
Who Is Anne Frank Courageous

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Have you ever felt courageous? Have you ever felt like you have done something that could have harmed you? My definition of courage is not thinking twice about doing something that could risk your life. Malala Yousafzai,Anne Frank and Ben Kamm are three very courageous people in this world. Malala is a very courageous person she stood up to a deadly terrorist group. While Anne stayed in the secret annex for years upon years. Ben Kamm was very courageous he fought against the Nazis. These three people showed tremendous amounts of courage because they all risked their lives. These three people should and will be remember for a lifetime and more. They risked their lives and protecting others life’s. They went through so many traumatic things. …show more content…

She lived a normal life until the Holocaust. Anne Frank was a child when she moved to the annex,but when she was freed she was a teenager. She went to a school with the other kids like a normal kid.According to Goodrich and Hackett Otto (Anne's father) told Anne that they were going to move. Anne agreed and got ready to leave (Goodrich and Hackett 3-8). Anne went through so much she had to stay quiet in the secret annex for about nine to ten hours every day for years. In The Diary of Anne Frank: The Play, Otto states “ Now about the noise.While the men are in the building below,we must have complete quite.Every sound can be heard down there...The men came at about eight-thirty,and leave at about five-thirty.” (Goodrich and Hackett 10). This shows what Anne,her family,and all the other families had to go through. They had to stay quiet during the day for long periods of time so they would not get caught. They had to make sure that none of the men downstairs in the offices heard them. If they got caught they would have the chance of losing their live by the Nazis. Anne was a little girl then a teenager when all of this happened. She went through so much. From sharing rooms with other people to sharing a limited supply of food with many other

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