Abigail Williams plays a main role from The Crucible by Arthur Miller, this play takes place in the Spring year of 1692. The character is a seventeen year old girl from Salem, Massachusetts who is known to be very beautiful but cheats people into thinking she is innocent when in reality she is not. One thing that motivated Abigail to become who she is are the following words that John Proctor a farmer in his mid thirties says to her “... I will cut off my hand before i’ll ever reach for you again”. Abigail fell in love with Proctor when working for him and his wife Elizabeth Proctor but her affair with Proctor came to an end when Mrs. Proctor found out, Abigail was then fired. They were forbid to see each other and that triggers Abigail into being revengeful and cruel. So Abigail finds ways into taking Elizabeth Proctor’s place. People have different ways in getting back at what hurt them but what Abagail does to retaliate is horrible. …show more content…
In the woods the girls were practicing witchcraft and Abigail having a great fantasy to being with John Proctor she decides to put a “spell” on Elizabeth by drinking blood to kill her. Once her uncle Parris discovers them she lies to avoid punishment and so to shift focus away from herself she accuses many people into being involved with witchcraft. This soon affects others and their reputation in many ways. Because of being accused they were incarcerated and later hanged unless confessed but no one wanted to have dirt in their name so they died
The song “Rollercoaster” by the Bleachers is a good song that can be easily relatable with the character Abigail Williams from The Crucible. Abigail and the song share many characteristics that help them relate. Abigail gets a lot of people killed, she is exciting, and she is like a teenager who ran away.
In the Crucible, Readers are introduced to many characters. Of all the characters Abigail Williams is the protagonist in Arthur Miller's “ The Crucible.” Her undying love for John Proctor, accusing people she dislikes for doing witchcraft, and having a negative effect on Elizabeth and John Proctor's marriage can all be used to back up this reasoning.
She, along with a couple other girls, met with Reverend Parris’s slave, Tituba, and practiced witchcraft. During the ritual, she casts a spell on John Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth, as a means to damage their relationship. In doing so, she would be able to be with John Proctor permanently. When Parris finds the girls in the woods, Abigail lies about the ritual so her affair would remain a secret. Moreover, she feared that her reputation within the town would be ruined.
Everyone has something to be defensive about. All people have different qualities that they do not like about their personality or their body that they are very defensive about. The most despicable character or most admirable character could be a sum of people.
In the story of The Crucible many people put other people's lives and even their own before their honor. Many people during the Salem witch trials were accused of witchery; even though they could have just plead guilty and lived, many held onto their pride and refused to plead leaving their lives hanging on the rope as well as others. Among people that made this decision in The Crucible was Abigail Williams, Reverend Parris, and Judge Danforth. Their bitter cling to their precious name costed the lives of numerous others. Abigail Williams was one of the most extreme examples of this and will be the first talked about in this read.
In the crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail, Tituba, and Judge Danforth are most responsible for causing and prolonging the witch trials. Abigail was the first one to start accusing people. Tituba was the one who led the girls into the forest and John proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams.
Abigail Williams is a manipulative character that broke apart the town through lies, accusations, and trying to get what she wanted. Abigail, the niece of a reverend, should be a good girl but instead is considered a whore and a liar. She is motivated by wanting to marry John Proctor, be a mom, and be considered a “saint”. By wanting these things she goes out of her way to get a potion created to kill John’s wife, and get others to agree with her. By doing these things it creates death and terror throughout the town and causes manys to be hanged and killed brutally. Abigail goes to court and accuses many people of witchcraft and sending her soul on
Abigail Williams is a 17 year old girl whose parents were murdered, so Parris has taken care of her since they’ve been murdered. She had worked for the Proctor’s as their servant, but she was fired by Elizabeth Proctor. John Proctor was having an affair with Abigail until Elizabeth had discovered what they’ve been doing so she fired Abigail. John knew he was sinning and this sin would ruin him. He realized that he loves his wife Elizabeth, so he stop seeing Abigail for love. Abigail was upset that he didn’t love her, so the only way for her to have him was to get rid of Elizabeth from his life. Abigail tried to get rid of Mrs. Proctor by dancing in the woods and talking to the Devil. In act one Betty screams out the truth about the night and what Abigail’s plan was. She said “You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor.” (pg
Abigail Williams had many chances to take back, apologize, and reverse everything she did to Salem. As a result of this behavior, Abigail is not a victim of her society. She had an extravagant amount of opportunities to not be punished for her actions and spare many innocent lives. Abigail Williams in The Crucible was a truly evil human being.
In The Crucible, people’s words, actions, and minds change with the attributions from the devil. During this time, individuals, such as John Proctor and Abigail Williams, could be prosecuted for witchcraft. John Proctor, a tragic hero, spoke his mind with honor, integrity, and truthfulness. John is well-respected in the community, but soon gets ruined by a 17-year old, Abigail Williams. She ruins
Abigail lies to conceal her affair with Proctor and to prevent any charges of her witchcraft. Abigail is also vindictive because of her actions against Elizabeth Proctor. The fact that Elizabeth is Proctor’s wife is what led to Abigail’s loathing towards her. Abigail drinks blood to end Elizabeth’s life.
Patty Jenkins, an American film director and screenwriter wrote,“Every villain has their belief system that makes perfect sense to them.” This quote is reminiscent of Abigail Williams, a character in The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller. In Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, four girls were caught doing witchcraft. The girls accused other innocents of witchcraft, so they would not be framed for it. Due to the girl's actions, many of them, accused were hanged to death. Abigail Williams was a villain in The Crucible.
During the late 1600’s, 19 people were hung and and hundreds more arrested and jailed on the account of conjuring with the devil and divulging into witchcraft. In 1692, a hysteria broke out in Salem, Massachusetts. Witchcraft was being uttered in every inch of the small Puritan town, spiraling Salem down a dark path from which they would have no chance of returning. Names of accused were flying around faster than the winds rolling in from the ocean. Mass panic drove people to find any way to survive the Salem Witch Trials, as we now know them. These actions are what playwright Arthur Miller covers in his play The Crucible; clearly, the literary character Abigail Williams emerges to manipulate the Puritanical society of Salem using their superstition
In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible Abigail Williams, an unmarried orphan in the Massachusetts town of Salem, incessantly grows more jealous, her desire for vengeance only grows stronger, and her selfishness escalates. She repeatedly lies to save herself by denying her involvement in witchcraft. Abigail's Jealousy of Elizabeth Proctor intensifies in attempt to realize her desire for Elizabeth's husband John Proctor. In order to save herself she accuses the innocent, without any sense of ethical violation. Abigail proves to be a selfish antagonist in The Crucible that shows no sense of right and wrong.
The many books, there are characters that are hated. These people are called the antagonist characters. In the Crucible, the most hated character was Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams was considered the most hated character because she very deceptive, inconsiderate, and selfish. She was considered deceptive because she constantly chases John Proctor to get his affection. The worse part about this situation is that John Proctor is married to a woman named Elizabeth Proctor. She is seen as being inconsiderate because she accuses other people in the village of being a witch to get fame or attention. Abigail does this when she falsely accuses Tituba of being a witch. She is selfish in the story when she says she would tell John Proctor about when