Have you ever felt courageous? Have you ever felt like you have done something that could have harmed you? My definition of courage is not thinking twice about doing something that could risk your life. Malala Yousafzai,Anne Frank and Ben Kamm are three very courageous people in this world. Malala is a very courageous person she stood up to a deadly terrorist group. While Anne stayed in the secret annex for years upon years. Ben Kamm was very courageous he fought against the Nazis. These three people showed tremendous amounts of courage because they all risked their lives. These three people should and will be remember for a lifetime and more. They risked their lives and protecting others life’s. They went through so many traumatic things. …show more content…
She lived a normal life until the Holocaust. Anne Frank was a child when she moved to the annex,but when she was freed she was a teenager. She went to a school with the other kids like a normal kid.According to Goodrich and Hackett Otto (Anne's father) told Anne that they were going to move. Anne agreed and got ready to leave (Goodrich and Hackett 3-8). Anne went through so much she had to stay quiet in the secret annex for about nine to ten hours every day for years. In The Diary of Anne Frank: The Play, Otto states “ Now about the noise.While the men are in the building below,we must have complete quite.Every sound can be heard down there...The men came at about eight-thirty,and leave at about five-thirty.” (Goodrich and Hackett 10). This shows what Anne,her family,and all the other families had to go through. They had to stay quiet during the day for long periods of time so they would not get caught. They had to make sure that none of the men downstairs in the offices heard them. If they got caught they would have the chance of losing their live by the Nazis. Anne was a little girl then a teenager when all of this happened. She went through so much. From sharing rooms with other people to sharing a limited supply of food with many other
Anne Frank is a Jewish girl who had to go into hiding because of the anti Jewish culture of Germany in July 1942. Anne's family and another family decide to go into hiding. They hide in the secret annex and survive for for two years. But they get caught and sent to concentration camps. Dispute the horrendous treatment Anne faced she still stayed optimistic, caring, and playful.
While in hiding, Anne Frank was closed off from the world as she was not allowed to leave the “Secret Annex”. To pass time Anne would read books and wrote in an autograph book she received for her 13th birthday, the book in which she used as a diary described her life in hiding, her various thoughts, and relationships with the members of the Secret Annex in which Anne was hiding in. Before going into hiding, Otto Frank had notified a few of his most trusted workers where they would be hiding. The workers would shortly visit the annex to tend the Franks with necessities such as food and gave news of the war. Although life was hard, their survival from Hitler’s regime seemed promising until in a sudden sad turn of events, one of Otto’s workers
Anne Frank Was a teenage Jewish girl and was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. Anne Frank and her family went hiding in a secret attic in the Amsterdam office building where Mr.Frank had worked. They were joined by the Van Daans and Mr. Dussel.
Anne didn’t have much of an adult life due to her death at 15. She died in a Nazi concentration camp at the age of 15. What Anne did to get famous was write in her diary about her stay in the secret annex. Her family hiding was an attempt
In the play “Anne Frank” they are located in Amsterdam July 6th 1942. They are in hiding in what is called the Annex during WWII. The people at the Annex are Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Mr.Frank and Mrs. Frank, Peter Van Daan, Mr. Van Daan, Mrs. Van Daan, and Mr Dussel, we know this because Mr. Frank gave Anne Frank a diary and she wrote in the diary a lot giving us this information. In times like this, you would need lots of Courage, Compassion, and Sacrifice to get through the tough times.
How does Anne change throughout her time in the Annex? Anne used to be an innocent thirteen year old child who was caught in a world were Hitler’s nazis had complete and ultimate power. She was powerless in the situation that she was in but she always believed that there was a good side to everything.
“There's only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody else! It sound egotistical, but it's actually the only cure for those suffering from self-pity.” (Frank 321) Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who went into hiding during World War II to avoid being captured by the Nazis. She and seven other people had to hide in a secret annex Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. Anne received a diary on her 13th birthday and wrote about all the little things that had happened to her throughout the day.
Weston McNearney Ms. Krick English 8 12 March 2024 Title goes here “Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war breaks out against me, even then I will be confident (Psalms 27:3).” This psalm is an amazing example of courage prevailing over thousands of years. But courage is not clearly defined to many, as there are a plethora of definitions, but one which can stand for almost any situation is as follows: Courage is to do the morally righteous action despite the consequences one may face. In Malala Yousafzai’s speech when she received the Nobel peace prize, it is easily observable how she is doing the right thing despite the risks.
Growing up during the Holocaust was a rough time especially for Anne. Growing up in a small cramped annex with strict rules and a family she hardly knew was not an easy transition from her living in her own home with some to no rules. To go into hiding Anne had to give up all of her friends and leave the school she was attending. It was like her and her family just disappeared. While staying in the annex for two years Anne has shown many characteristics of a survivor such as being friendly, becoming composed and having an optimistic attitude.
Throughout history, there have been countless times whenre individuals have courageously fought for change and societal justice. For instance, Gandhi helped India gain their independence, even though the circumstances were extremely risky for him, and could have led to his arrest or even death. However, he continued to persevere through it all, and was able to accomplish great things for his country. Another example is Malala Yousafzai, who promoted the education of girls in her country. Despite the clear threat of the Taliban, she continued to fight hard for her cause. Courage can be defined in many different ways, such as the ability to persevere and accomplish something in a frightening or risky situation. Examples of courage can be seen all around the world. Without courageous people, society would not have been able to improve. Being courageous is difficult, and requires an abundance of dedication and perseverance. It also includes remaining strong, despite the challenges that may occur along the way.
Only being 13 Anne Frank had to go into hiding with her family and 8 others to survive. This had a huge toll on her life to where it brought great emotional difficulties to her. Almost a year before Anne got her diary her family started to look for a hiding place. July 5th, 1944 they went into hiding after getting a letter to work in a German camp they called their now new home, Secret Annex. They were in hiding for two years and one month. Anne struggled to fit in with the people around her and developed depression. “On September 16, 1943, Anne admitted that she has started taking drops of valerian for her anxiety and depression,”(About.com Education). On August 4th, 1944 they were all found and sent to a camp. That October Anne died of typhus about a month later everyone was sent free. Although Anne Frank had help from brave people, she was sadly not one of the lucky Holocaust survivors. Others children, however, were luckier.
When it comes to fearless and courage, Malala Yousafzai fits right into that category. In Yousafzai’s early life, she has to break rules in order to receive an education. One thing she did was she illegally attended school, realizing that education was crucially important to her. Then she went under a false name online where she blogged the activity in her hometown, speaking out against the people who were taking away her and other girls’ education. Instead of waiting for the army to take action against the Taliban, she asked herself words of encouragement to keep doing what she’s doing: “Why shall I wait for someone else? Why shall I be looking to the government, to the army, that they would help us? Why don’t I raise my voice? Why don’t we
Thirteen year old Anne Frank is stuck in an attic for 2 years during World War II. This can sometimes take a toll on one's personality. Anne Frank's book titled "The Diary of Anne Frank" takes people through what it was like to be a Jewish teenager during World War II. Anne and her family was forced to move into hiding, because of the harsh measures being taken by Nazis to rid Europe of Jews. During Anne's time in the annex, readers get to know her well, as she changes from the beginning, to the end of her time in hiding. While Anne at the beginning is different from Anne at the end, she still is consistent in some of her personality traits throughout the entire book. When the tyranny of Hitler began, Anne’s concerns changed, along with
What if Anne Frank lived, what would she be like? When people think about Anne Frank some may think “Holocaust”, “Writer”, or even “Amazing”. Anne Frank’s diary is very well known, and her story shows a young girl that was courageous, brave, and most of all hopeful. But what was it really like during her time of living?
In the story the meaning of courage is being brave. So the story it's talking about a brave little girl named Anne Frank that was hiding from the nazis. Also there were a lot of people that were non-jews. So the people that were non-jews were against the nazis. Another thing about the non-jews is that they had courage in them.