By gathering all the facts given by Holocaust survivors, Nazi Soldier’s confessions to their horrible crimes and the reliable documentation garden by the end of WWII; it concludes that Adolf Hitler did target the Jewish population and other minority groups by gathering them in concentrations camps and eliminating them by lethal chemicals. There is no person blinder than the one that refuses to see. Holocaust deniers are just focusing on there one true race and they cannot see they are targeting their failures on others. This world has only one race, it does not matter what we believe in as long as we do not hurt each other we can follow our own belief as an individual or as a group. Aldof Hitler’s hatred toward the Jewish community made him
Hitler believed that the German people were part of an 'Aryan race,' a superior group that should be kept pure to fulfill their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were 'sub-human,' when in actuality they were virtually the same as his 'Aryan race.' Not only did Hitler have a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for 'stabbing Germany in the back' after Germany's defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a minority and were easy to put the blame on. 'Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation. That anti-Semitism festered throughout the centuries in European culture is centrally important; the Jews were (and are) a minority civilization in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of searching for the solution of
Another fact in support of Browning is that Hitler almost didn’t talk about his hatred of the Jews in public, so anti-Semitism didn’t play the main role in bringing him to power in 1933. After his election, German population was basically divided in two groups; people who strongly supported anti-Semitism and people for whom it was not a priority. Those who radically supported anti-Jewish laws passed by National Socialist Party, were violent toward Jewish population of Germany. Series of pogroms against Jewish-owned businesses were conducted in 1938, around 100 Jews were killed and 33.000 were sent to concentration camps. The Nazi political party gained more supporters during that time, because anti-Semitic measures looked like the only option to stop violence among German population. Another aspect of World War 2, according to Brwoning, that proves that anti-Semitism was not the main moving force in killings of Holocaust is that German soldiers killed millions and millions of none-Jewish people all around the Europe. German handicapped, Polish upper class, Soviet prisoners of war, Gypsies; all these groups of people were targeted during Nazi regime. So Brwoning argues that Jewish people were no different from other victims of Nazi genocide during years of World War 2. According to Christopher R. Browning, Germans soldiers who carried out the Final Solution
In 1933, while Hitler was creating his master race and totalitarian government, Dachau was built for government officials that were against Hitler. This facility, the first of its kind to be constructed, would eventually be turned into a death camp for Jews, the physically and mentally unstable, gypsies, and homosexuals. I have always wondered why the Nazis singled out the Jews and killed so many of them. Why the Jews? For a number of reasons. First, because the Jews were considered one of the “undesirable” groups because their genetic and cultural make-up did not meet Nazi standards, that is, they were not of the Aryan race. Second, Hitler and the Nazis had a very backward view of history, believing that all history was a struggle for racial superiority. Third, the Nazis, in their great ignorance, believed that the Jews had a natural drive, even a genetic impulse, to take over the world, and that the Aryan race would be dominated and enslaved by the Jews if they weren’t exterminated. Fourth, Hitler was brought up in Vienna, where Jews played an important role in the city's political and
The Jews weren’t always liked, and they never had a place to call home, being spread out all across Europe. However Hitler took things to another level, blaming the Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI and its following economic depression and. It is unknown why he chose the Jews as scapegoats, or whether he actually even believed the Jews were responsible, but all he saw at the time was Jews living in prosperity while Germans were suffering. Hitler’s hate made him feel like he had to exterminate all the Jews in Europe, so in his memoir “Mein Kampf”, Hitler wrote down how he planned to kill all the Jews. However the Jews then didn’t believe one man would be willing to go this far for no certain reason.
From 1933-1939, some of Hitler’s laws were ones of semitism with the main persecution being on those of Jewish descent. Other than a boycott on Jewish businesses, they were not allowed to join the military, go to schools or universities, perform in shows, marry those who were not Jewish, and eventually, all parts of public life. Jews were not the only ones that were persecuted though. Those who had disabilities, incurable diseases, homosexuals, and were not of the Aryan-race were also singled out and shunned by society. For Hitler to create a utopia, he needed to think of a way to send away and dispose of those he saw as not worthy of being a German.
One major, controversial event that occurred during the WWII was the Holocaust. There has been much debate about the causes of the Holocaust, as many factors have been discussed. Therefore, this investigation will assess to what extent was Hitler the cause of the Holocaust. The four factors that will be assessed will be the widespread anti-Semitism, the role of Hitler himself, the demonizing of Jews made by the state churches and the Treaty of Versailles.
To hold the entire Nazi military accountable for the crimes committed during the Holocaust was implausible, so it was agreed that only high-positioned military officers and Nazi Party powers involved with the coordination of the Holocaust or those were directly involved in the genocide would be put on
In spite of the fact that it is a commonly known historical piece of the Holocaust, it’s authenticity has been questioned. Some conspiracies deny that it even happened at all. Through the analyzation of Hitler’s own violent anti-Semitism, powerful position, and ability to convey Nazi propaganda into action, one can see how he is the sole cause of the Holocaust.
insane to torture the human race that way. Others praise him for attempting to exterminate
Shockingly, Adolf Hitler wasn’t the only person responsible for the atrocities of the Holocaust. For context, the Holocaust was the mass murder and assassination of Jewish people by the Nazi Regime. The Nazi’s would put Jewish people in gas chambers, making them believe it was only a shower, they would put them in concentration camps, or even burned alive. Jewish people who were seen as fit to work, would be dehumanized, starved, and even worked to death. Besides Hitler, the German army and nazi soldiers who committed to and carried out the Final Solution, and Top SS officers who helped Hitler conspire the Final Solution, were heavily responsible for the atrocities of the Holocaust.
There are many groups of people that were part of the problem of the Holocaust, but only two of them stood out the most to me. One group that stood out was the SS officers, because “SS chief Heinrich Himmler also turned the regular (nonparty) police forces into an instrument of terror. (SS Police State, n.d.)” The other group are the German citizens, for example, Franz Stangl who was “commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps, who oversaw the gassing of about a million Jews. (BBC - History - World Wars:
Everybody knows that Adolf Hitler was the guy to blame for the Holocaust, but others who helped Hitler along the way, directly or indirectly, aren’t exempt from blame either. The Holocaust was an event taking place from 1941 to 1945, where over six million Jewish people died because of Hitler’s beliefs. Hitler believed in “Aryan Superiority,” which means that Hitler thought that a pure German man was the superior race to every other. He and his followers (known as the Nazis) tried to exterminate all Jews, disabled people, other races, LGBTQ+ members, and anyone who wasn’t a pure German from Germany. This eventually led to World War II Besides Adolf Hitler, Nazi soldiers, and Top SS Officers (Schutzstaffel, A.K.A. Protection Squadron) were the
For years follow the Holocaust and still today, people find themselves wondering -- why the Jews? Why would Hitler target the Jews primarily of all other groups that could be found in the population of Germany? The number of Jewish people in this world currently amounts to about 14 million people which results in less than 0.2% of the overall population. Hitler’s reasoning for blaming the Jews wasn’t because they deserved to be hated, but instead that they were already dug deep into a hole that made others find it easy to hate this group of people based on hundreds of years of discrimination and false information.
The Holocaust was a time where millions of Jews were killed, and for what reason: their religion. Over time, the Holocaust has been taught throughout the world as a learning experience about the horrendous incident that occurred .The word "Holocaust" is from Greek, which means "sacrifice by fire”. The people who were responsible for such a horrendous event in history had to have the power and the ability to do something so appalling. The two most responsible for the Holocaust were Adolf Hitler who was the mastermind that guided the Holocaust, and the Top SS who were equally responsible because they fulfilled Hitler’s ghastly mission and goals for the Holocaust. In this essay i will prove that the two most responsible for the horrible event
January 30, 1933, the start of a great tragedy the world will never forget. Millions of Jews senselessly murdered because one man’s prejudices. The Holocaust was and still is one of the most sickening events in the world’s history. It demonstrated how one single man and an abundance of hate can affect millions. But who was the perpetrator of the Holocaust, and how did the traumatic event begin in the first place?