
Who Is Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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Abigail Williams plays a main role from The Crucible by Arthur Miller, this play takes place in the Spring year of 1692. The character is a seventeen year old girl from Salem, Massachusetts who is known to be very beautiful but cheats people into thinking she is innocent when in reality she is not. One thing that motivated Abigail to become who she is are the following words that John Proctor a farmer in his mid thirties says to her “... I will cut off my hand before i’ll ever reach for you again”. Abigail fell in love with Proctor when working for him and his wife Elizabeth Proctor but her affair with Proctor came to an end when Mrs. Proctor found out, Abigail was then fired. They were forbid to see each other and that triggers Abigail into being revengeful and cruel. So Abigail finds ways into taking Elizabeth Proctor’s place. People have different ways in getting back at what hurt them but what Abagail does to retaliate is horrible. …show more content…

In the woods the girls were practicing witchcraft and Abigail having a great fantasy to being with John Proctor she decides to put a “spell” on Elizabeth by drinking blood to kill her. Once her uncle Parris discovers them she lies to avoid punishment and so to shift focus away from herself she accuses many people into being involved with witchcraft. This soon affects others and their reputation in many ways. Because of being accused they were incarcerated and later hanged unless confessed but no one wanted to have dirt in their name so they died

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