
Who Invented Rocket Research Paper

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“The inventor of the first rocket is a mystery lost to time, but it’s believed that 9th Century Chinese alchemists invented gunpowder, which eventually led to bombs and rocket-propelled projectiles like cannonballs and arrows as well as the ubiquitous firecrackers. The use of terrorizing and deadly rockets by Genghis Khan during his widespread conquests of Asia, Russia and Europe spread the knowledge of rocket technology across the globe. The obvious military advantages of rockets as weapons of war accelerated advances in their technological development to create ever more powerful, accurate and destructive versions. A key advance was the invention of the first liquid-fueled rocket in 1926 by the American Robert Goddard in Auburn, Massachusetts. …show more content…

In the span of a few short decades this led to the German V-2 rockets and NASA’s Saturn V liquid-fueled rockets which landed the first humans on the Moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, in 1969”. Early cultures that used rockets were the Chinese, and the Greeks. The Chinese used the rockets to fight the Mongolians when they were attacking the Chinese city and for festive decorations, The Greeks Hero of Alexandria is said to have used an aeolipile, NASA added. The sphere-shaped device sat on top of a boiling pool of water. Gas from the steaming water went inside of the sphere, and escaped through two L-shaped tubes on opposite sides. The thrust created made the sphere

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