If you think about your childhood and where you are now, you can tell how much people change from experiences, friends, and family just like Bilbo did. Bilbo is a very multifaceted character, he is the heroic protagonist who you follow throughout the adventure. He begins as a follower and ends as brave, heroic leader. As the protagonist, Bilbo is the main character whom you follow throughout this adventure. You can tell that he is the protagonist because he is the character that you know most about. The narrator tells us his emotions and his ideas and most of the time, the narrator knows what the main character thinks. You can also tell that he is the protagonist because he has a drive which enhances the plot and makes it exciting. Bilbo’s goal it ultimately to kill Smaug, but along the way the realizes that his personal goal is to become more Tookish. The first time we see this is when he agrees to the adventure because he is tired of staying at home comfortably and he would rather evolve to be more curious and …show more content…
At the beginning of the book, he was a comfort loving hobbit who, even though he agreed to the adventure, was somewhat cowardly and often hapless. He is constantly in need of saving and help. For example Gandalf had to save Bilbo and the dwarves when they got in trouble with the trolls and when Dori had to carry him while they were escaping because he was slower than the others. At the end of every adventure at the first half of the book, Bilbo would always dream of his comfortable hobbit home and would always regret the adventure. However as the story line developed, Bilbo learned to be more adventurous and brave. His true turning point moment was when he had to escaped Gollum all by himself. He learned to use his wits and not rely on Gandalf or the dwarves to save him. From this he evolves into a heroic leader when he saves the dwarves from the spiders all by
In 1949, Joseph Campbell discussed the hero’s journey, the foundation commonly used in stories throughout history. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, the hero’s journey narrative is used to tell the story of Bilbo Baggins’s adventure. The novel follows Bilbo Baggins and a company of dwarves as they seek to take back the dwarves’ fallen kingdom. As the story progresses, Bilbo’s character develops and the dwarves perception of him develops through the many trials before the death of Smaug the dragon and the final battle between a variety of mythical creatures. In The Hobbit, the dwarves originally doubt Bilbo’s abilities but as Bilbo encounters more obstacles and succeeds, the dwarves perception turns to one of respect and admiration.
Hobbit Essay: Emerging Hero Is Bilbo Baggins, from The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien a lonely hobbit or is he the most heroic hero there is? Bilbo learns that he is capable of doing many things during his adventure, learning many things that were hidden away from his great ancestors on the Tookish side. Bilbo learns from Thorin and the other dwarves how to be courageous, heroic and intelligent, but above all else how to lead the expedition into the great unknown with a victory. His traits and will to learn stand out to the other dwarves who later begin to admire his greatness.
Bilbo is a timid, comfortable, and compact in his secure little hole at Bag End. Gandalf persuaded him into going on a quest with Thorin’s dwarves. Bilbo became afraid that he fainted. As the novel progresses, Bilbo prevails in the face of danger and adversity, justifying Gandalf’s early claim that there is more to him than what he thought. Bilbo’s journey fits into the tradition of a hero’s quest, because he basically went somewhere in order to gain something.
Bilbo is a plain and simple individual. Throughout the book, however, Bilbo is faced with difficulties that he never dreamed would confront him. Instead of cowering away, Bilbo shows that he has the strength to prevail against his greatest enemies. This strength that Bilbo finds, along with other traits, are why I believe the he is a hero. These are a few of the characteristics that define
Bilbo Baggins changes a lot in the novel The Hobbit. In the beginning he is a small peaceful Hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. He loves to keep things in order, and hates things that are disorganized. “Please be careful,” and “Please don’t trouble. I can manage” (Tolkein, 12). Then one day a wizard by the name of Gandalf comes and gives Bilbo the opportunity to go on an adventure. Bilbo turns his offer down, but the next day thirteen dwarves come to his house. They have meals together and they sleep at Bilbo’s house. Gandalf then convinces him to go on an adventure with them. Bilbo is many things, in the very begging he is flat, static, main, and he is the protagonist. By the end of the story he is round, dynamic, main, and he is still the
In the fantasy novel The Hobbit, by J.R. Tolkien there are a lot of obstacles the character Bilbo Baggins has to confront. Throughout the book Bilbo seems to take on different challenges, which allow him to mature faster in a way that the Shire would not allow. In the Shire, Bilbo was just a normal hobbit who minded his own business and was never late for dinner. But after Gandalf and the dwarves came knocking on his door, his whole life seemed to change in an instant and it kept changing in a way that Bilbo had no control over. The farther that Bilbo moved through this journey the more he opened up to the world. At the shire Bilbo could have been considered a child in some ways because, he knew of no evil that existed outside of his world
When you think of a hero, is the first character to pop in your head a little hobbit named Bilbo Baggins? In most cases, people think of Superman or Hercules, but in The Hobbit, an unexpected hero emerges and changes the name for all heroes to come. The Hobbit is a novel about Bilbo Baggins and his journey, with thirteen dwarves and a wizard, seeking the treasure stolen by the dragon, Smaug. While on this unexpected journey, Bilbo and his companions overcome many obstacles to eventually get to the treasure and retrieve it. Throughout the story, Bilbo develops into a courageous man, who indeed, is a hero. Richard Tyre wrote an article, “You Can’t Teach Tolkien,” and he explains his theory in which he connects multiple story’s plot with six elements. The Hobbit, is assuredly a prime example of Tyre’s theory because it follows all six steps throughout the story simultaneously. The six elements are; “(1) those who hunt for treasure, (2) must go alone, (3) at night, (4) and when they find it, (5) they must leave some of their blood behind, (6) and the treasure is never what they expected” (Tyre 19). These elements are steps in which a character must take to emerge into a hero in the end. Bilbo Baggins is the hero in The Hobbit, but he doesn’t start off as the hero. He has always had heroic traits but throughout the novel, he pursues those six steps and in the resolution, he is transformed into an actual hero.
“There he lay, a vast red-golden dragon, fast asleep; a thrumming came from his jaws and nostrils,” Bilbo Baggins was a self-centered hobbit who only cared about his well being. Like every other hobbit, he had no time for adventures but when a peculiar fellow shows up to his house, all he got was an adventure filled with perils. The book, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is about friendship, courage, and perseverance. The book begins in the home of Bilbo Baggins and ends in it too. Bilbo is just an ordinary hobbit but he soon changes as he gets whisked away on an adventure by a wizard named Gandalf.
The Hobbit is about is about Bilbo Baggins going on an adventure and becoming the hero that he needed to be I will be discussing Bilbo Baggins and how he develops and changes throughout the story. I
In conclusion, we can now see that Bilbo is in fact a dynamic character. He gains many qualities he can use in the future, like courage, learning to use his wits, and letting out the adventurous side in him. He used to be almost paranoid, to himself, and strict. But now he has turned into something much bigger, an adventurer. So the adventure changed him for the better. This is how Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit we thought would never do anything
Eventually he becomes their leader, despite Thorin's position as heir to the king of Thror. Bilbo, as the chief characters, is included in each theme and instalment in the novel. The quest, which primarily belonged to the dwarves developed into being his as well. In verity, the pursuit for Bilbo is not only for the treasure, but for his own self-discovery. At the start, however, he does not know this.
Baggins. He felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach” (Tolkien 141-142). This event has led to Bilbo beginning to believe in himself, which is an important contribution to his overall development into the hero of this tale. Finally, when Bilbo is met with the task of meeting the dragon Smaug, he does not turn back. Even when he must walk alone through the dark, secluded hallway to Smaug’s lair knowing that he could meet his doom at any instant, he walked on. His internal being knows this is his final test of courage, and his will to carry on demonstrates his final development into a hero.
Bilbo Baggins, an excellent example of character progression, greatly changes throughout the story of the Hobbit. Bilbo goes from timid and simple to powerful and wise. Along the way, Bilbo encounters trolls, goblins, and a dragon. Through all of Bilbo’s travels he stands firm to the end.
These were all characteristics of the main character - Bilbo Baggins. The process of becoming a hero, which Bilbo goes through, begins with a simple knock on his door one morning. Soon Bilbo is recruited, unknowingly and unwillingly, as a burglar into Thorin’s expedition, by the mysterious wizard, Gandalf. Bilbo is soon called to adventure. This was probably the only opportunity a hobbit such as Bilbo would ever get to go on such an expedition, but Bilbo was very reluctant, at first. Bilbo was good hearted, sacrificing and loyal. He would have given up his life for the betterment of others and this is what made him a true hero. At first, he didn’t want any adventure, but then he saw Gandalf’s faith and belief in him, and he decided to go on the adventure. Bilbo, like a real hero, always made sure that he finished the work he set out to do. Without Bilbo, the dwarves would not be able to finish all the tasks that they wanted to finish. Bilbo was also the reason why the dwarves were still alive. Bilbo saved the dwarves from many different disasters. The disasters ranged from the spiders to Smaug. Through good or bad, Bilbo always showed all the characteristics of a real
As children develop into adults, certain events and time periods stand out as the reason for important changes in their character. J.R.R. Tolkien portrayed the main character of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, as a child on his trip into adulthood. Throughout The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, the protagonist, changes from a childlike hobbit to a fully matured hero. J.R.R. Tolkien divides the change in Bilbo's character into the three major part of the book, prior to the quest, during the quest, and after the quest.