
Who Am I Test

Decent Essays

On the Holland Code Quiz it told me i would be more successful at coaching, a fitness trainer, and a physical therapist. However, on the Who Am I test it just wanted to know my personality. It told me i’d be good at helping, teaching, treating, counseling or serving others thru personal interactions. I feel like the things both test told me are possibly correct. Because i love helping others and i also love to see people get better at what they’re doing. I also feel the right job can bring you complete happiness. DESCRIPTION OF CAREER A typical day as a coach/teacher is quite simple. I would probably wake up at about 5:30 or 6:00 am to get ready. After that, i will head to the school and wait till classes are in session. Until my athletic period i teach high school U.S History. When it's my athletic period i will work out the girls for most of the period and after the period is over we will stay another 2 hours for practice. Of course some things change around the year. For instants, when it is a sport that i do not coach i will only work out the girls who are in off season and after the period is over i will go home. …show more content…

the average teacher workday is much longer than that. In addition to a full day in front of the classroom (the graphic pegs the average school day at eight hours)”

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