Spending a whole year in your class should be pretty amazing. Considering you seem like a laid back teacher. I just hope my predictions are correct. Not only are you going to see me almost every day for about 7 months, you are going to see me on my bad days, good days, and I just don’t want to be at school days. So take a seat and get ready to read an essay that only shows most of who I am. In this essay you are going to figure out who I am as a student, and how my life at home is, and what I expect you to do as a teacher this year. To start this off I am a person not just a student. With that being said, you should treat every person different considering everyone is not the same. Me as a “student” I would consider myself an independent worker. I do not have a problem working with groups, but if I had an option I would most likely work independently. One thing you will realize throughout these 7 months is that I am fairly quiet, and I mind my own business. Another thing you will realize is that I do wear headphones and I do listen to music quiet a lot. Do not think I am listening to music to drown out your voice; I am just trying to drown out the voices of the student who choose to let their ignorance get the best of them. This is going to be a lot to take in…so get ready. My home life isn’t as bad as I portray it to be. I am blessed to have a roof over my head and clothes on my back, along with food in my stomach. But I have gone through a lot such as my mother’s
I am a non-traditional student. I began my college matriculation 15 years after receiving my high school diploma. I started my family before focusing on my education and career. I have been fortunate within that 15 year gap to be a stay-at-home mother. When my youngest son began kindergarten, I began college classes. This reversal of traditional education and family construction has given me a unique perspective on life.
When I was a child, most of the stories or situations I have been through was, mostly, my dad hitting me and my parents fighting constantly; so pretty much I did not really grew up watching Barney, traveling to places, and going to Disneyland often. I thought I would have to live like this for the rest of my academic life, but one day around the age of eight, my dream came true. My parents had enough of each other, so they went their own ways; even though, I was glad that I do not have to life miserably anymore, I was not. I thought that everything would settle down and live a calm life with my mom, but as a result, I ended up raising my two siblings. My dad left the house, my mom was in her own world, and I had to watch my siblings. I thought my parents divorce would benefit me, but all it did was for me to not live as an eight-year-old would. I thought that my dream of going to a great university and becoming a Physician Assistant came crashing down. A couple weeks later, my dad came back and long-story short, my siblings and I had to go hang out with my dad for
I’m just a girl from a small town called Dale, South Carolina. I grew up here most of my life but I’ve been back and forth to North Carolina. I currently live in Burton, South Carolina now still with my parents and other three siblings. As a child, I was troubled. I grew up as a preacher’s kid it runs in the family. I hardly missed a Sunday of church but that still didn’t stop me from acting up in school. I knew better then to act the way I did but I always had to prove myself to somebody. I was always named a bully because of my size even before somebody took the time to get to know me I guess that’s the life I chose. I live with both my mom and dad, plus my 3 siblings. I have 4 siblings total but I only see my other sister on my dad’s side
Growing up I didn't have a lot of time to read, I did not grow up in a stable environment for children to thrive. When I was in the third grade my life would take a drastic turn into a downward direction. My mother whom I loved so much changed drastically, started locking us out of the house. Doing any type of homework was impossible to accomplish when you are stranded outside. Later that year my parents got a divorce. There was constant turmoil; my mother was now living with a man that would later become my stepfather. Their relationship was very toxic; at first my stepfather seemed charming, we traveled to places we have never been to before. After a couple of years, things changed, they couldn't manage their finances and we were constantly
Let us see, I could say my life was the All American dream, where mom brings lemonade to the kids, while they harass the dog in the front yard, surrounded by a white picket fence. Or it could be that my life was a fairy tale, one that seems good on the outside but on the inside seemed to me a never ending nightmare. I could go on and on about how good of a life I live, or I could say all the horrible things that have happened, but I’d rather just explain what has shaped me into the person I am today, because that is what a home environment does to a person.
My mother worked day and night so I had to care for my sister and cousins. On some occasions I had to help my mom clean houses to earn money. At the age of thirteen up until I was sixteen I was cleaning houses for the people we longed to be. I got a glimpse of a life I have never known. For the most part my mom’s boss was nice, but her family was ignorant at times. They would ask me where I have traveled and if I’ve been to all these kinds of expensive places. When I answered no they asked why not. I guess they didn’t comprehend the fact that my mom and I were cleaning their dishes and making their beds for less than the minimum wage to be able to barely afford the rent of the small room we all
I was born _name__ on _date__ in _place__. I am a son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and friend. I was desperately shy as a small child, but grew out of it. My teen years were happy times sports, friends, summers spent in __place_. It all helped shape me into who I am today. My interests are many. I have always enjoyed reading about history and follow the history channel faithfully. I love music. It's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I find it calming when life gets rocky.
There are many factors that shape us into who we are, and who we will become. Some of these factors we can control, while others we cannot. While we are born into many traits of our identities, much of our other behavior is learned. My identity, for example, is “based not only on responses to the question ‘Who am I?’ but also on responses to the question ‘Who am I in relation to others?’” (Allen, 2011, p. 11). My identity and the question of who I am, are both influenced by many aspects of my life, including my hometown, my family, my friends, and my beliefs and moral values.
Sometimes a person may feel that they have no purpose in life. Finding out who you are just takes the time of sitting down and thinking of the importance in your life. Who am I? I am Mercedes Kimberly Kingston, and I am a person with different personalities, characteristics, and identities. The many ways, in which I identify myself, in fact, are the ways that define who I am. My Identity is something only I can fully define. I have a little brother, which makes me a sister; I have two loving parents, which makes me a daughter; I am in college studying medicine, which makes me a student; and I have wonderful friends in desperate need of support, which makes me a wonderful best friend.
What does this piece reveal about you as a learner? What did you learn about yourself as you worked on this piece?
You want to know what shaped/molded me as student. Wow, that's a funny qurstion! I believed I didn't know what made me who I am, but as I look back and forth, I realized, it was me. I am my own motivation. I don't look up to anyone, I just look forward to something. I am a believer, dreamer, achiever, and wonderer. As I look around me and see how my family and others of a different and same ethnicity living their whole life on a budget, barely making ends meet, I tell myself I will be better and become better. I will not let my surroundings select or change the way I am. When I was younger, I believed everything would just come and fall into my arms. I wanted to be all of the occupations I seen on TV. I planted in my head that I would be a
I have heard that someone does not have to leave everything behind to figure out his or herself, but I am not sure that is completely true. Figuring yourself out is a lifelong process, but in your adolescent years, you start with nothing. And you can’t expect to figure everything out by staying in a place you have always known. I’m in college now, and I’m yearning to know who I am more than ever. What will I be out of college? Will I be okay? What will my career be? Why am I in college in the first place? These questions haunt me, and I don’t have answers for them. I’m learning the hard way to come to terms with being uncertain. What I do know is that I love learning, I want to learn all I can, and I want to be the best person I can possibly be.
There’s a lot we can learn from the stories of our past – if we tell them in such way that enables us to hear what they really have to say. This holds true with me and my life. To put it simply, the life I’ve lived up to this point has been nothing short of a beautiful (and bumpy) roller coaster ride! As I have grown up there have been many factors that have influenced me to take on or do certain things. These things, plus some of my individual choices, have contributed into what’s made me who I am today. And with that, I’m happy to say for this moment in time, I’m satisfied with the person I am and the path I’m taking.
When I look in the mirror I know whom I am, but society makes it difficult to understand who I am, because I was born to immigrants of Nigerian descent, and I am a first generation American, that term is sometimes used so loosely. By looking at my name they assume that I am from some island, but I am so quick to tell them that “I am Nigerian”, there is another statement that normally follows this. “You do not have an accent”. I wonder if I had an accent would I be considered Nigerian and not American; then I say that “My parents are Nigerian” and then that changes, so to them I am just associated with the Nigerian culture it does not make me Nigerian, there has been many discussion between my friends who are the same like me confused to
The question “who am I”? Can have a lot of individuals thinking about themselves, including myself because one might not know where to start. It is a very broad question, but having done the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment, I realized more in depth what kind of person I really am based on my top 5 strengths. Who I am as a learner, who I am in my career and who I am as a person of faith lead me to answering the question above and understanding more of myself within.