
Who Is Beowulf A Hero

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A hero can be defined as a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character. Beowulf possess more than a few traits of heroism. He shows his strength, courage, bravery and honor. Beowulf showed characteristics of a hero by sailing his men to Herot to defeat Grendal from terrorizing the mead hall of Shielding. He choose to fight for the good of the mankind and showed a pure heart to protect the people without expecting anything in return. He risk his life for people whom he did not now. A true hero who risked his life for no reason but to stop this evil from killing Hrothgars people shows his compassion for human beings. First, Beowulf demonstrates that he is fearless and a courageous man. Beowulf says, “When it comes to fighting. I count myself as dangerous any day as Grendal” (55). Beowulf is basically stating …show more content…

Beowulf wanted to revenge the deaths of all his men and all those whom lost their lives to the dragon. Beowulf speaks for the last time by saying, “I risked my life many times when I was young and now I am older and king I will fight for glory of winning” (93). Now here he is being boastful and full of himself as if he knows he will win the fight against the dragon. As a honorable and brave man he chooses to fight the dragon with no weapons just as he done with Grendal. Revenge is not of a hero. A hero would not have scores to settle. A hero should fight only to protect others not out of their own revenge. Revenge and hatred can make the strongest man a weak opponent. For this is the reason that Beowulf lost to the dragon. Not that he was not strong enough, but because he let his vengeance take the best of him. He was filled with his own evil just as the dragon was to. He did end up killing the dragon; so for this he truly won and not lost the battle. In the final battle with the dragon he was fatally wounded, but he won the battle before he

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