
Who Am Who I Am Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever looked back and thought about what truly makes you who you are today? Well I have and I am a firm believer that sports have shaped me into the man I am today. I am who I am today because it taught me to preserve through the toughest things in life, it has taught me that nothing ever comes easy in life, and also it has taught me how to respect people. Sports had changed my life significantly ever since I was five years old, there has been ups and downs in my life and I feel like I look back at sports to help me get through these obstacles in life. Sports have helped me persevere in life because all my life I have been told I was not good enough to make it to the next to the next level in baseball. It has taught me to work harder than others to better my skills and outwork the others around me. When I was 11 I was not able to make the Little League All-Star team because my “skill set” was not good enough, and at that moment I had told myself that I was going to make that team next year and I would do whatever it takes to be better than the others on that team. It even helps me in school because when the last two weeks of the semester are coming up and all I can think about is walking out that door for the next two months of nothing but sleeping and not stressing over homework anymore. But I know that I need to buckle down and get off the couch and I look back at how sports have taught me not to be lazy and how to be the best, so I got off the couch and get to

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