never took in consideration race.
It clearly shocked me to see in the video how white race has privilege in society, unlike other race. The experiment on the video proved if one is white, then they have white privilege and are not likely to face discrimination. Race determines if we are discriminated or oppress in society. On the …show more content…

How nothing has really changed during the time the video was released in 1991 from today. But most importantly finding out that the dominant race benefits from discrimination, oppression, or prejudice of minority race. That is how white privilege become to be in my opinion. How they don't need to work hard to receive the best benefits or services. For example, on the video, it showed on one hand how John gets a better car deal but on the other hand how Glen is not. It totally stirs up anger in me to see injustice happening. Since john and Glen had the same background. Furthermore, sad to see how just by one's race, they are treated unfairly. It didn't change how I feel or think of the issue the issue since it proves true to the claim that racial bias still exists in U.S.A. The experiment on the video proved if one is white, then they have white privilege and are not likely to face discrimination. Race determines if we are discriminated or oppress in society. Furthermore, aware that there has been no progress of the injustice. Finally, that discrimination or oppression are hard to identify because of freedom of speech, which, therefore, allows people to express their opinion. Learned how society justified's dominant race group negative behavior or attitude toward minority race group with freedom of

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