
Who Do You Believe The Pigs Or The Wolf

Satisfactory Essays

Who do you believe, the pigs or the wolf?

I believe that the wolf is a big fat liar. First of all he was in so many fairy tale stories that it is kind of ridiculous. To save time I’m only going to tell you three of them: Little Red Riding Hood, Sheep in disguise, and last but not least The Three Little Pigs. So yes i do believe the pigs! Now I am going to show you why. First of all, they were just minding their own business. If you have seen or heard of the story The Three Little Pigs, you will know what I mean. The pigs were kicked out of their home by their own mother when they were about two years old! Well I know who is getting the mother of the year award, not her! The pigs never meant harm they were just trying to make a home for themselves

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